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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Is the fact that smilies is being spelt with a 'y' bugging anyone else or just me?
  2. Actually for the first time I would agree with Schpick. Especially if you don't care for games, apple could be the way to go.
  3. I finally got it to work and it stuck at 40%... I try again when I get back to broadband ^^;
  4. Shorty


    Windowblinds/stardock etc are not good because they suck up RAM and just cover over your desktop. You're best off using that patch or installing styleXP and getting visual styles instead. They're generally of much higher quality anyway. Best place to find them is dA.
  5. It says I need to use WinXP and IE6, when I clearly was.
  6. Meik's is great
  7. My original gameboy isnt the first grey model, it's yellow, but at the time all I played was Super Mario Land 1 and 2.
  8. Ah, I didn't really take this into account but like I said, I don't make DVD's myself.
  9. Graphics aren't so important as higher performance levels. I want to be able to have bigger, more complex, more detailed rather than "looks more realistic".
  10. You need to specify an email address for someone to send it to.
  11. I use http://www.dreamhost.com - very reliable, comes with a .com or .net
  12. If everyone used Google this board would be no use :p
  13. Grab a program called DVD2SVCD. You will also need the TMPGenc encoder installed Open the program and select AVI to DVD in the Misc section, then load your file, choose your border/size options etc and hit encode. It'll take some time, but you'll be left with a .cue file in the 'movie' folder of the program directory. Burn this using Nero (selecting burn image to dvd) and that should be it. Unfortunately I've not made DVD's before so this might not be the best way. If you need more help with this program or any other vid conversions, you should be able to find them on doom9 http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21859 Hope something here helps.
  14. Macromedia flash player is just used when playing flash vids... sometimes shockwave too, especially if there's some interaction involved. You simply install it and it runs itself. http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOX As for CD drives I'm no expert. These days speeds are overrated, they keep upping them even though they're so fast already. Depends also whether you want to read, write, etc. The speeds are usually listed in threes such as 40x/10x/40x, which is the read, rewrite and write speeds respectively. Incidentally you should look for around 40/10/40 and up. But since you ask about the difference between dvd-r and +r, are you actually speaking of DVD-ROM drives? As for the Dell, I didn't click on your link because I'm no expert on the quality of Dell products - but you could always google it for user reviews
  15. Agreed with revpwns there o_O. Select the layer you want to resize and hit ctrl+t, using the bar at the top of the screen enter a percentage (you want around 20 by the sound of things). If you can resize the whole image, not just a layer, hit image > resize and enter 200px width checking to keep proportionate. Perhaps I'm missing something.
  16. I remember someone saying (years ago, maybe from the first time this was posted :p) that apparently the longer you take to get it, the smarter you are, because your brain looks for complex explanations.
  17. Forget all previous lists. Zelda: Ocarina of Time Zelda: Majora's Mask Banjo Kazooie Perfect Dark That is all.
  18. Sorry, please go here.
  19. Shorty


    I was in the ATC and went to do faux 'missions' on base, they were never like that then.
  20. Are you sure they sent it? The offer has closed.
  21. DivX Create is a tool for encoding videos. You greatly reduce the filesize and it's ideal for game trailers etc.
  22. Guys you're just arguing the entire point of agnosticism back and forward. Some people believe in God, some do not, some want to but find it hard. That's all there is to it, stop trying to force other people to agree with you, cos that's known as preaching
  23. I was on 56k for a while, I have a decent card and a fast PC, but I hate a ping over 100 now that I've been on 2MB I don't want to go back. Not only that but I have had to install the game again and the update would take hoursandhoursandhours.
  24. I don't actually remember that scene :/ I need to watch this movie again.
  25. Donkey Kong carts were famously yellow. Pretend it was meant to be that way. Maybe write "LTD ED IN YELLOW!!" on the box, see if anyone buys it.
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