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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Finished up Murdered: Soul Suspect earlier today.
  2. Sheikah, just had a read of your plan. It does sound good and i'm happy to go along with that.
  3. They never are, which is one thing i like about your mafia games.
  4. With no powers, this certainly will be an interesting mafia game. Not voting yet, will see where things go seeing as we've got a pretty long day.
  5. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    I'm looking forward to being able to listen to all the noises that these types of games provide. The game does look fantastic.
  6. Looking at both, that is some difference. GTA V pushed the last generation to the limits with it's power, and now i believe it will have justice on the PS4/PC/Xbone with the added power all 3 provide.
  7. I guessed the Alpha stuff wouldn't transfer, read it on Bungie's own forums yesterday. Oh well, may as well delete the Alpha off the PS4 and await the beta in a months time. It was fun whilst it lasted, had some great matches and battles.
  8. True, i've since wired my consoles and computer to the router via an ethernet 5-1 box thingy. And my parents computer direct to the router, wireless is left for the laptop,phones and handheld console. Hardly get a drop-out, and get twice the speed.
  9. Sky are pretty good from word of mouth in my street. I've heard that Plusnet is decent as well. From my own experience, BT are good for internet. Got a totally unlimited connection (after badgering them for 6 months after getting Fibre), but the standard broadband is unlimited i believe.
  10. Put pre-orders down for the following earlier
  11. Just caught up with episode 9, nice episode. As expected from how it came across in the book. Bring on episode 10 (the final one this season )
  12. And @Animal, congrats chap on the new job. Taking advantage of that discount, nice one. "I'll take these at my discount" "That's £35 please" "Cheers, by the way here's my notice"
  13. Played my share of the alpha, had myself a great time. Not sure if anyone can view this, but here goes https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=544525348989890 Making the most of the view before it closes. Admiring my handywork.
  14. Nice impressive list of games, so far i'm interested in the following The Last of Us Remastered - July* Destiny - September* NBA 2K15 - October DriveClub - October Assassin's Creed Unity - October* Far Cry 4 - November And some possible PS+ games over the course of the period as well. It's going to be expensive, may even move one or two. Probably move Far Cry and maybe NBA over to different months, depending on finances. *Pre-ordered already.
  15. Happy Birthday, have a great day
  16. Sign me up.
  17. I got an alpha access, even though i don't recall signing up for it. I did put my Beta code into the Bungie site, so i guess access came from that (and i did sign-up outside of the time frame for Alpha access). It's not too bad so far, quite enjoying it.
  18. Hope so, best of luck. Hope you get the job.
  19. Did anyone else get an email from GAME at some point in June? Turns out as they were going on the stock market, they were giving to 20,000 people £100 Virtual Stock Loyalty points and i was fortunate to get one. After chatting to the staff, i get 6 chances to cash in to get back £100 (minimum) in points to use on any purchase i wish. Not too shabby.
  20. Slight bump (i think) Had 2 very different days of work on Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday, we had a meeting to discuss the future of the department and how things may be in 6 years time. It was put on by senior management of the department, whom i might add gave a very good presentation on how things may be. After the 40 minute presentation (bearing in mind, we had 2 1/2 hours off the phones for this) we were split into groups of 7 and had a manager sit down with each group and discuss what they think can be improved with the jobs. Well, you can see where this went. More importantly, the manager i had wasn't any ordinary manager. But the head of the entire department i work in, so i know it was a perfect chance to let rip a few greivences (and yes, they even said this was allowed). They were shocked to hear how bad things really are at the front line. Shocked to hear how bad staff are treated (this is across all departments, not just mine) and shocked to hear of the long waiting times customers experience and how angry they get. More so to the point, the senior manager will personally be looking into improving things. I've already seen that, more staff are being pulled over to help out (had 200+ in the queue with a 40+ minute wait for a 5 minute call today). But yeah, it was nice to air a few things outside of the department. But then, back to today. Had 2 official complaints put against me by customers, they said i was not helpful and was fobbing them off. My manager has not listened to the call yet (probably won't, she's not very good at her job). I did point out that both customers were abusive towards me, i was even called a "complete an utter useless bastard" by one, very charming. Mood back to usual standards.
  21. I've been to Disneyland Paris many times, twice with my parents and once with the school (probably the better trip). I've got many fond memories of the place, so i'm happy you had a great time with the family creating memories that will last a lifetime* *Sorry, seems to be a quote Disney give the park themselves.
  22. That atmosphere makes it all the more better, watching the trailer yesterday certainly made me think twice about the game. Bring on 20th February.
  23. There's a few videos on Youtube after having a quick look.
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