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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. After careful deliberation, and considering ReZ´s arguments, I´ll take a chance and vote: Yvonne. Hopefully I made the right decision.
  2. vote: Diageo. That's my strongest suspicion. To add: I'll deal with Yvonne vs Rez next day (assuming there is one). I'll have to go through there posts again before I decide between them. I trust Peeps.
  3. And why is that? Why would you want this? I mean, I´ll give you my character, no problem. I´m Wilfred Walrus. But what are you going to do with that info? As far as I know, you´re character has no bearing at all on gameplay. Diageo and ReZ have both been sketch with info (with Diageo calling me secretive[/i]. Between Yvonne and ReZ, I don´t know. I´m inclined to go for ReZ because of the info, but Yvonne is trying hard to get me lynched. Is there no alignment investigator by the way? Is there no useful info at all?
  4. Secretive with what? You know all my info by now.. Why don´t you tell us what you´ve done. #### In fact: vote: Diageo
  5. The shield is mine, but it does not fully protect.
  6. Then you should watch Incendies, from the same director. I thought that one was beter, though I liked Prisoners as well. Enemy is also by the same director, and is also good, although pretty vague unlike Incendies and Prisoners. Anyway, I did what I said I´d do, and pre-ordered it, so I´ll see for myself if the show is any good. Strangely though, Amazon has sent me an update notifying me of an actual releasedate in June, which is not consistent with HBO´s regular release schedule, so I don't know how reliable this info is.
  7. I never said I was? #### Anway, I will not go down before I know who has got my shield. It´s possible someone interfered, but I´ve received no notice of being roleblocked, and I doubt Jimbob had a higher priority than I did. Peeps must be lying if there was no interference.
  8. Sorry, but it really does. Just wtf are you talking about kb/s? You know the difference between analogue and digital right? It is a fact, that vinyl has a theoretical higher quality than CD´s, because of it being analogue. Again, theoretically, sound can be recorded to vinyl one to one, which can´t be done digitally, you always lose quality in the process. But that´s theoretical. Like I said, vinyl is prone to dust and scratches, CD´s less so. You go have a look at this link: http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/question487.htm
  9. Then I guesss The Peeps was on of Jimbob's last targets. I certainly did target The Peeps, or at least attempted to. So someone else probably was shielded then. I received no PM´s in any case. #### Although Jimbob shouldn´t have been able to target you. Are you very sure you didn´t get a shield Peeps? Rummy, you did get a PM didn´t you? If Jimbob´s priority was higher for some reason, then I think the only players he could´ve switched with The Peeps are Yvonne or ReZ. I´d like to know who has my shield.
  10. There´s an oldskool style point & click adventure on Steam called [Heroine´s quest: the herald of Ragnarok] I´ve been playing for an hour or so, but the game definitely has charm. Oh and it´s free.
  11. And why is that?
  12. If you didn´t care for the first episodes, I suspect you´re not going to like it. I loved the first episodes of season 1, but then I missed the rest. Then I got Netflix, and I found the middle episodes to be not so great. But then towards the end it got better again. I do agree that Claire is one of the most annoying protagonists I´ve ever seen in a show that holds my interest. It´s a shame because I actually like the actress. I do like here when she goes crazy though, that´s awesome. Like I said, I did like the end, so I´m going to watch season 2, which apparently recently became available here on Netflix. But again, I suspect it´s just not for you. That said, Homeland is a remake of a foreign show, from Israel I believe, someone here mentioned the title. Maybe that one´s better. It´s funny how I rarely actually watch Netflix. I should start with Breaking Bad some time..
  13. I was exaggerating folks. Vinyl delivers the best audio quality theoretically, but is prone to scratches. The best medium of course is flac. Geez.. For collectors of physical media though, vinyl is much cooler than a CD, or I dunno, an Itunes giftcard. But I guess I´m on my own here : peace:. Anyway, like I said in the OP (although you seems to have focussed on just one minor sentence), even if you don´t care about vinyl, there will also be live music, but that will be announced closer to the date of the event. Well, I intend to go, so I´d say no.
  14. 1 Rummy 2 .. Rummy 3 The Peeps
  15. This will be even funnier if you´ve seen American Hustle:
  16. Does anyone know what this is, and is looking forward to it? For those who don´t know: It´s a day where people celebrate the BEST medium to put music on: vinyl. It´s a worldwide event, with a lot of recordstores participating in each country. They sell a lot of limited vinyl releases, some specifically released for this event, and therefore very hard to get outside of it. Apart from that, some recordstores will also have live music on that day. This year it´s held on April 19. As for the exclusive releases: they vary a bit per country, some are worldwide releases, some are exclusive to that country (local bands etc.). The records span the broadest range of genres you can think of, in fact some of it doesn´t seem to be music. But there´s bound to be something you like. All kinds of genres, soundtracks, new, old, special re-releases, or limited vinyl exclusives in fancy colours for the collector.. Since most of you are British, here´s a list on the UK site: http://www.recordstoreday.co.uk/exclusive-products/2014/ Also, keep in mind not every store will stock every record. Even if you don´t care about vinyl in general, this list is a great way to discover new (or old) music. You can spend an evening googling the list of 400 releases. As for live events, you´ll have to check yourself, but they haven´t announced anything yet so far. But you can also check your local recordstore to see if they have any special plans. Since I´m a collector of all kinds of media, vinyl is just part of the game. I used to have DJ ambitions (well, I guess I still have more or less), so most of my small colection is dance / house related, but with the trend nowadays of pop artists rediscovering vinyl as a medium (being more exclusive), I´m buying other stuff as well. When I have the money that is. But I like physical objects, being a collector, and when I can choose between a CD and vinyl, I´ll opt for vinyl. Doesn´t seem I´ll have much money to spend next month, but after a quick look, I have my eyes set on at least: Bonobo ft Szjerdene - Get Thy Bearings And I also kind of like the sound of: London Grammar - Hey Now Last year I bought this one (didn´t have any money back then as well.. Otherwise I´d had bought more). Sébastien Tellier & Caroline Polachek - In The Crew Of Tea Time
  17. Yeah sorry, I´ll try not to miss most of the day again. I was successful once again. I prefer not to give my role information yet, on the other hand, it seems some people already guessed it, in which case my targets are no mystery. ###### In addition, I´ll give info if I need to interfere, but at the moment it´s not necessary.
  18. Didn´t exactly get the chance yesterday, but I was successful in my action, as was I last night. But I have no info to report other than that.
  19. I had a casual interest in it. I was interested in the series way back, but it wasn´t properly shown here, so I´ve never actually seen it. But I would´ve like to see how a fun little Kickstarter project turned out in the cinema, but it´s not playing in Cinemas here. There´s a special screening for the fans, but that´s it. Apparently Christine Lakin is in it (and apparently, she was in the series as well). Wow. She grew up, she filled out.. (she was from am old sitcom called Step by Step)
  20. Elizabeth is up for pre-order by the way. https://store.irrationalgames.com/Product.aspx?pSKU=2K-INF-LIZNOIR&vSKU=2K-INF-LIZNOIR $ 250,- So far I think it looks good, but I think I prefer her original design. I heard they didn´t do a statue of her in her original outfit. Anyway, I´ll skip this one, but cool collector´s item nonetheless.
  21. I have no trouble not seeing it. The line is too thin, and there´s too much space between the 'II' and the "souls".
  22. Vote: no lynch
  23. Vote: ReZ I´ll remove it if you say you didn´t pick / get that Galactus creature :p.
  24. Damn, I´d want that.
  25. I can´t get HBO (even if I wanted to), but this show piqued my interest. Too bad that HBO Netherlands only had the first episode free to stream on their site for a limited time, otherwise I´d check it out. I´m seriously considering pre-ordering the blu-rays blind though.. I´ve got a good feeling about it.
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