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Everything posted by Daroh

  1. I get the feeling it wont have a single ending... since it has a branching storyline multiple endings seem likely. That has really made me want this game, the whole idea of the story changing on your actions sounds great. Just seems very likely that this is the case, if not, why even bother giving the choice of who to save?
  2. I'm pretty certain one of the updates the Wii had was to allow support for SD card data storage, so looks like your cousin is going to have to get his Wii connected to the net somehow to update it.
  3. Daroh

    De Blob

    The blob looks strange to me... the PC tech demo blob has so much more character than this... uh... rabbit monster ball thing... Maybe I'm just nitpicking though...
  4. I like the adverts, I find it funny how the adverts that are apparently crap and people are complaining about are aimed at casual gamers, yet you fail to mention any of the ads that are for non casual such as Mario strikers (or whatever its called), I thought that showed some nice ingame footage and catered to hardcore gamers. And about the forecast channel, sure it isn't a selling point but to a casual user it would be useful, that part isn't aimed at you its aimed at Casual Joe who has a family and kids who doesn't have time for hardcore games.
  5. Sonic and the secret rings: Crap Sonic Rush: Pretty good. I REALLY wish I knew when the change from "sonic being able to explore" to "Sonic goes so fast you cant react fast enough" happened. Id rather someone stuck cement blocks on each of Sonic's feet than blaze through the levels smashing into objects that came so fast you couldn't react... I know Sonic was fast for its time on the Megadrive but why the heck are they continuing to make these games faster and faster? The Megadrive ones had it just right, then you get the likes of sonic rush where he goes far too fast... although I did enjoy it, the speed put me off at times. Sonic games have been getting more and more linear, the classic sonic games had multiple routes to take whereas you get the likes of sonic and the secret rings which have a set path you need to take and doing it at 500mph... and dont say anything about "but it has branching paths!" its no where near the same thing. Sonic doesn't need to be faster, the reason his games are sucking so much is they put so much emphasise on speed that nothing else seems to matter to them. Phew... glad I got that off my chest.
  6. There's something about those screenshots that screams "HL2 MOD" to me... Dunno what it is though, cant put my finger on it...
  7. My grandma wouldn't play Silent Hill, but she sure as hell would watch and get involved. The original Silent Hill was like a magnet to most people, I used to play it and find a crowd drawing round all getting involved. "RUN!" "try using *insert object* on that" "try playing those notes instead".
  8. Why are people blowing this completely out of proportion? He obviously never literally meant "I could have made Halo" only that he could have made a game of a similar concept however chose not to, Bungie seem a little foolish for making that statement.
  9. Most I can get is 110, Anyone think the scores currently listed are cheated? I mean, 296? wtf?
  10. Yes... I'd LOVE to see a Jet Set/Grind Radio game for the Wii, or even DS, cel shading does look rather nice on there.
  11. Wouldn't that require the PS3 to be on all the time in order to connect to it? Resulting in an extremely hefty electricity bill. Same thing could be said about Wii-DS, except Nintendo are yet to get off their lazy asses and do something about it (Pokemon excluded). I've never seen PS3-PSP link in action but the whole "Download PS1 games to your PSP" thing just seems like a way to get people to fork out hundreds of pounds just so they can play PS1 games on their PSP when in reality it could easily be done on the PSP with no PS3 needed. In other words, care to tell me what was so special about it? *Edit* Also shouldn't this be in the "Other Consoles" Topic? Since in the topic description it says "Nintendo Handhelds"
  12. Bills Tomato Game... You had to launch a Tomato from a spring board and get it onto a conveyor belt without it falling too fast, or snagging something, or else SPLAT. You had to position fans, blocks, mini trampolines and jack in the boxes around the level for the tomato to slide along, all was mouse driven. Was for the Amiga, absolutely loved the game... No chance it will ever make an appearance on the Wii though since it was developed and published by the now Sony owned Psygnosis.
  13. The closest your probably going to get to playing HL2 on the Wii Requires a bluetooth adaptor and a sensor bar (Makeshift/Custom or Wii)
  14. That isn't a glitch, if you change to wolf form and enabled your sence you'd see the reason you were moving slow, I had trouble at this bit too and thought it was a glitch also until i did as mentioned...
  15. I got stuck on Zelda after trying to open a locked door from the wrong side with a certain item out [spoiler=]Ball and chain . He just put the item away, then stood staring at the door for as long as I kept the game on, unfortunately I hadn't saved in over 3 hours...
  16. I have a secret for you, grab the cat on the picture channel, on the fun menu (he walks across the top where it says fun, then runs when you try and grab him) he tells you all sorts of tips, tricks and secrets regarding the photo channel. *edit* oh gnoose, I revealed the secret thus its no longer secret...
  17. Quite a few things niggled me about it... It cant play the latest flash files for whatever reason (flash V6+?) The zoom could do with reworking, setting it to gradual zoom would have been great, the option to save images and/or music from the internet directly to SD card would have been good too. A button to insert a new web address rather than having to go back to the main menu every time would be good, the option to switch the scroll method would be good, such as being able to use the D pad. The ability to edit the web address of favourites. The ability to view the address of the current website. Why does the 2 button bring up favourites when you need to go back to the main page to insert a new address? especially when there's a favourites button there too. Some of these issues will probably be dealt with, but with the amount of time they've had developing it, id say its pretty much finished. What did impress me is the fact it plays youtube near flawlessly, didn't think the Wii would have enough memory to handle it, along with some of the larger flash files.
  18. Great... just Blooping great... A word of warning for you folks... regarding a ball and chain, if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't look. I will mention however that I've just lost over 2 hours (possibly longer) of play due to a horrid glitch involving link staring at a locked door for eternity...
  19. That was the second thing I tried, and it wasn't that either. *edit* Actually, thanks! I decided to hold the Wiimote RIGHT against the sensor bar, then i felt the wiimote rumble, for some reason the hand would only show when i held it right against the sensor until after the part where it asked "above or below the TV"
  20. I can guarantee you that was one of the first things I had considered, and it isn't that...
  21. I have a problem, I turned my Wii on... "press A button" ok... pressed A "Select your language" ok... now... how would I go about doing that? There's no "1" hand on the screen in order to highlight the languages, tried with a different wiimote, synchronised it with the console but still no use... is there something wrong with my Wii or am I doing something horribly wrong?
  22. Funny, Eggman doesn't seem like the jolly, present giving type to me :p But anyway, looking forward to it.
  23. Hah! I remember that game, I used to love that helicopter with the rocket launchers... Never used to play the game properly... used to just ride around in the vehicles causing rampant destruction. Another game I used to love was Moonstone on the Amiga.
  24. I also got the VIP pack, however didnt feel it was worth it... infact it worked against them, since I got the DS so early and had a very limited number of games to play, the DS started quickly getting boring and eventually ended up sitting in my drawer gathering dust... wasnt till about a month AFTER the launch that I got interested again. However, a Wii VIP pack would be nice, it would give me something to spend those stupid VIP points on, ive got thousands of the darn things and never spend them on anything, mainly because theres barely ever anything of worth in the catalogue... Maybe they could throw in a "Will you play with Mii?" T-shirt or something else referring to the name Wii. would go nicely with my "Touch Me" T-shirt
  25. Ive made the really difficult desision of not pre-ordering a Wii... I just have my heart set on a black one... even if it takes a full year for them to bring it out... Why oh why did they decide on only white for launch?
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