Good of you to use that spoiler tag, Cube. Unfortunately everywhere else I've seen it reported just put it in the headline :p
I hated Routh's acting in Supes returns so not exactly excited for his appearance. Although he was better in Scott Pilgrim.
I hope Arrow follow's SHIELD's example next season and has fewer breaks. I'd also like to see more connecting storylines instead of each story being wrapped up on a per-episode basis, again like SHIELD did towards the end of the first season. It's always really weak when a show has a great season opener, and you pretty much know that eps 2-8 will have almost no progress, then there might be a mid-season finale style episode where everything kicks off, then it will inevitably slow again. This kind of thing only happens on the monster-of-the-week style mid-low budget shows and it needs to be killed with fire.