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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I imagine this game would be a lot more fun if you played it a lot less :p I mean some people will only be level 10 or so by now, even if they bought it at launch. They'll always be getting new content to get through the slow parts instead of capping constantly then waiting for the game to catch up. That's probably the game's biggest issue, that it wants to be played like an MMO, but is only a fraction of the size.
  2. Someone needs to take charge, pick a time, finalise the roster etc. if everyone just asks everyone else it won't happen. I nominate... You!
  3. Great start to the season
  4. I found a rare ship blueprint once. It looks identical to the one that comes in the Limited Edition. Which is annoying for a number of reasons.
  5. Late last night I decided to solo one of the Queen's assassination missions. I forgot just how long the mission was, and how it ended. After getting all the way to the end of the Black Garden mission with a K/D score of 190:0, that number quickly went to about 193:7 just fighting the boss. Thankfully there was an N-E clan member to hand, cheers @Sheikah for the save there :p
  6. That's a great chest! Love when you get ~10 materials, really gives you a boost. I've found 5 purple engrams so far including 3 from the Cryptarch and not one has been a legendary weapon or piece of armour, I've had to buy all my good gear, except my new helmet from the Queen today! The queen's weapons appear to be style over substance though as they're all pretty standard in stats, whilst at least the armour has light.
  7. If you use gifycat tags, you can slow it down, pause at the right time etc.
  8. Just wear one of the banners they sell (eg hunter cloak). It's the only thing you'll be able to buy from them when you hit level 20. They're in three separate locations in the tower, two near the Shipwright and one near the Speaker.
  9. Can I get a backup spot? If someone doesn't show, swing me an invite.
  10. When my Cryptarch got to level 4 or 5, I got two purple engrams, both were exotic weapons. So I guess I was "unlucky" too The other that I didn't post above was a shotgun you use in your primary weapon slot: Universal Remote. I don't like it, really. However since then, they've all been blues. 60% chance that a purple engram will be a blue item? That's just painful.
  11. P4G works, so I'll probably pick one up when the price drops a little. You can get a new OLED Vita for £85 if you shop around...
  12. Still not found any legendary gear so still stuck at level 24. The last two times I levelled up the Cryptarch I got two blues. However I've been using this for a while, I think it may be my favourite gun in any game, ever. (The last four upgrades are all for damage, gonna need a lot of Ascendant Energy)
  13. Does anyone still need/want to do the weekly heroic mission?
  14. So people with a full set of purples, did you all farm for them? Because that's something which is kinda a game killer for me. There's so much better things I can spend my time doing than hanging around shooting at a virtual cave tbh if I'd known Destiny would devolve this quickly into things like that being necessary to keep up, I might not have bought it.
  15. They're timed events with different rewards, and the weekly raids don't have Matchmaking.
  16. Going hiking, @Jimbob?
  17. I kind of understand why reviewers were held back, because the game is kind of an unfinished thing. Raids and more strikes are on the way, and we haven't had anything in space or with the Traveler. The ending literally says
  18. I don't like it when you unlock your subclass and lose basics like grenades, and double jump I had to change class just to get over a ledge
  19. Having used two types of thumbstick cover now, the concave ones are definitely better for grip, in my opinion. I had to switch from the concave ones to the kind that is convex/flat with lots of grip dots and found I lost a lot of control. Basically, if it's something you want to buy, shape >>>> grip.
  20. We need some kind of system, a way to get the N-E clan teamed up more frequently. Any suggestions?
  21. It's a bit anticlimactic if you played the beta to death like me, just playing the same missions for the second (or third, or fourth) time. Didn't have time to reach any new content but still looking forward to it. If you got the LE I recommend you register the code for the vanguard armoury right away because you'll outlevel the items quickly.
  22. The lines on the back of the black model are dark grey, maybe you're looking at some old images? That said, the lines are definitely a let down on the whole design, so pointless and out of place, when the phone's design was leaked I was convinced that couldn't be final because it looked so tacked on.
  23. Yeah the box is really nice. A bit oversized though considering how compactly packed the contents are. Love the tin case. What mic symbol do you mean anyway? Next to your name in a lobby, or somewhere else?
  24. There's no mic on the DS4. There is one built into those headphones you bought though...
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