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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. This looks good, but the teaser gave you a feel that this was going to be something really different. The new trailer, not so much.
  2. But Avengers can be watched without having watched the others and would still be a good movie.
  3. I never actually knew the Famicom was so much smaller than the NES.
  4. Darkness! ♪♫ No Parents! ♪♫ Continued Darkness! ♪♫ We were definitely laughing way more than any of the kids in that cinema.
  5. At first I was worried because, yknow, Spider-Man 3 deja vu. But we should try and forget about that because if done right, it could be something awesome. Spider-Man does often find himself surrounded by a huge variety of enemies in the comics, so it's staying fairly true to itself. The only way to really mess it up is if there's been pressure to give actors a certain amount of face time. Maybe they looked at Avengers and said "hey, if you can do it with the good guys, you can do it with the bad guys, too."
  6. Awesome. I've always wanted a Spice Gamecube or at least a controller.
  7. Once I learned that the original anime split off from the manga, and was immensely depressing, I never finished it. But I stuck with the manga and loved it until it ended, which wasn't all that long ago really. I think I might just leave it there and not worry about Brotherhood or the first anime :p
  8. Shit there are so many games I want to play since I basically rediscovered JRPGs. 3D Dot Game Heroes and Valkyria Chronicles? I'm going to have to start bringing my DS/Vita to work so I can get through my backlog on my lunch...
  9. My biggest problem with Heroes was that after saving the world, which, spoilers: wouldn't have been necessary without their interference in the first place, they were never actually heroes. It quickly became all about the powers themselves, discovering them, stealing them, losing them etc, and never about what they did with them. It all became a bit too into itself and contrived. The mystery of the first season made it an overnight hit ("Save the cheerleader, save the world" was on everyone's lips and referenced in other hit shows of the time) but following seasons tried to do too much, and changed the characters too much.
  10. FMA:B is just FMA but following the manga right? Is it better than the manga?
  11. You can pick up the story very easily in the Witcher 2 though, and it's not as though either games start with the genesis of your character. Also, in Mass Effect the important part of starting with the first one was that you made decisions which carried over to the second one. I loved Witcher 2 but I couldn't get through the first game because it's aged badly.
  12. I used them to buy Wind Waker Collector's Edition last month. There was no email confirmation of any part of the order which was odd, but it did arrive very fast.
  13. io9 gave it a really favourable response, and I appreciate their views. Said it was a really solid sci-fi, which to be fair we don't get a lot of.
  14. Were you behind the mystery though?
  15. Whilst I agree that they're two different beasts, labelling SAC as an action show makes it sound dumb. It certainly doesn't have the depth of the movies, but it's still fairly smart and engaging, the futuristic world is expanded intelligently. Visually excellent as well. As for NHK... it's black comedy, I thought it was hilarious.
  16. Naruto is so long, and there's so much filler shit to contend with. I still love it but I don't recommend it to people anymore. That said I think it has a good 5 episode test, as in watch 5 and if you're not hooked then it's not for you. Just to suggest a few that people might have forgotten but are unmissable: Sword Art Online (about being trapped inside a VR MMO) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Eureka Seven Ghost in the Shell, movies and Standalone Complex And to lighten it up a bit (You'll need this if you watch Evangelion and Lain as you may forget what happiness is): The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Azumanga Daioh Great Teacher Onizuka FLCL Welcome to the NHK
  17. I set a reminder for myself and I'm glad I did, that Tearaway price is active now £12.99 or £11.69 for PS+ users.
  18. I'm not sure how you can call them dead end posts when they lead people asking why they thought those negative things, and then responses to those questions, not to mention this whole meta debate :p On the other hand certain positive posts haven't been responded to at all (I don't want to pick on anyone in particular...) and didn't contribute anything. Stick around, just... see it as a challenge when someone says something bad about something you're psyched for, and use it to brew some of that "creative discussion" you seek.
  19. I'm not sure what you expect from this place, just to state your opinion and have everyone else nod and agree? People like me who are refraining from being overly optimistic will happily be proven wrong once the hands-on impressions come in. We don't want the game to be bad and we're not arguing for the sake of it. People prematurely judge games in a positive manner too, and often turn out to be wrong. We were given some footage, it's bound to be the focus of our discussion. This being a forum, it's kinda understandable that there would be a debate between the good and bad impressions of that footage. If you find a discussion where not everybody is constantly optimistic/hopeful 'tiring', perhaps you should just start a blog and turn comments off.
  20. I plan to buy both Naruto and One Piece on the best format available once they're all in one complete, hopefully compact collection
  21. All I said is that I'm not getting my hopes up based on what we've seen. There's a difference between being "a miserable git" and not hedging all your bets on something just because it's a new IP. Remember how people thought Knack was going to be PS4's Super Mario 64?
  22. No I was just confused by the cover, which I've seen like this elsewhere:
  23. Don't want to raise my hopes for this one. It looks gorgeous, but it also looks kinda like a generic cover shooter.
  24. Is that the 1-3 box set?
  25. I wouldn't say we went there too early, I can definitely remember thinking these graphics looked amazing back in the day. However I don't think 32bit/64bit is a style as much as it is a limitation.
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