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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I spent about 140 hours on P4 and it's definitely something I'd want to go back to in the future, maybe even when PS+ no longer exists, so yeah, I'd want a proper digital copy/physical copy. There's something about Persona, I don't know if it will really appeal to everyone, yet I agree that it is an outstanding series, wonderfully unique take on the genre and something you shouldn't miss out on... if there's a chance you'll enjoy it. It became one of my all time favourites. @Cubemas, it doesn't follow many JRPG standards, so you can't really dismiss it on those grounds. There's no map, no towns, no inns, no fantasy setting. However, I do enjoy a good anime, and that must be integral to my opinion (Happ' and Sheikah do, too). It's 33% social interaction/friend maker/dating sim/visual novel kinda thing, parts of it feel just like watching a highschool comedy anime, which must put a lot of people off straight away. But the characters are great, 90% well voiced (Nanako lets it down a bit IMO...). Then you get 33% story-driven whodunit (a pretty great one). When the story's being smart or cool, it's great and draws you in; when it's funny, it's hilarious. That leaves you with 33% turn-based RPG (and 1% pixie dust). But the RPG mechanics themselves are approached in a quite unique manner, where you essentially only fight when you want to (but risk making things difficult if you wait too long). So actually yeah... for many people PS+ would be the perfect way to try this game.
  2. Two amazing games. I envy you playing them both for the first time.
  3. You can import it from the US for about £20 if you want a physical copy. Sometimes it drops below that on play-asia.
  4. If there's a post-Christmas bargain for the Premium Wii U I'm so jumping on board just for this game (and 3D World)
  5. P4G is technically a 2013 game since it hit Europe in 2013, even though I bought a US copy and it's a remake of a game from 2008... that would certainly be my most enjoyed game this year. Reintroduced me to the JRPG world after a very, very long hiatus. After that my favourite game would be Bioshock Infinite. I understand people's gripes about the combat, or maybe how some people were disappointed compared to what was seen in early trailers/footage. However I didn't watch any trailers, and I got to grips with what the combat required very quickly. In fact, a certain vault fight on the hardest difficulty aside, I eventually found it a really dynamic and fun combat style. But none of that really matters, because the best bit by miles was that it took a typically annoying gameplay element, the Escort Mission, and made it amazing. Elizabeth was just brilliant, and brought together an amazing looking world and a fantastic story. It was way more than the "Bioshock in the sky" that I was expecting when it was announced, loved it from start to finish. The Last of Us and Tomb Raider were absolutely amazing, too. Zelda: A Link Between Worlds will probably be on my list if I can fit it in before the year's end.
  6. If you're not bothered about digital copies vs cases - Assassins Creed IV Special Edition is £22.50 for PS3 at GAME. If it's still on, grab that then upgrade for £9.99, better than ShopTo's offer.
  7. Wha? How did you use the wrong port?
  8. Where you're seeing Dave Grohl I'm seeing Keanu Reeves.
  9. Should've made it a real flute :p
  10. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/member.php?u=2545 Perv on, my friend. And God speed.
  11. Soul Sacrifice is a dungeon crawler for Vita, got mostly favourable reviews, has some decent co-op gameplay. Don't Starve is an indie game [edit: not f2p] http://www.dontstarvegame.com/ It's almost as if there's really nothing that Sony can afford to give away on PS4 in the near future...
  12. It is Christmas tbf, although I've not found ShopTo as fast as they once were. They've taken the matra off their site, "shop late, play tomorrow".
  13. 140 hours in P4 wasn't to finish it once :p And reverse psychology doesn't work on me. I WILL TOTALLY FINISH SMT YOU BITCH
  14. If you mean Shin Megami Tensei the series including all spinoffs I am clearly the best Shin Megami Tensei Player of the Year :p Since I have sunk about 200+ hours in total into P3 and P4. Hey the year's not out yet and I'm in December on P3, I could still finish SMT
  15. No announcements yet, but it does look like the OLED models are being shifted cheap to make way. I think I read somewhere that you could find the PCH-2000 tech info in English on the Sony site somewhere indicating that a western release is on the books. Probably on the system's 2 year anniversary in Feb. Happy to keep my lovely OLED screen anyway
  16. £50 Amazon's deal of the day.
  17. I bought this case (OOS atm), my spec was "as cheap as possible" http://www.game.co.uk/en/gameware-ps-vita-case-black-157337?pageSize=20&searchTerm=vita%20case But it's actually surprisingly robust and has the same little pouches you can see in drahkon's image (the lower ones, not the netted ones)
  18. I can't stand the "negative" awards anyway. If anyone's doing them this year, awards like that are not allowed.
  19. ^ Classic, Evolution, Innovation, Perfection, TV remote...
  20. Nintendo didn't just launch a new controller though :p
  21. Yeah it seems like fixing the framerate has made some parts of the game much faster than I'm used to. It's not so much that the special stages are harder when they're faster, it's more that I've gotten used to doing them at the same speed for about 20 years and can't adjust :p I bought this for Android then realised it was just released as an update to the iOS version that I've already had for years. D'oh. Make that the... 7th or 8th time I've bought this game!
  22. Yeah I got that ages ago just in case it didn't stay free forever :p
  23. Soul Sacrifice I was going to buy that.
  24. It's not a typo, it's Yorkshire slang :p it means until.
  25. Does it get better after say... the first five or so episodes? I've tried to tackle that show more than once and never really managed to see the attraction.
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