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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. You just got a horse?? In Year 4????? Haha, I couldn't have put up with that. Got that within a few seasons. Also doing the ancient fruit/wine/wine cellar combo. Love this game, sunk 120 hours in very quickly. Got to year 3, completed the community centre, married, divorced and remarried. It's wonderfully well made and deep. I didn't play Harvest Moon actually but I've been told it's almost a direct emulation. Only thing I would say negative about it is that at this point I just stopped. I see no reason to keep playing just to tick every box. Also since it doesn't have the benefits of mods on PS4, it's difficult to keep track of things like how many of x you've shipped, or which recipes you can make but haven't made yet.
  2. Yeah it's a shame it only managed to hold your attention for 996 hours :p
  3. Attempt the raids? We crushed them :p we used to play two raids a week in two groups with 3 alts each. And for me it only petered out at the very end. Figuring out the last raid with the clan was one of the most fun things in the game, two years after the original launch. I miss what this game was to me when it first came out. I hope Destiny 2 is a fully fresh start in terms of loot and progress and we have to claw our ways up with time and effort and co-operation like we did before
  4. Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyoujin) Anime Season 2 Trailer A few spoilers within obvs! April 2017.
  5. Shorty


    I'm so surprised people are psyched for this. It just looks like something I would enjoy once as a mini game, as part of a much bigger game. How far can you really stretch this mechanic?
  6. Don't quote the bot so that their spam is still visible after their posts are deleted -_-
  7. You need one for brake as well?? Missing the point... if I don't have a tablet but I want one, and I don't have a Switch but I like the idea of it, it's going to help my decision. Makes sense? And Netflix is just one example, the more things it can do, the more it sways people. Not everyone is priveleged to have four devices that run apps already, and people will often suit something that fulfills as many needs as possible.
  8. ...that's a point, how do you even play a modern racing sim without analogue input?
  9. Not really, cos I'm not talking about them actually wanting to really only produce the game on the most powerful systems, I'm talking about them taking advantage of public perception to sell games. So an average PS4/XBO player hears "this game is so good, the Switch can't even run it! But your Xbox One can!" Anyway, I'm only being cynical and throwing around unfounded ideas.
  10. I'm gonna be cynical and suggest that not putting Project CARS on the Switch is a marketing strategy. It's a way of saying "the best thing about this game is how amazingly lifelike the graphics are and you need the best possible system for an amazing, realistic driving experience". Realistically you could probably run a gorgeous racing sim on the Switch pretty easily, but they know the market's not there and it won't affect their bottom line that much to not bother with it.
  11. Whether or not you already have nineteen devices that run Netflix isn't really the point. It should be on there so that people are more likely to consider it instead of spending their money on a new tablet or whatever.
  12. I'm a big fan of Amazon myself already, and I'm getting the game from there (although if there was a better price available, there are plenty of places I'd prefer to that and get faster pre-order delivery from, like simplygames, tesco, shopto) but I have little experience of Nintendo for release date delivery. Actually... that might not be true. I think I got my New 3DS XL from there, maybe I should scour this very forum to remind myself whether that arrived in good time
  13. Oh. I see this is the no fun allowed thread. My mistake.
  14. Stock's trickling back in for this machine. Is Amazon, or anyone else, more likely to get you a device on release day than Nintendo? Thinking of switching (that's gonna get old soon) my order.
  15. Haha @Aneres11 when I bought a 4k TV for work, the first thing I did was search youtube for 4k video and watch that same video Makes you feel good about the purchase eh?
  16. "first party" is no longer a guarantee of quality to me. To be honest when you say "the first 10 months" you're only further undermining the argument, because realistically, from a consumer's perspective that is an incredibly long time. You're talking some of those games not being available until after Christmas, and suggesting it's a good start on that basis? Any one of those could be pushed back a long way, or simply be very underwhelming. A dozen good games from any source in the first couple of months would vastly outweigh that for me. I really love the look of this little machine, and its potential. I have one pre-ordered and when it arrives, I'll have it alongside owning every other Nintendo console. But... I've only got it because of Zelda. And I won't be suckered by them for much longer. If something like a proper Metroid game isn't announced at E3, I'll probably sell it (and by then, still only have the Switch and Zelda) and that may be when I give up on Nintendo for good.
  17. I feel like you might appreciate the visuals and gameplay more when you have it in your hands. If it does it right, and captures how BK etc felt, you'll come to appreciate it. Iirc you did not play BK, which had similar cartoony, blocky graphics which in a way were simplistic, and to observe someone playing it, it looked very basic. But when you were actually in those sprawling worlds, making use of tight controls and exacting some creative problem solving, it all came together and created a wonderful, vibrant cartoony world that was very well designed, funny, atmospheric, well thought out and a joy to play. Of course, there's no guarantee that it'll recapture that old magic, it's been a long time and a lot has changed. We'll have to wait and see.
  18. A car battery? No, no. You put an electric charcoal fire starter on it so it heats up and he burns his hand. Bonus points if there's a big letter on the door handle that permanently brands him. Also, glue his lock? No. Glue his whole self, then cover him in feathers using a fan! If this doesn't work you can always throw bricks at his face from the roof of your building.
  19. ^ what's actually wrong with that screenshot anyway? I mean, ignoring the fact it's low res and been stretched up to 1920x1080. It's hard to even tell what's going on, there's bloom, transparency and particle effects happening and bouncing towards the screen, the character is mid-animation, the characters seem to have an intentionally blocky/square design presumably relative to their position in the game, and the squares etc are likely to look a lot better when animated. Feels like a frame has been taken way out of context and judged really pointlessly. It's like if you were to take this frame: And then claim that the art for Aladdin looks terrible
  20. There was always a back-up option, but in my experience it was unreliable and just easier to redownload....
  21. I signed up for the beta but didn't get an invite to download, disappointed really as I would like those custom wallpapers.
  22. More likely they wanted to try and prevent piracy and exploits by keeping an entry-point closed. The drive inside it is a very standard 2.5" laptop drive with ordinary sata connectors. You can slot a replacement 2TB drive in yourself, or even have an extension cable coming out the back and connect any HDD at all. If they wanted to make people pay to upgrade, they would've used something proprietary.
  23. Get her Stardew Valley! Just sunk my 100th hour into that.
  24. How about a Chromebook
  25. I really can't stand macOS. What used to be strides ahead in terms of intuitiveness and design now feels like it's the Facebook apps of operating systems. Things like being constantly nagged about updating the OS, with the only option being to update or be reminded again tomorrow.... A macbook is also a fairly low spec machine (relatively) at a very high premium because you're paying for that shiny shell and glowing logo. Of course there are places where it stands out, quality screen, decent build, great touchpad. But I honestly think they're, by quite a stretch, an issue of style over substance.
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