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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Very true, I'd forgotten about the Hudl, and you can use double value Clubcard vouchers etc on it if that's your thing.
  2. Sans Prime? Whut?? Also yeah the "Laura" thing has bugged me since 1996. I don't think Americans realise it's a name...
  3. Shorty


    We went to a black tie event with work (an awards ceremony). My bosses swore up and down that 'black tie' just meant formal. They rented full dinner suits anyway, and I went in black suit/black tie with a black bow tie in my pocket as backup. Lets just say, I'm glad I had the backup. My colleague being the only person in the whole room wearing a non-white shirt, normal tie and no jacket was less than happy :p It's awkward as fuck when you're unsuitably dressed (I went to a birthday overdressed, and then a Christening underdressed in the same week once) so just double check!
  4. I would take the 1st gen Nexus with a Chromecast over that. If you're going to use the tablet as a tablet, not just a hdmi media device, that Hanspree would just wind up frustrating you. Even at a bargain price, I think you would regret the purchase. Unless of course, you have zero experience with a quality tablet in which case you might achieve blissful ignorance! If you're not going to use it much as a tablet, have you considered a totally different approach? How about a Raspberry Pi with a memory card, HDMI cable and Openelec? Costs <£40 and hundreds of guides on the internet. You could then stream your media from your laptop or similar. Wouldn't be suitable for netflix, but guessing you consoles have that covered.
  5. Shorty


    Black tie is meant to mean full dinner jacket etc.. More than just a suit, it's usually a cummerbund, bow tie, cufflinks.... The phrase "black tie" is thrown around erroneously from time to time, I would get that confirmed. If so I would just rent.
  6. Ah. You need a Japanese 3DS to get on the Japanese eShop right? Or to have linked a Japanese NNID before any other. Bummer.
  7. Nice I borrowed Muramasa once for Wii but couldn't get into it, I think it'll suit the Vita much more. For those who haven't already got Everybody's Golf, that's quite a score.
  8. Didn't know there was a demo. Available to all via a Japanese account?
  9. Hm, when pre-orders open I'm not going to want to miss out on that Chopper Edition :p but I'd really like a better insight into the local multiplayer before I decide on a format. I won't have anyone to play the 3DS/Vita versions with, but could see myself playing the PS3 version with the missus. Yet if nothing separates them in terms of quality, I'd rather own it on Vita. Argh! Someone open pre-orders please This is going to be reminiscent of the "Unlimited Adventure" games right? As opposed to the PS3 Pirate Warrior games which I couldn't stand.
  10. Love my Nexus 7 but not sure I'd settle for a Gen 1 refurb now. They have issues with memory and screen discolouration. Personally if my budget was £150, I'd stretch to £159 and get the 2013 Nexus 7 new http://www.carphonewarehouse.com/tablet/asus/new-asus-nexus-7-wifi-16gb/handset Apparently you could possibly pick this up instore in Sainsburys for £149 (worth giving them a ring) You can "expand" the memory with any USB stick, an OTG cable and Nexus Media Importer app
  11. From that trailer it seemed like it was saying 3DS and Vita are 1-4 players, but their site lists Wii U and 3DS as being the 1-4 player versions and PS3/Vita as 1-2..... Is there any footage of the console splitscreen?
  12. This game is currently £4.95 here Do you think it's worth picking up if I already completed the original on Xbox 360 (more than once, on hard etc)?
  13. Shit, Jim, so sorry to hear that. Tried to write you this heartfelt message like twelve times but it seems kinda futile in relation to what you're going through. Still, goes without saying, can message me any time you want man.
  14. That's pretty sweet. Although all the PS1 games I own digitally PS3 were already compatible so I wasn't actually aware that it was an issue....
  15. I'm really hung up on the whole "upside down when open" thing. Otherwise I'd have one too.
  16. I would get a 32GB if you're at all tempted by the idea of having most of your games with you all the time without carrying additional carts. I wound up with two 16GB cards just because a second was in a crazy offer, and they're both full most of the time, I have to delete PS+ games and games I've finished when I want to fit something new on. If your d/l speed is good enough, that's fine because PS+ puts all your saves in the cloud (except for PS1/PSP games) and you can just redownload or store your games on a PC/PS3 in the mean time. I own a lot of Vita games, but only physical copies of P4G and Dragons Crown. Some are quite sizeable (FFX and X-2 HD weigh in at about 3.5GB each)
  17. You're rounding down :p £21.56 + £5.82 "if you went for the cheapest delivery" = £27.38
  18. Nendoroid... would only be about £27 + Import VAT + Royal mail customs admin charge (£8) if you went for the cheapest delivery from CDJapan (but really you should get registered airmail at £12) Forbidden Planet International are selling it for £40 with a release date of 30 Sept...
  19. I just don't have this problem. My friends all have smartphones but 95% of the time they're tucked away in their pockets. Technology doesn't cause unsociable people to act unsociably, it just enables them. Alternative perspective: If you're out with someone and they keep going on their phone, perhaps you're just not engaging enough. Awkward silences? One word answers? Only talking about yourself/not asking any questions about the other person? What I'm saying is, it's either their fault as a person (socially ignorant) or your fault as a person (boring), it's not really technology's fault. * disclaimer: post not aimed at anyone in particular.
  20. So apparently you don't get FFX-2 on the cart for Vita and have to download it anyway? And it clocks in at 3.3GB... so I would have to make room for it on my card anyway. Might just make some space for it all and get a digital copy :p
  21. The Atlus newsletter/twitter says the EU will get the demo and game next month, hopefully.
  22. Sure, why not?
  23. Well you know, it is quite old. Pre-forum software transfer old :p I mean... if you'd really looked... http://web.archive.org/web/20040427073601/http://www.xsorbit1.com/users/cubeeurope/index.cgi?board=gbad&action=messageindex&start=90 Here's a good'un http://web.archive.org/web/20040427063828/http://www.xsorbit1.com/users/cubeeurope/index.cgi?board=gbad&action=display&num=1076029649
  24. I wouldn't personally consider that chronological. Makes more sense to me to start with Zero Mission.
  25. Really wish I'd pre-ordered this. Vita prices have only risen and stock levels are thin. PS3 version on the other hand is sub £18. I'd go digital but it's a hefty 6+GB...
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