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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I didn't necessarily say they were particularly expensive, just overpriced. Not the same thing, since I'm being relative. I think a mac is too expensive for what you get. A shiney well designed box but with half the capabilities of a PC.
  2. It must be a regional thing and personally I think it sounds stupid, sounds like what someone who doesn't know what a goth really is, "oh look a group of gothics" :/ Like calling an emo kid "an emotional".
  3. Hmm *begins lines on chalkboard* "I must pay attention to number 9" Well at least I noticed it before I got to number 9, obviously or I wouldn't have said anything. Which makes numbers 9-11 wrong! So I probably was the only one who noticed so I win. If it hadn't gotten boring before it got funny I would've paid attention all the way through and spotted the joke part. Totally saved myself. :/
  4. I don't get the point of it.... But I'm afraid Haver won that round.
  5. I had this book for a really long time, way before it was a hit, but I only finished it 2 days ago. Great book nuff said Gonna make a good film since I think the book reads a lot like a movie anyway.
  6. Am I the only one who noticed we have points 1-11 but no number 5.
  7. Best program for me is Adobe Photoshop and Imageready, you make all the layers you want to move around, click the "to imageready" button and start making frames. There's a "copy to new frame" button along the bottom of the animation which you click to make the second frame, then you just move around the layers or make some of them invisible, then move on to the next frame. I originally used Jasc Animation Shop though, that was great too, but you have to make every frame seperately and load them all together, they also provide some cool pre-made transition animations though. Flash is very popular too of course, but I've never figured that one out.
  8. Definitely one of my favourite films
  9. Goldeneye mod looks great, although I'd prefer Perfect Dark :p Cel shaded... neh, not for me. Does make me miss Counter Strike though. *moans about losing broadband again*
  10. I put my fist through a window and could see my bone and muscle, there was a LOT of blood. I was... not in a fit state of mind at the time... and I had to wander accross a wet muddy recently plowed field to knock on the door of the house of someone I barely knew for some 'first aid'.
  11. Insulting in introductory sentence not reccomended.
  12. Magazines are just overpriced extremely limited internet access.
  13. Brass Eye... Paedogeddon, a classic which will never die... just remembering the jokes makes me giggle even years later. No American satire could ever dare do that....
  14. Nice work guys, I would suggest tracing mario with a pen tool to make a sharp silhouette and some crisp anti-aliasing on the text to make it look a little smoother
  15. I hate the phrase 'a gothic', you can't use 'a' with an adjective, 'a gothic person', 'a goth' - fair enough. That just gets on my nerves. Learn how to write... old people!!
  16. I'm in the US with Sattelite, there's a channel called G4 and it actually doesn't suck. The main reviews show, X-Play, is hilarious.
  17. Love your style, but a single pixel border will never go out of style. Also the filesize is a bit too much? You could shed 30KB without noticing a thing. I doubt you intended to make the same thread twice, so I took the liberty of removing the duplicate I intended to change that when the thread first surfaced but I couldn't get the forum working....
  18. I never once in 3.5 years paid attention to that box.
  19. Weell... I think Macs are highly overrated, and simply used for design, highly overpriced. Just because you don't want to wait 15 seconds to flip between PS and Illy or because your 3D landscapes don't render instantaneously does not, personally, justify buying a mac. However, if you're a designer, you might be swayed to buy one simply because the hardware and OS in a Mac itself, is well designed and cool looking. Personally I would only ever buy something that is as versatile as my needs are, that is I want to run as many different compatible applications as possible. Unless I was rich and already owned a top of the range PC running Windows, I would not buy a Mac, no matter how smoothly I want Adobe's Creative Suites to run (which, incidentally, I would have to be extremely rich to own in the first place).
  20. Those two giant images aren't really your signature are they?? They have got to go :/ My old TV had the same issues, new TV, no probs.
  21. Naw but turning down game volume helped just great Offers thanks. Now here's hoping all companies bothered to put in game volume control... I don't think Nintendo usually puts it in their Zelda titles
  22. Not so great if your friends are her friends....
  23. Living in America now, I'm beginning to turn to enjoy more humour in shows like Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, Family Guy, Cheers, Friends - but I think when the British do it well, they do it best
  24. Conor, man, 'sorry' seems empty but it's all I have to dish out. My girlfriend has been through the same thing before she was with me and she said she was like a zombie for a long time afterwards, you gotta be there for each other and I'm certain you'll have happy days again.
  25. Possible, but the TV is fairly new, and there are no issues with regular tv channels or DVDs. I'm going to try simply adjusting the game volume like Offers suggested (thanks ) as soon as I get a chance, although I can't see that explaining why in one game movies crackle whilst in-game sounds do not....
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