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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I quite like running and hiding in order to switch things out in the inventory :p feels like I'm actually coping under fire. And really how long does it take, 2 seconds? Less?
  2. I actually think this is a necessary limitation. If you could switch damage type so easily a lot of challenge would be lost.
  3. For me, the problem lies with how long they took to admit that it's only for this game. When the adaptor was revealed, I was more excited about the fact I could use it with my existing GC controllers for games like Mario Kart. It seemed like an easy/cheap option to get 4 people playing existing games, using controllers I already owned rather than buying several more, or leaving some users unhappy with Wii remote controls etc.. If they had announced from the start what it was going to do, nobody would mind, instead they left us in the dark, knowing we would assume that this would basically emulate a pro controller where desired.
  4. I've ordered this, hopefully get it today although expect it tomorrow. Really looking forward to some solid single-player action.
  5. Look up the filler arcs and skip them, they're way too dull in Shippuuden, with the possible exception of the latest one which was passable. Edit: But I shouldn't be so negative. There's actually a point coming up at which Shippuuden picks up, and then never really falters, IMO. Around the second half of
  6. It is funny though that they would make the glasses red even though they're keeping the outfit black. Speaking of which, looks like the outfit from Trial of the Incredible Hulk :p Daredevil shouldn't cover his eyes. That's stupid. There's no sense in advertising that you're blind/your alter ego is a blind man. It's like Batman advertising that he's rich by carrying around a credit card. Oh wait...
  7. Well done on the raid all. Did anyone get any videos? I recorded a lot of it and might string it together at some point.
  8. "Magic" folding bow you mean. For a show that so often grounds itself, it does occasionally go off the rails with the unbelievable. The speed at which Felicity supposedly started tracking those three people really threw me off. Dig: "We need to find these 3 guys!" Felicity: *turns around and rests her hands on a keyboard for half a second* "OMG IM TRYING OK" Still, good ep :p
  9. Yeah you're a bit late to the no-matchmaking-complaint party :p That's why you join the clan and add some friends! Or alternatively, there's http://thatwizardcamefromthemoon.com/
  10. I know I shouldn't be bitter that my absolute favourite thing about this game just became a ridiculously common commodity, and will probably be the most owned exotic weapon in the game. But I am
  11. You can do that with a regular mic as well, I haven't had much luck with its accuracy though.
  12. Ah man, if I wasn't saving my money right now... or if you'd hooked a bro up during the sale... :p
  13. You just have to get used to it. It makes web fonts render much better on Windows and is overall a great improvement and a long sought after solution for an issue that has annoyed us web developers for many years. It's not a bug and I wouldn't seek out a "fix" for it just because it's different.
  14. I was talking with Dan about this last night, I think the game's biggest issue is that you end what little story you have so early, and then when you hit level 29 and 30, you just stop playing. Either you give up and get bored of going for 30, or you get there and then have nothing else to do. That means no matter how much you enjoyed the game for the first two thirds, your enjoyment will eventually drop off and your opinion of the whole experience will be shifted. Most people won't stop playing after a big, exciting finale, but instead when their interest fades away, which is a bad reason to stop playing a game like this. They should have some real endgame content (even if it's not the end) that unlocks at level 30 to make it worth getting there, and feels like the right time to stop playing. The raid would fulfil that purpose, if you didn't need the raid to get to level 30 in the first place.
  15. HDMI to component cable? That's not even possible. HDMI is digital, component is analogue, you'd need a signal converter in between.
  16. We were mostly getting wrecked by hobgoblins, I think it might be better if mostly titans go through. I'm up for whenever but I'll take a back seat this time! Just @mention me with a time and place!
  17. So the Naruto manga is coming to an end next month! Can't believe how many years that's been going. Hopefully now the anime won't need another filler arc at all. Please be super careful with spoilers now. Anything out of tags is a big no-no *cough*bryanee*cough*.
  18. Yeah gutted we couldn't do it, I'm pretty impressed that we were able to work a lot of it out for ourselves and co-ordinate it, in that sense it was very successful. Ultimately though we just weren't high enough level to survive and take down enemies quickly where we needed to. Meet back here when we're level 29 guys :p
  19. @Sheikah @Daft @lostmario @Blade @Dan_Dare don't forget, Raid tonight! Aim to be on between 5-5.30 which is when Dan hopes to be home and online for. I'm pretty confident we can finish it in good time. Take a look at the plan, you don't need to remember all the teams or anything, just learn what you're doing and when. See you in a few!
  20. Why not just go use a passport photo machine?
  21. Glad you enjoyed P4G. It makes the system purchase worthwhile for many! Are there any other demos worth getting that are only available in Japan?
  22. I keep thinking that double tapping Share is save video. When actually it does the opposite, starts a new video thus instantly erasing the last 15 mins
  23. More annoyed than I should be that an ex-SAS lieutenant would pronounce lieutenant the American way :p And the same guy then took a sniper rifle from a perfect sniper vantage point and walks up to his enemy to shoot him. Let's just assume he was never really in the SAS since he'd be an embarrassment :p
  24. I'll happily do another one : peace:
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