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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. If I played SM3DW in single player I would've found it a lot less enjoyable. As it was, I could see whilst I was playing it that it wasn't up to the standard I was used to, but I was having too much fun with what I was doing to care.
  2. Sweet, Daft's always going on about Towerfall but I probably never would've bought it.
  3. Oi oi, plenty of people have been quiet. Vote: The Peeps essentially to save Tales and vicariously myself.
  4. That was ridiculously well made.
  5. Happy birthday yo.
  6. I'd go for at least the 4S, there's a big difference in capability and actually I've had the 4S for nearly three years now (a long time, for me) and it's served me really well. The 6 comes out in September so older models will probably drop in price even more then. That said you'd still be better off going for something like a Moto G.
  7. Even if H-o-T bought that console, you wouldn't be able to play that game with him for nearly three months :p That's the problem with that bundle.... Making the decision to buy a console which is available now, but having to wait until a September release date, no thanks!
  8. One thing that really bugged me with the gamepad is that if you're playing a 4 player split screen match, there's no way to have just your screen on the gamepad! Another flaw that comes from not having any configuration options.
  9. The White PS4 & Destiny bundle is now £369 at Gamestop. However, I don't think I can wait til September or bring myself to skip the beta :p Anyone want to lend me a PS4 for 3 months?
  10. Unfortunately I don't think anyone here is an expert on reselling anime box sets of 80s series. Looking on eBay US the English box set has gone for $30-50. Just having some anime in the original language doesn't automatically make it worth something. Why not just list it on ebay and see what it gets?
  11. Don't move....
  12. On your internet maybe takes me about 5 seconds.
  13. This game is going to have a big impact on the future of the series. After this it will be hard to justify going back to small contained/segmented overworlds, so each title is going to have to outdo the last one, or come up with a justifiable way of doing it completely differently. That might make a Majora's Mask re-release all the more likely as major releases will probably get further apart.
  14. Alpha's over, hope you enjoyed it you lucky gits For those wondering, alpha data won't transfer to beta, source.
  15. Bumping because.... F1 legend Michael Schumacher 'out of coma'
  16. Not keen on the white PS4 at all. I think they should change more than just the base colour on both the console and DS4. For example the PS4 should have a light grey part in between and a lighter coloured strip for the light on top. The controller should have a light grey touchpad and buttons, too. And how can they put the picture of the stand on the box, in what appears to be a "what's in this box" image, and then say sold separately! Anyway, can't wait for that bundle since I want in the beta :p
  17. I forget you're from the console land that time forgot :p both 360, PS3 and some PC platforms like Steam, have notifications for getting an achievement/trophy. But as time went by the title of the trophy became less descriptive and more fun/witty so sometimes you can't even tell what you just earned it for. On Xbox you could just hit guide as the notification popped up but on PS3 it was a bit of a chore that involved a few steps and usually a 'syncing trophies' screen. Actually this and one other thing really made the 360 the winner last generation, so I'd like to ask if the other thing has changed, too. Multiple account sign-ins for local co-op. So that two PSN users can play together, make their own progress on their saved profiles etc., and earn their own trophies. Way too few games supported this on PS3... has the situation improved any?
  18. I have the original on PC and the second on PS+, and although I enjoyed them both I didn't really get stuck into them.I think I'll pick this up though and give them another try as it looks like it could be the definitive edition.
  19. Can you press the playstation button when you get a trophy to go straight to more details? That's one feature I always felt the PS3 was missing.
  20. This pretty much kills the game for me, it's the Mario Kart finish of board games because the person in first gets hammered at the last minute, and nobody had anything left to stop the person in second place from stealing the finish.
  21. Coup is ace, it's like The Resistance meets Cheat. Anyone ever beaten Shadows Over Camelot?
  22. You realise there's dozens of games that have solved this problem before right? :p When Skyrim was revealed at E3, they literally made the exact is identical statement "you can reach those mountains in the distance." That doesn't mean it's the edge of the map, or even that you can actually get right over the mountains.
  23. Wouldn't you want to start again and see what they changed/fixed/kept out anyway?
  24. I loved the last Transformers game on 360 so I'm actually interested in that, too. Are these dates all European?
  25. The shopto deal has now jumped up to £320, and the Assassins Creed £330 bundle is gone (replaced with a £330 Knack deal... lolno). So now I've got my eyes peeled for the next great deal, and plan to jump in before the Destiny beta on July 17.
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