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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Awesome out tomorrow right? And only £6 with PS+, bargain.
  2. It's a really nice idea, not sure it's feasible from a technical standpoint though. 3DS uses a kind of propriety communication like bluetooth which is low power and always able to accept basic data from safe sources (another 3DS). A phone would have to have some kind of always open bluetooth (a battery drain if even possible) or NFC (not widely in use yet). Also there's the potential people would just hack the app to give themselves unlimited streetpasses etc., you're opening a big can of worms the likes of which Nintendo tends to steer well clear of. Edit: sorry if this rains on your parade a little! I do like the idea a lot, although don't really want to see Nintendo go into 3rd party.
  3. I feel like I loved Super Mario Sunshine, and yet I don't think I ever finished it and I'm not really sure why. I didn't really have any problems with FLUDD, other than it feeling like it separated you a little from a vanilla Mario experience (kind of like the train on Spirit Tracks). Controlling it was fine, although I do remember the hover making things a little easy and also breaking up the pace a bit. Maybe that contributed to never seeing it right through to the credits. Visually it was a real treat and the maps were great. Sometimes SM64 great. It had far fewer of the floating-over-empty-sky kind of platforming levels which are probably my least favourite aspect about SM3DW compared to its predecessors. It's certainly something I would get again on the VC or in a remake and see through to the end. Edit: I don't feel like I can really give it a score since I didn't do it the justice of completing it, but if it helps the thread, 80/100
  4. Yes you had to tread the epic depths of page 2 to find it... http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=53849
  5. I rewatched the pilot recently, it's so strange the transformation in Laurel's face. She looked so healthy and much more attractive when the show started. It was also disappointing to confirm that they changed actresses for Sarah :p
  6. Alright I misread something, my mistake. But apart from the re-model, tressfx and particle effects are in the PC version already, they might've been redone but that doesn't really justify its re-release to me. Plus the PC version runs at whatever resolution and FPS you can handle. I'm not saying this as some PC Master Race thing, I don't even have a powerful PC myself and I own Tomb Raider on Xbox 360, I just think they should've done a lot more for this title to justify a new "definitive edition" instead of focusing on some DLC or such.
  7. Not anymore, the voucher only meant to work on games and it's been fixed.
  8. Ahh I've been psyched for this week's ep and now you say that... maybe I'll wait a week and have a double-whammy
  9. I played the demo for Rogue Legacy and then the Vita version was announced just as I was thinking of buying it. Hope it arrives soon! I liked Hotline Miami, but I kinda felt that it was too short, and yet at the same time not really warranting any more content. Borderlands 2 I have played into the ground and wouldn't be the same without split-screen anyway. Minecraft - I tried both the pocket and 360 edition and they just pale in comparison to the PC version. Infinite worlds, unlimited modding, big online servers, constant updates, that's the way Minecraft is meant to be played. Anything else feels broken.
  10. I'm not really sure what I'm meant to be looking forward to from that list. The only ones I know I'm getting are FFX/X-2 HD and Rogue Legacy. What would be awesome is if the Persona dance game was like Osu Tatakae Ouendan.
  11. Well, because they already patched the PC version to have better models and graphics a while ago, and the 'Definitive edition' is going to be limited to 30fps.
  12. Only about 0.01% of viewers in the UK contribute to the viewing statistics. You could always download it and watch it later on C4 :p
  13. Err... do you mean some kind of DLC-included PC version? Because it's not really worth it to wait for that, the DLC is average. The PC version already has better visuals than the PS4/X1 version will.
  14. Funny how the lion looks superimposed and he was the only one that was really there :p
  15. Is it nearly over? I'm still watching the anime, which has been consistently great for several weeks now. @kav82 I suggest stop reading it, wait til it ends, and read the lot at once!
  16. Crikey, captain defensive. You're allowed to make threads about anything you want. It just concerns me that you felt that this warranted any more than a passing mention, not because of your opinion of it, but because we should be talking about much bigger titles than Spot the Difference games which I literally stopped playing when I was about five.
  17. The fact that this has its own thread is making me seriously regret my recent Wii U purchase.
  18. I thought the previous title was pretty popular on here, and yet no feedback on the beta at all? I missed out on it because I was out of the country when it went up, but someone on here must've had a go? Very highly anticipated title
  19. That may be a "hot" deal :p but good luck if you can find any. Someone in the Kingston store bought 20. Which... is probably what I would've done tbh.
  20. Persona Q (3DS) is at least out in Japan in June this year, we might see it by the end of the year.
  21. Ah missed out there, I would've loved Animal Crossing, Mario and Pikmin at a bargain price. Anyone pick up more than they needed?
  22. Planing? Is that like planking but you stick your arms out?
  23. Funnily enough, this game didn't really approach any of the issues I had with Twilight Princess, or bring anything that I had wanted to see in a Zelda game for years, such as a vibrant, believable, living overworld. It also had its fair share of immensely irritating features, repetitive bosses, Fi, or basic UI irritations like being told about a pickup a million times or being warned about my battery being low. And yet somehow, I absolutely loved it. Everything it did wrong was easy to ignore because the world looked wonderful, the gameplay was so much fun. I even loved the controls. Whilst the overworld was mostly weak and the lower worlds 99% devoid of NPCs, Skyloft itself was fantastic. It actually felt lived in, unlike most Zelda towns. Everybody had a home and a life and you really felt like Link belonged there. I loved the story too, especially Zelda's own part in it, and some of the reveals.
  24. Is it me or is toon Link's head even bigger than normal there? :p He looks like a bobble-head.
  25. Yeah I'm starting to feel that, pre-emptively :p Only on the third world now, but just hit one of those always-moving-camera levels and worked through all our lives in one go. Still had a laugh but I got an idea of what might be coming Fortunately, getting a Game Over doesn't have quite the same consequences as it used to. It no longer means "you have to start again" and instead means "here, carry on with more items". They should call it Game Easier.
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