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Everything posted by Daroh

  1. Daroh

    Windows 7

    That's weird, even GTA III works fine, I haven't got Vice City to try that but GTA III and Vice city are on the same game engine, seems strange that it wouldn't work. And isn't GTA IV the newest one? Would be a bit of a hindsight for that not to work.
  2. Daroh

    Windows 7

    I just tried running San Andreas on x64 Windows 7... Works fine for me... not even using compatibility mode, when you say it doesn't work, what do you mean? I've encountered literally no problems running older games and software so far, heck I've even tried a drawing program designed for Windows 95 and the only problem with that is it crashes if I try and paste a print screen, but that problem was present on XP too. Oh, only other problem was playing Spelunky (little freeware game, lots of fun) The layers were drawn incorrectly on the score screen, that was it though. *edit* Just tried Silent Hill 2 DC, also works fine, which is surprising considering even on XP I had issues with the sound, which seem to be gone on 7...
  3. To be honest, I wish Nintendo would get off their high horse and embrace the homebrew community, if they cooperated with the homebrew scene instead of sticking up brick walls all the time, exploits would be quickly patched and the pirates would be left in the dark. I recall reading a blog where someone found a huge exploit in the wii system memory and contacted Nintendo regarding it, what did Nintendo do? Nothing, a few month later and a pirate discovered that same exploit and now the pirates are having themselves a party. I have the homebrew channel installed myself and really enjoy region free gaming, homebrew games and the media capabilities it brings. <3 ScummVM (Yes that's an emulator, yes I have the original games to go along with it) Maybe I sound a little edgy but sometimes people make it sound like using homebrew is no worse than being a pirate, which it certainly isn't, in the end of the day companies still get my money from me buying their games, my wii has extra functionality, it doesn't impend that. *end rant*
  4. A Horror game could use it to measure your pulse, determining whether the game is scaring you or not, if your pulse isn't racing chances are it isn't doing its job right so it can switch things around a bit. The new silent hill game could probably benefit from this, shame its already looking quite far into development. An action game could determine when your getting bored by your pulse, if your pulse slows considerably enough, it obviously isn't very exciting so the game could adjust accordingly.
  5. *Has a custom "There was a hole here" spray for Left 4 Dead* Yes, Silent Hill 2, still awesome to this day. I'm really looking forward to this, one thing that worries me though is the environments, all the other Silent Hill games manage a lot of variation in their environments despite following the same theme, I can imagine it will be hard to keep up that trend when everything just glazes over. I don't really get why they decided to use Harry, with the way the game is looking they could have used completely new characters and no-one would have been the wiser.
  6. Well... sounds stupid... but despite completing metroid 1 + 2 several times and already owning 3... I could be tempted to get this...
  7. Sorry? Am I the only one who doesnt such a strong resemblence to Mario Galaxy? It's a platform game where you play as a cute ball eating fruit and vegetables, lacking most of the features Mario Galaxy had apart from platforming and item collection which even tomb raider had. It's been done before. You could argue that large blocks levitating in mid air has also been done before. Dessert level with giant cakes and chocolate? James pond 2. Meh, enough of my ranting.
  8. Daroh

    Wii Speak

    Hardware restrictions, having a separate app running in the background of a game would use more memory, the Wii just hasn't been designed with that in mind... at all... why do you think it takes so long to load a channel or to return to the Wii menu? It's reloading every time instead of having it run in the background like the x360 dashboard does.
  9. Guardian Heroes... GUARDIAN HEROES! you must play it! I always enjoyed Saturn Bomberman, best Bomberman I've played id say. (for the multiplayer that is) There's a turn based strategy game called... uh... Blazing Heroes, that was pretty good too if your into that sort of thing.
  10. Well, my game just completely and utterly crashed out, was playing the coin launcher, defended against a mass of rockets when a rare trophy flew by, went after it, got hit by a rocket then boom, the game crashes in a fiery explosion with a high pitch screeching noise playing. Bah stupid thing, first time its ever froze and its when I've collected a bunch of trophy's I didnt have.
  11. Chrono Cross Remake... *salivates* Despite some fans of Chrono Trigger saying it was terrible, its amazing as a stand alone game, speaking of Chrono Trigger, since they've been remaking final fantasy's left right and centre for the DS a Chrono Trigger remake for the Wii would be pretty amazing. Silent Hill 1, It's only ever been on the PS1 and could do with an update to fix a few story plot holes and other oddities that were brought up in the sequels.
  12. That's a laughable excuse, wasn't that one of the reasons they added parental controls to the Wii? I can't imagine it would be that hard to program so if the parental controls are enabled, voice chat would be disabled.
  13. They go where the money is, pay them to make something with a crappy concept, and obviously you get crap like "barbie's house of fluffy bunnies". To be fair, you can only make crap games out of a crap concept. Sonic always had potential which is why the rush games came out good.
  14. Daroh

    Wii Fit

    Decided to have a wander down to get this today, it was sold out literally EVERYWHERE I went which surprised me, didn't think many in my home town would be interested in it. God knows when I'll finally be able to pick it up if it keeps selling this well.
  15. Bah, I HATE grumble volcano, I always find myself flying off into lava, first place on all the other tracks in 150cc, get to that one and I end up 8th place.
  16. Had a go online last night, came up against a Japanese guy with 3 stars next to his name, by the way he raced I'd say well deserved too. How he managed to get triple star on EVERY race with the cheating AI is beyond me.
  17. Yes I know, bump, but wanted to say I tested this today with US No More Heroes, works like a charm.
  18. I'm ecstatic Olimar was unveiled as a playable character, really hyped me for the game, my only gripe with him being... the Pikmin are really low poly... I mean, look at the flower on that one screenshot... surely they could have stuck a few extra polygons in there to make it look a little smoother, the body itself you tend not to notice, but the flower... I'm going to have to ban myself from all smash bros related info until release... imagine the surprise if I was playing and suddenly Olimar was unlocked... if he is unlockable, I really ruined that surprise.
  19. Only read if you've gotten all the stars and completed the game at least once... and are up to at least 30 stars on a second playthrough.
  20. It wasn't directed to you, it was directed towards those who act like because the game no longer has blood Its suddenly a load of garbage and/or are boycotting it to try and "prove" something when all it does is harms the developers. I understand fully what your talking about it just when people say "What? No blood? I'm not getting this then" It really gets on my nerves, I'd understand if people just worded themselves incorrectly but when spoken like my example it just makes themselves seem shallow.
  21. I really don't get the logic of some people on here, sure it has no blood, but when since have you bought a game for blood? I personally buy games to play them and enjoy the experience, not to watch people gush fountains of blood, with or without blood this game still looks great in my eyes. And to be fair, what would not getting the game accomplish? You want Suda to be depressed and stop making awesome games like this and Killer7 just because there's a lack of blood? As someone said earlier, the pixels that come off enemy's now looks great and fits the games style a lot more anyway. Get over this ridiculous "oh there's no blood, the game must be crap, I refuse to buy it" phase already, you buy games for enjoyment, not to be bathed in blood, heck, if the only reason people want Hitman 2 is to see blood then why bother buying it, and if you only get enjoyment from games that bathe you in blood then sorry but you need help. "Oh but that's not the reason I'm not buying it, its to fight the system! I'm making a stand! showing I want gore in my games!" Yes but then what about the developers? Due to your strange obsession of wanting to see people spurt fountains of blood, your potentially discouraging the development of future games. /end rant
  22. I hope to god they have a clock town remix on here, one that preferably gets progressively dark and foreboding. All the ones I've heard so far have all been rather happy and/or peppy. I just loved that song.
  23. I was a really big fan of PSO, bought episode 1 and 2 but unfortunately the whole "Card Revolution" idea really put me off 3... Card games are something I really and truly LOATH. But if what you say is true... might have a scout around to see if I can find this on ebay or something.
  24. Wow, I'm amazed, you mean they actually used a few seconds of their time to make these changes? I'm impressed, now if only they could do the same in the game itself.
  25. Hah, spotted 2 obscure references so far, The eyes of one of the bosses is temporarily the little loading circle off the Wii shopping channel, and the other is what the boss says, a reference to a certain person on Zelda II
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