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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Yep definitely heard of Cool Spot rented the Mega-Drive version from Choices once.
  2. All those "<insert otherwise boring thing> Simulator 201X" games that are taking off after people bought Farming Simulator as a joke on Steam following certain hilarious YouTube videos. That crap is getting out of hand :p
  3. On the other hand I would definitely want a refund if I had a pre-order. You can still buy it when it comes out, but you don't want your money sitting on what has now become a much more unknown entity. To be honest it wasn't the kind of thing you should've been pre-ordering anyway, but now even more so.
  4. Likewise. If you can get fibreoptic in your area, that's the way to go. I get a steady 60MB which will jump to 100 in the summer.
  5. So play Solitaire? Pretty easy to pick up.
  6. I tend to play ever day. At least an hour or two after work. On Saturday I pretty much just played Dark Souls 2 all day. I love gaming. Heck, I've installed Steam on my work PC and play Torchlight 2 with my workmates.
  7. Over the last year or two I've played a lot of local multiplayer. Borderlands 2, Diablo 3, Super Mario 3D World, Nintendoland, Lego Marvel, Dungeon Defenders, Rayman Origins/Legends. The aforementioned Smash Bros and MK8 are on the horizon. Diablo 3 is getting a PS4 release, Sacred 3 is coming to 360/PS3. Dungeon Defenders 2 will have local multiplayer. The CoD games continue to have split-screen. Plus, it's not like the old games have gone and evaporated, they can all be revisited. Are you sure your friends haven't just grown out of gaming?
  8. @kav82 why not just stop reading? Wait until it's finished and then read the lot in one go. You're not enjoying it week by week right? But you're more likely to enjoy it if you can plow through it, and keep going when you are enjoying it, instead of being hampered by pacing and cliffhangers.
  9. Congrats Was it Interstella 5555?
  10. Hopefully Facebook will only be using OR for their own applications. I remember reading great things about a multiplayer cinema program where it was like being in a cinema with your friends. I don't mind if Facebook is involved there as a way to have kind of "virtual meetings" with people. Also with Facebook's vast wallet, production could move on faster and reach new heights. However I don't want them anywhere near the games :/ I can't deny, if I invented OR and FB offered the company $2bil, it would be pretty hard to say no, for whatever reasons. They can always refund Notch his investment...
  11. Shorty

    Diablo 3

    No DLC announcement for 360/PS3 yet. If I'd known I was buying a version of the game which would quickly become outdated/limited, I might not've bought it.
  12. The features in the OP don't really bother me. I've become pretty accustomed to them and don't really find an issue. The only time it bothers me is when it seems things are reserved as microtransactions only, with no way to unlock them as a reward for your gameplay. Arkham City for example had a tonne of challenge modes with high difficulties, but beating them didn't provide you with anything rewarding. Yet they had all these cool character skins which they only gave away for a fee. I love replaying a game for skins, I beat Metal Gear Solid over and over again just to unlock things like the white suit. To me the "troubling future of games" is summed up just by a generally worrying draught on the horizon. After the two current-gen consoles were announced last year, I was constantly back and forth about which one I would get. I never for a second thought that I'd be here, nearly 6 months after the launch of both, having bought neither! There's absolutely no game I must have, and nothing up and coming that I can't wait for, either. In fact there's only three games I'm really excited for, and they're on Wii U and PS3. I'll give you a hint: they're the 4th, 8th and 5th games in their respective series.
  13. I didn't even meet the Smelter Demon til after I'd beaten the big guy :p Finally found the Dull Ember, bit disappointed with Infusion in this game though...
  14. Wii and Wii U VC. Edit: oops, rookie mistake, didn't know there was another page :p Disclaimer: we don't support the suggestion in the post above!
  15. I'm getting a pay rise next month which works out at roughly an 18% increase, bringing me to an actual normal (if still quite low) wage for my skill level. Woo..! With my job it was always kind of "I don't want to leave, because I quite like what I'm doing and if I go elsewhere, I could wind up unhappy with the people/role. But the pay is not great, so there's no future in it at this rate." Now I'm kind of balanced out a bit more, which makes me feel more settled going forward.
  16. I think it's a bit harsh to called Fusion linear and a bit generous to call Super Metroid open world. Fusion had narrative which occasionally told you where to go next, or put you there by itself, yeah. However within the individual sectors, there was plenty of that classic Metroid explore/backtrack. Super Metroid on the other hand was only "open" in that you might often go the wrong way several times and still have a little something to do...
  17. Zero Mission is so damn good. It's Metroid 1, at Fusion quality, with the feeling you're almost in the Prime world.
  18. Happy Birthday! I would like to take this opportunity to ask if Ike is pronounced like a) Ike in Fire Emblem (like Spike) a) Ike in Fire Emblem in Japanese (Aiku) c) like the Japanese verb "go" (Ee-keh) d) Ikea without the a
  19. Yeah I can understand that. I mean who wants to play something with Super in the title. On the Super Nintendo. With Super Mario All Stars, Super Mario World and Super Mario Kart. :p Thank God Link to the Past wasn't called Super Zelda! You might've been called Fierce_Sonic
  20. I used the boss soul for leveling up because I didn't know about that merchant I'm 32 hours in and level 102. Currently confused about a boss in Grave of Saints.
  21. Do you mean just over? Where can you get it for < £20?
  22. All they've ever wanted is attention. Best to give them none, and not stoop to their level.
  23. I tried to play this on the PS2 once, I couldn't really dent it. I might pick up this to give it another go, did anyone who loved it find it to be a slow burner? FFVII and IX remain some of my favourite games of all time, but I didn't feel that X was recapturing that feeling. I might dust off my PS2 copy to at least say where I was up to.
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