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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. The email with the original code from your retailer? Mine took weeks to arrive, after that you do the rest from bungie.net I'm finally to the stage of installing/downloading the 11GB after about 30 attempts to connect to the store and redeem!
  2. Miles away here! I was there the second the code appeared, but got errors from PSN when I punched it in, now I can't connect at all. I love play as it installs too, but man do I hate the PSN store.
  3. Typically, unsurprisingly, bungie crawled, now SEN store is doing the same...
  4. "Start time" is pretty optimistic, even on my decent cable connection you know their servers are going to get hammered.
  5. Whuuut. I got into work 90 mins early for nothing :p
  6. If I still have some free trial time, I'll give it another go to 16
  7. I tried to enjoy it but... I never managed to find a party (not even once) and 15+ levels in and I'd only done fetch quests in the overworld. I might give it another go... one day.
  8. Ha, that happened on the 360 version in the exact same area, thought they would've fixed it by now.
  9. Everyone gets two spare, but not til tomorrow. Mine are accounted for, unfortunately.
  10. Why is there a space in the clan name? My inner editor is displeased :p
  11. Do you know that there is a button to download all your PMs? I don't understand why people need to hang onto them.
  12. I've been waiting for that for ages! And it's so close
  13. Yes. Huge shame.
  14. Pre-order Destiny from selected retailers asap so you get a beta key. You don't even need to buy the game. Starts next Thursday and lasts 8 days. Is that buying on Ebay UK? Otherwise you might get a hefty import tax. Anyone looking for something close to home, this is a damn good deal (even if not compared to that bargain above!) Last of Us bundle, £339 Note, the first thing you're wanting isn't out til the beginning of next month! Get Resogun and Transistor to tide you over
  15. Good of you to use that spoiler tag, Cube. Unfortunately everywhere else I've seen it reported just put it in the headline :p I hated Routh's acting in Supes returns so not exactly excited for his appearance. Although he was better in Scott Pilgrim. I hope Arrow follow's SHIELD's example next season and has fewer breaks. I'd also like to see more connecting storylines instead of each story being wrapped up on a per-episode basis, again like SHIELD did towards the end of the first season. It's always really weak when a show has a great season opener, and you pretty much know that eps 2-8 will have almost no progress, then there might be a mid-season finale style episode where everything kicks off, then it will inevitably slow again. This kind of thing only happens on the monster-of-the-week style mid-low budget shows and it needs to be killed with fire.
  16. Once I'm definitely in the beta, I'm going to cancel my pre-order and then get it from wherever's cheapest :p
  17. @Fierce_LiNk If you're going to play The Last of Us, remastered, 60FPS, never having even played say... an Uncharted game. Ermahgerd. You're going to I don't even all over the place. Edit: moved these posts from the Watch_Dogs thread
  18. I really enjoyed the multiplayer, liked the arenas and the different modes a lot. Traps, changing environments and vantage points kept it pretty fresh. It didn't keep me hooked beyond a couple of weeks and didn't have the depth of Uncharted, but it was certainly enjoyable. There's no way it was "really rubbish". Maybe you were just really rubbish at it? :p
  19. There's some big Sony fanboys in these parts but sounds like you might have most of them beat on the device count! You can probably find out on the PSN website though.
  20. £2.9x to upgrade Guacamelee was a no brainer. It's cheaper than a pint and you turn your PS+ rental into proper ownership.
  21. You don't like to support GAME, our only real high-street game store, you'd rather buy a game second hand so that the developers/publishers get nothing?
  22. On that note, Destiny beta in < 2 weeks
  23. I was considering it at £32 for the Occupied Edition but I actually managed to stop myself on the basis of having way too many games I'll never get through already.
  24. Sword Art Online II starts in a couple of days
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