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Everything posted by Daroh

  1. I considered getting that controller, until I realised there was a small adaptor for sale that you could plug into a controller port, then plug a computer keyboard into that so never bothered getting it in the end. Wonder if I can use it on the Wii?
  2. All i can say is: when since has europe ever been right? seriously, when since has it ever had a say into anything Nintendo related? If anything, it was probably only said to discourage importing, since Nintendo of europe would loose out on potential profit.
  3. Just watched a Clip on IGN, the federation ship walkthrough, and all I could think about was "Halo" (along with "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT? DID YOU NOT READ THE ON SCREEN TEXT?") Anyone else think this? Could just be because Halo is within a similar setting... yet...
  4. Bub and Bob are both there, however Bub is in human form holding a parasol (Parasolstars, rainbow islands) and bob is in his bubble dragon form (bubble bobble, puzzle bobble/bust a move) the Kiwi from newzealand story is sat on a ? block holding a fireflower Bin from dynamite dux is at the bottom holding a bo'omb uhm... Wonder Boy is it...? oh wait Alex Kidd, is at the bottom on a bike A Pooka from DigDug near the top left being carried by... um... not sure what that is The little girl from... gah what was it called again... ah that was it, Rodland is under the umbrella with Bub Bomberman riding a bullet bill (duh if you dont know bomberman) That wierd pre-bomberman bird thing is in the bottom right corner An evil moai head... (could be from any number of games) Bomb jack, about to be eaten by a Metroid The help me sign from newzealand story is on the side of the pyramid! and extremely accurately drawn too! Lol, I feel sorry for that poor goomba stuck in Bobs bubble Hard to believe this is fake... just such an awesome image, would be amazing if Nintendo really did do something like this to promote the virtual console service, they really paid alot of attention to detail...
  5. I love the artstyle, however id have to agree, it does seem EXTREMELY cheesy... That Travis Touchdown sounds like he's the same voice actor as the one who did Eddie Dombrowski from Silent Hill 2.
  6. A few difference however, the Turtle shells were shrunken vodoo heads...? the lives were just a picture of your characters head, the potion bottle was a magic lamp, when you go through the potion(lamp) door cheesy arabian music plays, the shrinking mechanic was only on mario 2 as was the running, the storyline on Doki Doki Panic was so cheesy it was hillerious (2 kids and a rabid monkey reading a book... a hand pulls the kids into the book, monkey runs up and down screaming, a random arabian family appears (literally) infront of the book, the game starts, end intro), the bonus game looked like crap on Doki Doki panic, seriously, it was so bland... just a roulette wheel on screen and that was practically it, theres probably more but cant really be bothered naming them. Also, like or dislike the game, without it Luigi would still be Marios identical twin, Toad fans... well... probably wouldnt be Toad fans and Peach would still be in another castle instead of kicking ass on smash bros :-p.
  7. ROFL! That’s Hilarious! Mainly because I had that game too and now it looks absolutely horriffic, used to love it despite finding it rather difficult. My first game was probably Dizzy, damn I love that egg... or JetSetWilly... one of them two at least.
  8. One thing I'd quite like to see would be a custom event match that you could save and send to friends, "protect peach from the army of bowser clones". "defeat pikachu using an umbrella in under 2 minutes". Of course it wouldnt be that restrictive but it gives you the idea. You could even write a small description of the event "Bowser stumbled upon E-gadds Clone-Clone-Revolution machine and proceeded to make over 100 clones of himself (while scoring mostly perfects with a 100 x combo, who knew Bowser could dance?), protect peach from the 100 bowser onslaught"
  9. Id like to see outdoor furnature... I mean, you get flamingos, water fountains, hot springs and park benches yet you use them in your house...? uh? what? It could be made so only the person who dropped it (Or occupant of the town) could pick it up. They could just as easily add a "display case" object that lets you put items on for sale. You could further customize your town this way, would be awesome to walk into someones town to see rows of street lanterns and gyroids all boogying on down.
  10. Must have this game... Looks like this is gonna be my first imported game, stuff the european stars system (not that it'll come with a vip card), it sucks anyway...
  11. Theres a really odd glitch in the game I found after completing it... (dont worry, no spoilers here) id never actually noticed this glitch till I tried the game in my DS, so not sure if its to do with that or if I just completely missed it when playing on the GBA. Warp to lake Hylia and head to the small cave in the centre of the lake, dig out all of the rock then head to the cave at the top of the lake (you need to jump to get to the entrance) when inside dig left and keep heading left... notice anything odd? half of the wall is made up of the same dug area from the cave you were just in... so dig those walls around that then head back to the small cave again... eh... wtf? now that cave has all the dig locations of the other cave so now proceed to walk outside of the walls of the cave and you can venture *under* the blackness... now lets dig some holes in the darkness then head back to the other cave! hey look at that! the larger cave is ruined even more! Odd? id say so. Oh and yes, the game is fun :-p
  12. Jade Cocoon was quite good, I especially loved the monster fusion system, unfortunately the game was released around about the same time as pokemon so was rather... vastly ignored and shunned as "a pokemon ripoff" or at least it was where im from despite it having an interesting story and different battle system. Legend of Legaia... awesome game... loved the battle system on it, story basically revolved around a mist that shrouded the world, creatures called seru, when in the mist would go insane and kill anything in sight... problem being that humans and seru have been able to fuse together for eons so when the mist came along, anyone fused with a seru also went insane. Grandia and Grandia 2 are great too. Chrono Cross im actually playing right now again for about the 3th time (love the music) Alundra was enjoyable however try to avoid Alundra 2 like the plague... the story on it was pretty horrendus when compared to the original. Suikoden was also good too. Oh, and Vandal Hearts 1 and 2 (turn based strategy RPG)
  13. Actually I did have a scan along but was kinda put off when I read something along the lines of "dancing naked in the street". For starters, its not just above, its above and a page back :-p *feels stupid* I dont actually see that much simularity... sure, its a dragon on a red flag, wow I bet thats never been done before, the dragon on the flag itself looks alot different...
  14. Hey, look whos finally shown his face. I hope he isnt "all" explosives... Snake? Snake? SNAAAAAKE!
  15. Online should be great, however I'm concerned about the limits that will need to be put in place, everyone knows how hectic Smash Bros Melee gets, hoards of objects dropping from the sky, bouncing around...along with the camera positioning and the 4 players... that’s ALOT of data to send... Only way around this that I can think would be to limit the amount of objects on screen at a time to 10 but then it would loose a lot of appeal... The fact that Mario Kart DS online doesn’t even have the 3 shells, the 3 bananas, levels with a lot of moving objects and object trailing should be evidence of this however I'm hoping that since they have plenty of time (and aren’t rushed for a holiday release like Mario Kart DS was) they can sort all these issues out
  16. Anyone here think Viewtiful Joe will make an appearance? I seem to recall one of the creators saying something along the lines of "Sure, if our fans want to see Joe in a Smash Bros game, we'll see what we can do" or something along those lines when asked if Joe would be making an appearance in a future Smash Bros game. Seems to me they'll be only adding characters that have had exclusive titles for Nintendo Consoles (which means Sonic could be a candidate). It would be completely irrational for them to add Cloud, that would be like advertising for Sony since Cloud only ever appeared on games for Playstation consoles (excluding Kingdom Hearts GBA). However a character from Crystal Chronicles would make sence (Not that I can think of any).
  17. Was watching Comedy on Channel 4 (every friday), on which there are ads for the DS before and after advertisement intervals however what I never noticed until just now is they are using a DS lite to advertise the games, could this mean the DS lite is due for a UK release soon? Or are they just taunting us?
  18. Are you serious??? They had to ASK people to clap? *laughs hysterically* *imagines a cheesy sign that lights up with the word applaud on it*
  19. Oh come on, you guys cant honestly say you never seen this happening? It was just obvious they were going to copy, its what Sony does best! They change it slightly then try and implant into peoples minds that its a new and innovative idea. It was inevitable.
  20. Is it just me or does the kid on the right look like someone kidnapped out of Harry Potter? The ears on those uh... rabbits are horrid... id expect them to look alot smoother for GCx3, they also look like rabbit versions of those slug things that were advertising BBC 3.
  21. Whats to know? its just the french theme tune to Noddy, the man with the red and yellow car *do do do doooo* But aparently they changed his name from Noddy to yes in france...?
  22. I think I would have preferred if the Wii didnt have a name, instead only had a logo to symbolise it, that way it could be referred to as "the new Nintendo" That way it could please everyone, people could still call it the revolution, or the Nintendo Wii. The whole "refer Wii as a picture instead of a word" made me think about it... I think it would be pretty awesome and universal that way.
  23. Im starting to warm up to the name now... I just gotta block out "urinate" and think more along the lines of "we" then it seems alot better At least its better than naming it "Nintendo Blue light box" (is referring to the Xbox, with it being a box, and a giant letter X on top) Been asking around a bit, seems mainly people who have a problem with the name have english as their native tongue. 360 degrees is a revolution, you know a full circle Thats what they mean
  24. Just seen it tonight, was pretty good actually, kinda butchered the games in the process mind, sticking them into a blender, setting on max then pouring it into a cake mould then left to set, with sugar, lots and lots of sugar. My favourite part was right at the start when she was going down the alley right after the sirens, but only because it was very similar to a certain alley on the game... even got the camera positioning right as she walked down the alley. [spoiler=I really wanna know how Cybil survived that horriffic beating, surely she'd have broken ribs, pierced lugs e.t.c. at least she survived long enough for the bbq *evil sneer* Shame the ending wasnt as graphic and nasty as some of the game endings, however still a pretty nasty ending, being trapped forever...]
  25. I think you people are forgetting something: When since have Nintendo of Europe actually cared about the UK or their opinions? I mean look at their Wi-Fi website! I can imagine in the UK the Nintendo Wii is really going to further damage their reputation since it sounds so childish.
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