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Everything posted by Daroh

  1. Oh dear lord! that name is terrible! Wii isnt even a word! Its like some dumbass couldnt spell we so used double i instead. That intro sways me to it... kinda... but still sounds terrible IMO... "Hey wanna come over later and play with my Wii?" "Eww, thats discusting!" *Smack*
  2. Why is it that when Zelda saves the king, it turns out they've been in Hyrule castle the whole time...? I mean, was that room a magical teleport to Hyrule castle or something? "Father!" "You saved me!, oh look at that were back at the castle, that was fast, infact we never even moved"
  3. XCOM: UFO Defence was released on consoles, under the name UFO: Enemy Unknown in europe for the Playstation, Amiga CD32 and Amiga A1200. (if you can class the amiga as a console) However id have to agree... id LOVE to see this on the revolution (or even the DS... yes to DS... ohh yes...), but the problem is, Microprose went down LONG ago after being tossed around like an old sock and now currently belongs to Atari who are letting the franchise gather dust... several layers infact. Not only that but some Megadrive games needed 6 buttons, and some of them displayed on screen what buttons to press which could get a little confusing if its telling you to press a button that doesnt exhist and isnt in the same layout, although I suppose they could have some form of key layout in the corner of the screen at all times to remind you of the remapped buttons. Geez... I need to stop wandering horribly off topic... (slaps self) To keep in topic... uhm... Paper Mario!
  4. Burning Rangers is aparently pretty good. If your a fan of Bomberman, see if you can get Saturn Bomberman, its arguably one of the best Bomberman games (best for multiplayer in my opinion) Blazing Heroes is good if you like turn based strategy RPG's. Guardian Heroes, oh yes, such an awesome game, its a side scrolling beat em up with RPG elements and it works out wonderfully, a little rough around the edges but its definately a favourate. The Sonic games on the Saturn arnt all that good, Sonic Jam is... interesting for the Sonic World section since it has lots of music, videos and things like that of other sonic games but other than that its just sonic 1, 2, 3 and sonic and knuckles. Sonic 3D Blast is the same as Sonic 3D for the megadrive, except with different special stages and (aparently) different music, Sonic R is nice, but its a matter of taste, some people love it, others hate it, I actually quite like the game but found it incredibly short (only 5 tracks). Hero-of-Time is correct, Shenmue was originally in development for the saturn but was scrapped then brought to the Dreamcast.
  5. I haven’t watched the movie yet, but there’s something that bothers me, on the games the monsters were manifestations of the emotions(and fears) of whoever was drawn to Silent Hill, from the movie trailers I've seen the monsters from Silent Hill 2 have been used, along with a dumbed down version of Silent Hill 1's story. So does it still fit or have they pretty much ripped parts from Silent Hill 1 and 2 then stuck them together? (Yes I like the games alot, infact maybe a little too much)
  6. I think he’s referring to the buttons, the DS has all the same buttons the snes has. It’s strange to think what this shell will turn out like... Nintendo will probably try and make so it works will all the Virtual Console games, including megadrive, which means it would need an ABC XYZ, but I can imagine they would be positioned in a manner so that the A,B,X and Y of the snes would fit in with them so the buttons would adopt a kind of diagonal slant to keep them fitting in position. One thing that bothers me is if they use this method, when playing a megadrive game and it says "HIT B" you'd be pressing the wrong button since the Snes B and the Megadrive B are in different positions.
  7. I think ill probably get Bonks adventure, I seem to recall playing a port of it for the Amiga ages ago, seeing him on Saturn Bomberman reminded me of it. And from what i remember the game was quite fun... (recalls being eaten by a giant dinosaur and having to play a level within it) And thanks for the info! very informative!
  8. I hope they eventually add the Sega Saturn... I'd love to be able to play Saturn Bomberman online since I never did get the chance on the original Saturn... *also hopes for the original NiGHTS into dreams* Can anyone suggest any TurboGrafix games...? As I have NO idea about that console at all, I wasn’t even aware of its existence until it was announced to have games available on the virtual console. In other words, don’t really have any particular games on my list at this very moment of time... well, ones that aren’t already probable.
  9. Oh my... I hope they dont name it BlueWave... all I can think about when I hear that name is toilet cleaner... "come buy BlueWave and make your toilet sparkly ocean fresh!"
  10. I don’t understand how people cant believe in evolution, you see it everyday. The variation between individuals is a part of evolution, within the animal kingdom if such a variation offers success (being taller to reach higher in a tree such as a giraffe) that creature would stand a higher chance of being able to breed resulting in the offspring obtaining those genes. To believe that we just... popped out of nowhere due to an unseen force makes me think we are alien to this planet, that we dont even belong here. And now to sleep... (if my niece decides to stay asleep...)
  11. I’m pretty sure I heard the Revolution being referred to as the Nintendo RS a few months before Red Steel was even announced publicly, but then again that could always be coincidence. Blue Wave would fit quite nicely with the wave like effects Nintendo WiFi seems to be putting forward (along with its colour scheme).
  12. That must be the funniest thing ive seen in a long time, it was just so cheesy, the intro for the faces of evil is just as bad as the ending. "im sooo bored, I wonder what Ganons up to, maybe I should call him so we can go on a picnic!" ending: "Oh noo, a book, nooo Link keep it away! I may get a papercut! noooooo! *gets sucked into the book* Hi there Zelda! I just saved you from the Ganon that looks like some form of dog, now kiss me because im extremely horny" Then theres the intro to the other one... in which Link keeps mysteriously exploding... Its a darn good job phillips didnt try and make a mario game while they had the chance... I dont even want to think what it would have turned out like.
  13. Found a great Saturn emulator a while back that works perfect on all my games with a little slowdown at times mind but other than that its perfect but the website is korean only. I found the link for it on wikipedia so now I can finally play my Saturn games again... my poor Saturn died... decided it didn’t want to read disks anymore Nights into Dreams is one saturn game i dont own, had a little play of it however at the time of its release and from my impression it was pretty good.
  14. *sniggers at the sheer uglyness of it* Ok then, maybe not ;-) But you see what I mean though right?
  15. I personally can imagine the Rev controller being slotted in sideways into this "wavebird shell" thus positioning the Dpad to the left of the joypad and the buttons to the right. Having the revmote sticking out the end like really isnt very practical. Would mean the shell wouldnt be the same as the Wavebird, but I doubt they would do that anyway. By wavebird shell, I think they simply mean a wireless joypad.
  16. This doesnt bother me in the slightest, I NEVER buy games from Game anymore for the simple reason that whenever bought a game from there, they dont even bother giving you the manual or other things your SUPPOSED to get in the box. (mumbles about a lack of VIP card in Mario Sunshine). So now I only get my games online so they're nicely wrapped in that fresh Nintendo seal, sure it costs a little more (on rare occations) but Id rather pay a little extra and get everything im supposed to be getting in the firstplace than paying a pound or two cheaper and missing the bloody manual! (numerous pc games and game and watch gallery 3). And yes, each of the games were brand new. Anyone else have this happen to them at a Game store? or is it just that the one in my home town really sucks?
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