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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Was I Luffy just because of my avatar, or because that's Chibi Luffy and Chibi translates quite reasonably into Shorty?
  2. I loved Smallville but lets be honest, it was lame.
  3. I don't think it will be an old Batman, nor that the story will resemble TDKR (apart from maybe the two title characters' first meeting). An experienced, established Batman I'm sure, but not TDKR-style post-retirement or anything.
  4. Man I can't get over how much I like this suit. I loved the Nolan movies but I never did like the suit. Mask was strangely rounded, logo completely lost. Whilst it perfectly served the realistic/body armour vibe, it didn't capture the comic book character visually at all. But this... I mean come on, dat utility belt. Oh and I totes called this look way back
  5. Don't worry, they feature in this obscure Japanese video game series you've probably never heard of. Final something.
  6. Yeah clearly him. Suit looks amazing. A much more established Batman look. Very Frank Miller.
  7. I'll just watch them at work. If something cool comes on, I'll probably just call my boss over and show him. I love my job sometimes....
  8. Not sure it was necessary to enhance the lippy colours too though :p
  9. Nice, apparently there'll be a trailer after the Arrow season finale this week.
  10. I hope they sell off Spider-Man movie rights to Disney :p win all round.
  11. Do you make these on a 4k display? :p Great quiz, suitably challenging. I did something a lot like this in the past and yours makes mine look like a cakewalk.
  12. I've just finished Infamous 2, not sure whether I'll go back though it being evil. I really was expecting a lot more from this title. I think I'd convinced myself it was a really top-tier game without actually investigating its general reception. It was a very muddled title with some awful mission restrictions and combat mechanics. Frequently you could climb a building and find yourself face to face with three mobs who would instantly smack you with a rocket launcher at point blank range. But the worst moment had to be when I accidentally threw a mission item too far, went to get it, retrieved it (to a warning "return to the mission zone"), and then couldn't get back to the mission zone in time. Why use a timer to limit a player from leaving a zone, if it's actually impossible to return within that time?! They had a similar issue with scripted attacks where you had to mash a button to get out. No matter how hard you mashed that button, you would always take at least x damage. So if your health was < x, you could mash all you want but you'd still die. The powers were still a lot of fun, but there wasn't a lot of upgrading or changing to be done, not like in say... Prototype. Really surprised by this game since I remember hearing a lot of the hype when it came out, expected a lot more, and actually find myself even less interested in PS4 as a result of playing this.
  13. Nice, looks suitably creepy.
  14. Personally I'm not clear on why a shit James Bond theme won. Because beard?
  15. That episode was much better. It was awesome, in fact. Some sappy dialogue not withstanding, they knocked it out of the park with the action and setpieces.
  16. One of the best reasons is for that multiplayer game that everyone is experiencing for the first time. Before they patch in some fun-sucking nerf, when nobody knows the map, when all your friends are online. That's one good reason to buy a game at launch.
  17. Instead of refilming it you should've just hacked together some intentionally shoddy edits of "in my opinion" repeated, with a legal disclaimer, and redubbed all the swearing.
  18. That's a shame, they usually seem to do a pretty decent job with these kinds of ports.
  19. I don't usually buy discount games, but I will almost never pay a high-street price either. I can't understand people who buy their games in-store instead of on supermarket sites, amazon, shopto, etc.. Even game.co.uk is cheaper than its in-store equivalent. I'm a serial pre-orderer and the aforementioned sites are my enablers. Sometimes there's that I must have this game right now mentality which might lead to going to buy a game on a whim. I understand that (and have fallen prey to it in the past) but is typically just a result of indecisiveness/poor planning :p
  20. 1 is covered in Season 5 (and honestly why would you imagine otherwise? :p) 2. Jesse didn't donate his blood, they already had blood for everyone, that's what he pointed out. It's not that they weren't saving Mike, it's just that they were saving the person who was paying for everything first. I don't think they answered 3 in season 5, I think you're just supposed to assume there was an off-screen opportunity.
  21. I love Fuerteventura. That heat plus that breeze is amazing.
  22. Likewise, I'm a 9-to-5er I'm afraid!
  23. Sure, I know why they did it. I just think it would've been cool if you could've shown this to someone who didn't even click that it was related to Batman, and they could've been hooked on the premise without using the words "Bruce Wayne", "Penguin" etc.. If you take those out, does the trailer stand up on its own?
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