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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Looking really stunning, and really, dem visuals.... buuuut -- I really expected this to be very top tier in the reviews world. I can't believe that nearly 6 months after the release of both new consoles, there is nothing that has made me say "yes, I must buy this console for game x and/or game y". It's a little disconcerting to say the least. And we kept assuming that the games just on the horizon would make up for that. Titanfall. Infamous. Watch Dogs. Now they're all coming up great but still not... system selling great. Now we're going to look at Destiny, Division, The Order, The Witcher 3, Batman, with the same vague hopes. Edit: and by "system selling great", I mean they're not selling it to me. Obviously this brand will ship a lot of consoles the same way AC, Titanfall and Killzone did.
  2. I've often thought of that, but I've been with the anime for so many years (8+??). I figure once I catch up with the manga I'd only be in the same boat in terms of waiting, pacing etc, but a bit further ahead. Well, a slightly nicer looking boat with less filler...
  3. Re-spec'd yesterday, added a lot more into ADP and END, a bit less in DEX, still didn't bother with INT/FTH/ATN though, maybe on a second playthrough. Found the Sinner's Rise boss took nothing but patience to beat, but still can't do the Belfry... left it behind and gone on to the Shaded Wood.
  4. There are several flight sims/space flight sims in development for the OR. And some people might even port an OR version of those you mentioned.
  5. Agreed ^ If it was released at £300 and people said "there's still a lot of bugs, the interface options are poor, support is weak", it would be "expensive". If it was released at £300 and the feedback was as good as it could be, I'd probably pre-order without even caring about the cost.
  6. Chromecast is out today, amazingly, at £30 https://play.google.com/store/devices/details?id=chromecast
  7. Unless you already have a PS4 you didn't buy for VR... like 6 million people do. @Dcubed has nailed it though. Having a gun stuck to the corner of your vision in an FPS really breaks the immersion, it's all about the accessory/control method when it comes to real gaming.
  8. The pursuer is meant to be beaten with another person, can bring him down in seconds if someone keeps him busy whilst another uses the ballistae.
  9. @drahkon you're giving me an inferiority complex, I must be doing something wrong...
  10. In the end I summoned two bros to help me with that boss fight. Guess my build is not especially flexible. I quite like the click for jump, it actually captures the feeling of running and then putting in a certain particular bit of effort to make whatever gap you're aiming for.
  11. Ruin Sentinels ruining my life...
  12. The effegies also reduce the chance of being invaded by PVP if burned in the bonfire. And yeah, they give you back full health when used.
  13. Well if you quit when you die, clearly that's where you're going wrong. This is the one game that dying is supposed to be taken in your stride (especially because you need to go back and get your souls).
  14. In my experience, pics taken with certain brands of phones and then viewed with certain brands of system can read exif data that 'rights' an image, whilst others can't. (Yeah, they were upside down, them actually being Australian really put a dampener on Moogle's joke )
  15. So did anyone else go completely the wrong effin way? Fought my way through these 6 huge knights to a boss a dozen times before I realised it was too hard even by Dark Souls standards, then finally found the right path tucked away... At least it made the normal enemies feel like a joke.
  16. I got gunpoint for £3.49, but since I already own Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite on Xbox 360 and now PS3 thanks to PS+, I didn't think I needed them again :p
  17. That's true, I was being a bit vague. I guess you go for a laptop at least because you expect to do a lot of typing, so I took that part for granted. Unless you wanted to see what you were browsing, in which case you'd have to hope the train had a plug for the monitor you brought with you. Using a Chromebook is just like using Google Chrome on a laptop which boots super fast, along with all the apps and extensions you can get for it, mail, google drive (docs), etc.. If you suddenly decide you need some software like Excel, Outlook or Photoshop, you're out of luck, you'll have to use the web equivalents.
  18. Gunpoint is on offer at £3.49 - see, didn't have to wait long Going to play that on my lunchbreak...
  19. If I only wanted to browse the internet, I'd get a Chromebook. But whilst it's super cheap, it might feel like wasted money down the line when you hit limitations in what you can do.
  20. That was pretty much Smallville's gimmick for 11 years, although not the effect I was referring to in my post. Eg - skip to 2:20
  21. I hope the Flash super speed is nothing like it was in Smallville. I don't want thunderclap sfx 20x per episode. They should look at the way Faora moved in Man of Steel for inspiration during action sequences.
  22. I think it was a mistake to make this a show of its own. The character doesn't translate well to mid-budget television. Perhaps if they aim to make just one series it could be ok. The origin in Arrow was brilliant though.
  23. Unusual size boxes don't tend to go through the photo machine. I went for the don't get any special armour you don't deserve version :p
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