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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Anyone see the race earlier? Nice result for Hamilton, finally showing what performance his car can deliver when operational. Kimi should have been up near the podium spots, if it wasn't for that puncture from that earlier collision.
  2. I've got so, so many games to complete it's unreal. X360 Skyrim Mass Effect 3 Red Dead Redemption The Witcher II Fable: Anniversary Xbox Live Sonic 4: Episode II Beyond Good and Evil Banjo Tooie PS4 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag NBA 2K14 Thief Infamous: Second Son PS Vita Little Big Planet Uncharted Wipe-out Lemmings PS+ Sonic All Stars Racing Resogun Dead Nation Soul Sacrifice Terraria WiiU (inc Wii games) Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Wind Waker Pikmin 3 Super Mario 3D World Skyward Sword Super Mario Galaxy 2 Virtual Console WiiU/Wii Earthbound Mario 64 Super Mario World Donkey Kong Majora's Mask A Link to the Past Super Metroid Kirby Super Mario Bros 2 3DS Luigi's Mansion 2 A Link Between Worlds Pokemon X Pokemon White 2 Kid Icarus: Uprising Ocarina of Time 3D Virtual Console (3DS) Oracle of Seasons Super Mario Bros 3 Yeah, i know there is a lot there to do. I've just finished playing Donkey Kong Country Returns and Assassin's Creed: Liberations over the past week or so. Hopefully i'll clear a couple before Mario Kart comes out.
  3. Hmm, as soon as there is a fixed date (+ there is an idea on numbers (and if no-one minds)) i can get looking at places again.
  4. Well, gives me a chance to play this fine title. One re-make i'm happy with for a change.
  5. Said farewell to 19 people today in work, whom decided to take the money and leave. Majority of them were people i spoke to and some were friends. After the weeks/months/years i've had with management and the calls, i kind of wish i did the same. It's a shame really. Out of my original team, only 3 of us remain as of May (out of 12 whom started).
  6. Not a bad selection, i wasn't groaning about Dead Nation. Cross buy FTW.
  7. Nowhere near as much as i used to. It's lucky i've got handheld consoles, otherwise i'd be lucky to get any gaming in at all. I travel to and from work, probably an hour a day twice a week. In the evenings, maybe if i'm not tired or stressed from the day i maybe have another hour. Weekends and days off is where it is all at, can spend a few hours on each day off playing games.
  8. Oh, you can access it. But can't use it without a US League Pass account, which i don't have.
  9. I struggled to even play Banjo Tooie, so i wish thee luck with that.
  10. Read some rumours, which are going around saying that Comet, that you can play a bad guy. And that it is a game that bridges the gap between 3 and Black Flag. So could be separate games.
  11. I tried that, i have to have a US account also on the NBA Leaguepass as well.
  12. No real problems. I'm very happy with my PS4, being a very multi-functional device. It's now my primary blu-ray player. The only small issue is the fact that US PS4 accounts have access to the Gametime NBA app, which isn't available in the UK. Wouldn't mind having that app, but otherwise i'm happy. And with the rumours of The Last of Us coming to the PS4, wow. If true, will give me the chance to play this game for the first time and see what it's all about.
  13. I would, Talk Talk are not known for having a good service. I'm using BT myself, had no real problems with the connection (only problems i'm having are random disconnects, but this is due to a dodgy ethernet port/router getting old). Other than that, got a steady 30mbs download connection which is enough for me.
  14. Well, this is a good work post. Shock Horror, i'm posting a good work post. For the first time in many months (well, since April 2012) my flexi will be hitting green once again as of 7pm Wednesday (today). Which means, early finishes and 3 free(ish) days off. can be taken once again.
  15. Typical, just as something seems to be getting good, Facebook go ahead and buy it. I still can't understand why they bought Whatsapp. And i'll probably not understand why they bought Occulus.
  16. Doesn't sound logical to me, most likely a mistake on whomevers responsible for setting release dates up on-sites.
  17. Many options, all have been given.
  18. That too is something i hate, what is the need for DLC which adds content purposely taken from the retail release of a game. A few examples of this include, and not limited to Mass Effect series
  19. Took me long enough, but i can now add Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D to my list of completed titles as of today. Now, some parts of that game made me swear a little (especially some of the boss's). But overall, a fine game indeed. And one that i may replay at a later date. Now then, onto the next one. Not sure what to play next, either a Virtual Console title in the form of Super Mario Bros 3/Oracle of Ages or finish off A Link Between Worlds.
  20. I'll be assuming you are using the included 3.5mm audio jack since the dongle has broke. I've paid £85 for a pair. Amazon (well, a different seller represented on Amazon) are selling them for £129.99
  21. 22 Problems only a Call Centre worker will understand Call Centre staff (current and old) will most likely have a chuckle out of this. A friend of mine showed me this last week.
  22. This happens to be on my list of "many games i need to finish". Having never played it before (never owned a SNES, the shame). It needs to be played, which is why i'm dedicating this summer as the "Summer of Metroid/Samus" for myself. Starting with this over Easter weekend.
  23. Happius Birthdayus.
  24. Anyone know if them PS4/Vita/PS3 Wireless Headsets are any good?. Been contemplating a purchase, my current headset doesn't seem to be fully working on the PS4.
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