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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Not so sure about that. Nintendo and Microsoft have both dropped the ball this generation. So many people are moving from being devout 360 owners to the PS4 without giving the Xbox One a second thought. A huge number of my 360 friends list have vanished and popped up on Sony's side.
  2. I watched the first new ep and have kinda forgotten since. It was a kinda dull opener and although I know it'll get better, it killed my excitement for it a bit. I'll probably get onto the next few eps tomorrow.
  3. I doubt they'll ever be simulcasting it, but it would be nice to see one monopoly threaten another (Crunchyroll)
  4. Unless there's been another beta I haven't known about, the only one has been in the US. Even if you got into it over here, the connection speed wouldn't be good enough for the games to even start. The idea may sound good but the pricing is just a joke. Many of these games you could spend a couple of quid more (or sometimes less!) to pick up a full copy of, which you can play at your leisure and even sell on after. And no PS1/PS2 games or discount if you own the original disk means they seem to have forgotten the original idea of the service, which was to provide an alternative to backwards compatibility. At least it was before they decided to stream to TVs etc..
  5. Metro has been available at some decent prices, but since it comes out about a week before Destiny, I figured I'll just wait til it's even cheaper.
  6. Back in stock at Tesco Direct so grabbed it for £25 in coupons
  7. On the opposite end of the scale to an iPad, I convinced my Mum to get a Hudl from Tesco's ebay outlet for £59 and she loves it.
  8. It's Fez or FEZ, not FeZ like ReZ, stop inflating his ego :p
  9. We've had Dragon's Crown already, so we'll get at least a slightly different lineup. I got FEZ on 360 but honestly couldn't get far into it. It's beautifully presented and makes great use of a very unique mechanic but beneath that was quite generic/repetitive.
  10. How does half of a page of a website leak? "Accidental" leaks methinks.
  11. Totally happy with £17.99 Don't mind a digital version either, in fact the fact it's eShop only probably accounts for the low price.
  12. Unfortunately anime studios dont seem to have a clue what would be best for them when they have a popular series that's running out of content. Their go-to approach seems to be to never ever stop making episodes as long as you have viewers.
  13. If I was the author and had to explain that, I guess I'd say that the cards required some pretty hefty conditions, like they can only be used on the island, only by people wearing a certain ring etc.. The conditions play a big part of abilities in that world, although a recent new character seems to have thrown that out of the window....
  14. When you get to this (and you should, just got up to date, I love the twists and the way it sways from the typical shonen format) go straight in with the remake. Same story, better pacing, better animation. There are some things to like in the original (voices, music, minor changes) but eventually the story is cut short and it just ends, whilst the 2011 version is ongoing (140 eps as of today, although who knows what they will do when it catches up to the manga).
  15. On the one hand I'm excited, on the other hand I wish it was going to be a much bigger title. Still, licenses + quality developers, always an exciting combo. Maybe if it does really well and makes a good return, they will cash in by expanding it.
  16. That's pretty remote though, since the PS3/PS4 games aren't related to the Michael Bay movies at all. @The Bard for Metroidy goodness, have you played Guacamelee?
  17. "Without filter" seems to mean "taking a lot of creative liberties with the colour palette" :p
  18. Finished this over a year ago, really enjoyed it in the end and looking forward to the next installment. Also slightly surprised by how many of you skipped this one last generation!
  19. I think it's just a case of Full Auto, Shotgun and Sniper being the only real options for PvP. Some skilled players made use of pulse rifles but handguns, scout and fusion rifles were pretty useless.
  20. They always made a big deal of relationships in Mass Effect. What I'd really like to see is those relationships matter a bit more. In fact, I'd say that's true of any game with relationship functions. As it stands, your relationship typically only affects conversation options with the individual involved. It doesn't affect the story, the action, the gameplay or even conversations with other NPCs. It would be a detailed, heavily fractured dialogue tree that would be required to make this work, but I think it would be worth it. In general, it's always great when every little option can come back to you with a specific reaction later on. Rather than concentrating on the size and scale of the explorable universe, they should just focus on the depth and detail of character interactions. One place this was done pretty well was in the additional content in P4G, where you went off with MC's partner and the other members of the team all reacted accordingly. Little things like that make your impact on the game world feel more real. Which is what an RPG should be about really. I'm sure Bioware will have learned a lot from ME3, which was a fantastic game up until its closing sequence. I have high hopes for this, although I imagine it's a long, long way off.
  21. Or a Vita! You can pick them up refurbed/used <£100, they go great with the PS4 and can play a lot of PS1 games (but not as many PS2 games).
  22. Well the title of that video was already more of a spoiler than I wanted from a trailer. Great. Added a tag, if you don't want to know about a major character appearance in S3, don't open.
  23. The explorable area goes on for miles and miles! Edit And there are new mobs!
  24. Don't forget to explore the rest of the moon, you won't get another chance until September
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