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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. They know that Zelda is selling this console... heck even my boss is thinking of getting one because he loved Zelda as a kid, and he hasn't owned a console since the Snes. All people like him need is a gentle reminder that it's out soon, and a glimpse of what makes the device worth it. Also you need to pay more attention to recent PC/PS4/Xbox One trailers because I think you'll find what a lot of them these days actually say is Actual in-game footage, as a twist on that old disclaimer because in-game engine now looks good enough to sell games on.
  2. Worried that I'm getting Zelda from amazon but the console from Nintendo. What if one arrives but not the other? ;_;
  3. @kav82 yknow just straight up Kav is available?
  4. I knew this game had promise when it was shown but to be honest, I didn't expect them to deliver. Looks great though. Definitely going to get it when I feel there's space in my gaming diary!
  5. I did this a few years ago before there were actual options on the website, and I did actually have someone visit me. I flat out refused to let them in, but then I made sure it was absolutely clear I wasn't using the TV (unplugged the cable box, put it away, took away any old-style aerials), and when they came back a few weeks later, I let them look and they agreed it was ok. However, now Netflix etc is more popular, and the option easier online, I think more and more people are doing this, and they can no longer actually afford to arrange visits to check.
  6. Congrats bob! That's awesome. Now the fun part starts. Just kidding, it's the awful part. But then you get a house!
  7. I too got an upgrade item on my 7th stop streak. Now I can make Porygon 2 I've been using the Pinap berry and along with a couple of walks through the park on the way to work, have enough Houndours for an evolve, too. Pinap seems to work like Razz, in that if they escape a pokeball once, it cancels the effect. Confused by this... when could you ever not? Except before you had any Great Balls.
  8. Ok that excitement I said I didn't particularly have may be starting to emerge nonetheless.
  9. Use imgur.com, upload it and copy the link it gives you.
  10. Yep. Seriously. I've never played a game in a single stretch like I did Stardew Valley. I think I played it for fourteen hours one day.
  11. I got enough Porygons during the valentines event, I just need the item! Been spinning stops all day but I think they're pretty rare.
  12. Must've used 60 odd great balls on my way in to work this morning no idea what's rare but nests have changed, walked through a park and got half a dozen Houndours. Then, just in case it's rare, doubled back away from work up a steep hill to get a Chikorita.
  13. Somehow it didnt even occur to me how suitable those side catches are for clipping it into VR. This could be such an incredibly cheap entry into VR gaming. Google and Samsung have offerings like this that are £40-60.
  14. I only saw one tbf, and it wasn't nearby, it just popped up on my way to work. You can get the apk now for Android and have the client side updates now (not new Pokemon, but UI, avatar changes etc)
  15. 24.5 here. Only really started playing properly in December when my job moved offices. Valentines event on right now is a good chance to stock up on Porygon and Chansey which should have gen 2 evolutions.
  16. 80 Johto Pokemon coming... this week! Along with new berries, items, avatar options etc.
  17. I think this is mostly true for me too. But if I love the original game then it doesn't have to even do that much to win me over. Might make me a sucker but if I complete the game twice and 100% it and am just dying for an excuse to revisit that world, it'll hook me back in no matter what. Mass Effect was a good example of this. Some DLC was well fleshed out, and some short and sweet, but I enjoyed it all because I wanted any excuse to get more out of that universe and those characters.
  18. Because it's more modern, runs fast and smooth on powerful hardware, includes trophies/achievements, supports PC mods, is a labour of love to the original title crafted by literally one developer and has an upcoming multiplayer mode. Whilst from what I can see it copies a lot straight from HM, it adds all its own personalities and character backgrounds and tightens up a tonne of mechanics and adds plenty of all new features. It's also cheaper than any Harvest Moon game and runs on non-Nintendo systems so there is that.
  19. We need to stop pretending there's a one-size-fits-all DLC delivery method. And stop judging Nintendo until we see what the main game is like and what the DLC is like. On the one hand, you get content that's on the disk and only unlocked by pre-ordering or paying extra, this is bullshit done by the likes of CoD games, EA etc. On the other hand some developers will give you huge full sidequests that take nothing from the main adventure (but sometimes, add to it). We should be able to hedge our bets that Nintendo has the integrity to be the latter (personally, I think Mario Kart suggests they do), and appreciate that we're getting even more Zelda than we hoped. It's optional, but paying for it might fund even more content, or pave the way for better things to come.
  20. Ok yeah I looked last night. The number shipped helps, but the recipe layout doesn't. The list of recipes you haven't done/with ??? are blacked out, you can't see the name of them or even the icon properly, even if you know the recipe. And the recipe list in the kitchen does not show how many you've made. So you need to cross reference both, which isn't useful.
  21. I'm always playing Devil's Advocate too, so I really see where he's coming from.
  22. Because 1. Like I said, I like the look of the kit itself. I'll get portability and won't have to use a controller I hate. 2. I never said I'm upset with a lack of features, personally, although I think some omissions were poor business decisions on Nintendo's part. The game roster is where I'm disappointed. 3. I want to play the best version I can of the new Zelda 4. I've leant my Wii U to some friends, and might even sell it 5. I don't want to give any more money to Nintendo for anything Wii U related.
  23. Is that on console? Recipes on console don't show anything when you hover on them afaik, but I could be wrong. If you're right though, I might jump back in as that makes the rest of the trophies seem feasible.
  24. The game was repetitive but for me it was about the co-op experience. I mean plenty of grindy loot-based games are repetitive, look at Diablo for example. But take that formula and add over the party chat banter? There was nothing else like it. It came along at the perfect time for me, when I was in a very low place. Wouldn't be enjoying Overwatch the way I am if it wasn't for the friends I made in Destiny. Also whilst it may have lacked in story, there's no denying it had some incredible raid mechanics and the overall controls and ability trees were top tier. The PvP was fantastic too, until they abandoned the sandbox altogether and stopped properly balancing it.
  25. Huh, funny you feel this way. I'm way over in the cynical corner. I'm not counting down the days til the Switch, I'm waiting for the new Zelda and the colourful controller I'm going to have to play it on. The game lineup is, for my preferences, abysmal. I see no evidence they won't disappoint me like they did last generation. But, the one thing I am really impressed by is the hardware, the physical device itself. It looks like so much more than a Wii U 2, which was basically like the Fisher Price My First Tablet that you could barely leave the room with. It looks like the perfect mobile gaming device, the screen looks fantastic on three fronts: design, screen quality and touchscreen responsiveness. The little controllers look great, I'm sure I'll at least get Bomberman if the price ever drops so I have a great on-the-go two-player system. Like I say, I'm not psyched for the Switch, but at the same time I cannot wait to play Zelda on this lovely looking bit of kit.
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