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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Lol, just because he owns a big popular webcomic doesn't mean his opinion should sway us in any way whatsoever.
  2. You're not, I second it. The original RA still rocks and every time I have 10 minutes on the computer that I don't know what to do with, I play a skirmish with a random map/enemy/country/colour on RA2.
  3. Don't smoke, tried it to look cool, wasn't into it, don't do it.
  4. Thanks for the fav Ray! I'd look at others' work but right now a. my pc's hooked up to a tv not a monitor and the image is too poor and b. i just bought some comics from ebay and they arrived *runs off gleefully*
  5. Find me at http://whatshortydid.deviantart.com - feel free to friend/watch me. My fave works are the featured and most recent items.
  6. 1. Lifehouse - Everything 2. Rise Against - Swing Life Away 3. Thrice - Stare At the Sun (Acoustic) 4. Fuel - Falls on Me 5. Danzig - Can'tspeak The first four are amazing, I would absolutely reccomend them to anyone, the fifth is just in my head right now.
  7. That's been discussed to death guys... it's actually quite easily solved.
  8. Those wondering how to play more traditional games should note that a "regular controller" extension has been suggested for the extension half of the thing.
  9. Yknow in C-E about 50 people basically turned a thread into a "down with postcounts!" thread, and now here you all are complaining :P I like the mouseover thread feature, although am used to it from other forums ^^;
  10. Changing the design wouldn't be that hard, at the least editing the title in a psd file, at the most new colours, new logo. I'm pretty sure Tim bought several URL's just in case anyway so one more wouldn't hurt. Regardless, it was codenamed revolution for a reason, and the sitename would still be appropriate anyway.
  11. Thanks for copying this across F_L, I sticked it and if anyone has any suggestions to add please post them here and they'll be put in the top post if appropriate!
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