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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Awesome. Can't wait to get it - and Mewtwo when it's available!
  2. I went to do this and set up my game for Game Sync, first time. I made a mistake and now it says that I have to wait a day until the machine is repowered. That sucks. To get Arceus, and any other Pokémon for that matter, do you have to battle it or will it just automatically become yours when you enter the code?
  3. From what I've learned, you may exercise all days of the week, however, you must not do the same exercise every day. If you do legs one day you should do legs the next. So if you just vary your training, there's nothing wrong with doing it every day. That said, though, you still need to rest some days, one day a week is a good idea. And as JonSt said, resting doesn't mean doing nothing, just go for a walk instead of running, or do some Just Dance or something like that. I myself exercise quite much. About 4.5 or 5 hours a week with intense training and then I ride my bike for about 2-3 hours a week. By intense training I mean like crossfit or weight lifting coupled with cardio exercises like running, rowing, and cycling. I don't do it in order to lose weight, I'm currently at 66 kg (181 cm) so I could do with some weight gaining, actually. I just do it because it gives me the energy to do many other things - if I haven't exercised for a couple of days, I get all cranky and tired.
  4. The music made me think of The Dark Knight which made me think just how cool it would be if the Batmobile was a choosable car in this game. Or any racing game, actually.
  5. Viewing the trailers on a bigger screen than the 3DS' screen doesn't do the game any good. It looks horrible graphicswise, though I know that it looks great on the 3DS. Furthermore, those weapons? What is that at the end of the trailer, a laser-bazooka? To me, it just seems the wrong route to choose for such a character. It should be an action-adventure, not a semi-onrail shooter. I don't think I'll buy this game. Tried the demo of it back when 3DS was about to be released and it didn't really appeal to me back then.
  6. I want to pick this up, I really do. But I don't have the time for now so I'll wait till it's even cheaper.
  7. So I did it anyway and completed the game with Luigi so now I'm at the final level. I hate it. I'm finding it so difficult to land on those small boxes in the air without the tanooki-suit and furthermore, when I get to that Toad on a small box, I can't jump high because I have the Tanooki-suit on. That's how far I've made it into that level. I've seen videos of it and the level looks better and easier after this part. I hate jumping onto small things on a small screen. So five minutes later I did it and I was right. Did the "second" part of the level in my first try with Luigi. Now for the Mario-run!
  8. I completed the special world today with Mario. Don't know if I can be arsed to go through it all again right now, might take a break from the game for a while, even though I probably can go through it in a couple of hours with Luigi since I don't have to collect star coins this time. Found the game rather challenging at times, especially in the later Special stages. Adding to this increase in difficulty was my equally increasing stupidity at times. I died a lot of times because of stupid mistakes I kept doing on and on. So I ended up at about 235 retries before my Luigi-go. The 3D was nice but I didn't really use it. It was nice though to have the option to make it pop out of the screen or make it go deeper into the screen; I found the latter more stressing on the eyes whereas the former didn't really do anything to the game. The only issue I have with the game is related to the controls or physics. They were a bit too realistic at times where Mario just totally lost his momentum so he couldn't make a longer jump or a higher jump. It was too hard to accellerate him so he would make the jumps, and this resulted in some frustrating deaths for me as I felt it wasn't really my fault (even though it probably was). But overall I really enjoyed the game! Great fun, great tunes, great graphics! The charm is immediate from the moment you turn the game on.
  9. You could also save the points for 21st December as Trine 2 is released then. It looks like great fun that game. Regarding Bastion, I've still got to complete New Game Plus and the Vigils. I only used one weapon for most of the game so didn't get so many Vigils. Will get them on New Game Plus at some point. I've also just downloaded From Dust but it'll have to wait till I've completed Deus Ex and then Trine 2. Just got it because it was on sale. I really enjoyed Black And White back in the days and this looks a bit like it so I look forward to trying it out.
  10. Precisely, I enjoyed that too. I just didn't get the overall negative opinion of this part of the game. It wasn't like you were told to fetch things in areas you already had explored 100 % anyway.
  11. Yeah, third boss was a bit "meh" but I personally enjoyed the fourth boss very much!
  12. Yeah, I find that a bit frustrating as well and it means that I often end up waggling for the most part. I think you actually have to bluff the enemies in some way but I haven't found out how. Mainly, I sneak up behind them and beat 'em before they turn around. Btw., people, try bowling or throwing a bomb toward an enemy and watch their reactions!
  13. What I don't like about this game (after third dungeon):
  14. I just won this game but haven't got the time to try it out yet. Will have a friend over some time and play it though. I like the good impressions you guys have. It seems worth my while.
  15. Wow, she's cute! And awesome music too.
  16. Damn that! I ordered at the Danish department of Elkjøp and they haven't sent it yet.
  17. On page 672 or what? Seriously though, 7.5? I read the parts about control (there aren't any spoilers in that part, it's on the first page; just skip down to the third paragraph). They seem fair enough but the IR-thing is just plain stupid as the game doesn't use it as aforementioned. Furthermore, they complain that fighting takes time but they seem to think that waggling works in this game. On top of this, they mention a relatively fixed camera as negative which can be a point of issue sometimes, I agree. They seem harsh but I look forward to judging it myself.
  18. I cancelled my ShopTo-order because I'm too afraid they won't deliver internationally on release day. So I'd rather pay ~£7 extra to get the game in time. I'll try out ShopTo for a less important game later. Perhaps with Rayman Origins. But damn, four days to go! I have to work Friday for a couple of hours but after that it's Zelda-loving until Sunday only to be paused for Crossfit and eating! It's gonna be a great weekend!
  19. Really? I think it's out the 24th but the original date was 18th, yeah. I think it looks bloody awesome! I think I'll really enjoy this game and it will be a nice break from Zelda.
  20. I can't find anywhere on that site that it will be out tomorrow in Switzerland. It says that they will send it on the 17th and that it comes out the 18th. But yeah, one week to go! Actually, I don't know why I've stayed spoiler free for this game after E3 this year. I think it might be because I want the surprises like everybody else and also like everyone else I saw too much of TP before it was out.
  21. Had a go at the demo today. It seems okay so the game goes on my wish list for Christmas. Won't be too bothered if I don't get it, I might pick it up myself when the price falls. Still have to complete Sonic Colours at some time.
  22. Ah, the key word was OUTSIDE the GCPD-building. Gotta read 'em all! That one is easy enough. Go to the building behind the room and look at the room. You should then see an open windows where you can make your hacker device lock on to the box. There, problem solved! Hehe.
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