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Everything posted by Kaepora_Gaebora

  1. I think almost everyone (including myself) thought they would release a DX version of the Wii U and 3DS version combined...it's almost been too long now, so if we are getting Smash Switch, I think there's more chance it will be a brand new one now rather than a re release!
  2. Christ! Well hopefully you'll get a chance to try out different solutions like @Hero-of-Time says and get some decent time into it. Interesting sales figures, on the one hand a great number but, on the other, thats less than Generations (though more than XX) the last big release. Depends on the legs but could we see a split between Japanese and Western MH? If the western sales of MHW make up enough revenue, could Japan see Switch/portable games and the west more home console orientated ones?
  3. Well that doesn't make for good reading knowing your love of MH, what have they done to the online to make it so frustrating? Or, perhaps, is it too similar to how it was on 3DS/Wii U?
  4. Capcom press release saying the game has shipped 5m world wide; I guess actual sales figures will start with Japanese Media Create on Wednesday, hopefully its a high sell through every where!
  5. Haha, I think that'd be spreading yourself too thin just for MH, let alone all the other games on the table too! It's not worth me picking a PS4 up just for this, sadly, and three of my "real life" friends have it on Xbox, would have been nice to broaden horizons but just getting the game now will be the victory!
  6. I've made a pact with myself, as soon as I get a new part time job, I'm buying this. My will power lasted two days. Sadly, being an Xbox One owner, don't think anyone else on here will be hunting with me...?
  7. Never fear, JBS is...not here Been getting nostalgic thinking about playing with you and @Kav on 3 all this moons ago, had some great times on that! How are you finding this one? Not feeling much hype in here; having actually been in Game yesterday and resisting the urge to buy it, I should be able to wait until it's reduced in price a bit now.
  8. 91 from 40 critics on Metacritic! Going to be getting some great headlines.
  9. Sea of Thieves is not only launching physical and digital in March 20th, it'll also be available on the Game Pass subscription service day one as well! I don't have it, and don't play my One S enough to warrant it, but a potentially huge move from Microsoft in a move towards a Netflix like games service. Getting day one games could see a service like this sky rocket.
  10. Wave Race: Blue Storm and 1080 Avalanche REMASTERED and I'm with you Pre ordered my variety pack with Amazon last night, I'm just very enthused by new ways to play; still haven't given VR a good going over but when it's affordable on Xbox One or if it comes to Switch I'll look forward to trying that out properly, too!
  11. Message @nekunando with your number and he'll add you in!
  12. Get in the RL thread and get in our what's app group if you use such things; I'm away this week but generally we've been playing most nights when we can, if you want to join in with other N-E'ERS
  13. @tapedeck @RedShell although I never got involved in the speed running I remember you two going at it! I only borrowed the game from a friend and played a bit of it, so price depending on very tempted to pick this up for Switch; nothing else took my fancy massively from the Direct so if release schedule stays the same can see myself biting
  14. I'd be keen to see a Star Fox Zero re release as well, I actually enjoyed the game on Wii U but didn't get a chance to go for all the medals etc, so I'd like to have a proper bash at it!
  15. Yeah the embargo has been and gone (I've been really ill last few days so not done much of any work) so I just don't want to spoil, but yeah soundtrack is really enjoyable and memorable too. Honestly I really like the game overall, I think it's really interesting and plays well too! Could be headed for an infamous 8/10 like Mario Odyssey if it isn't careful
  16. I'm currently working on a review and have an interview with the developers for the site as well, I won't say too much but if you like beat em ups/boss fights, and surreal and intriguing story telling, I wouldnt hesitate to pick it up
  17. Imagine getting people this hyped for the announcement of an announcement video
  18. Forget what I said yesterday, I agree with you lot now, epic trolling from Nintendo!
  19. I'd like to think Nintendo thought "we won't troll people, we'll announce it a day before so people don't become hyper and have over active imaginations for longer than necessary"...whoopsie!
  20. I think that's fake as well; this may be unpopular but I think one of the best things about the Switch UI is it's so streamlined and quick. If you add in alot of that gubbins, it's going to get bogged down pretty quick like my 3DS did which isn't what the Switch is about.
  21. I wish they'd have had at least one of these Beta's on the Xbox so I could give it a whirl...
  22. Message @nekunando your number and he can add you to our group; be prepared to turn your notifications off though, Dazzy woke up to 293 messages from our thread last night! Right, roll up roll up, who fancies some games tonight, around 9:30 start? @Glen-i @RedShell @Emerald Emblem @Clownferret @Nicktendo @dazzybee @nekunando @Nintendo Fan @Vileplume2000 Apologies anyone I've missed just going off the top of my head!
  23. @nekunando has appointed himself Rocket League What's App group Admin, so anyone who is playing regularly and has what's app message him to get yourself added! It'd be great to have a few N-E teams to play against each other and also to have numbers when we go online against randoms
  24. The Switch has outsold the PS2 in terms of first year sales in Japan, both launched in March of their specific year, PS2 shifted 3 million, Switch 3.3 million. @Dcubed, tell me how it's disappointing...
  25. Japanese sales figures again leading up to Xmas: Switch – 269,684 (221,210) PlayStation 4 – 50,662 (45,161) New 2DS LL – 45,387 (31,653) New 3DS LL – 27,947 (19,115) PlayStation 4 Pro – 16,595 (17,804) PlayStation Vita – 14,041 (9,049) 2DS – 6,992 (4,324) Xbox One – 687 (2,175) New 3DS – 311 (421) Wii U – 98 (75) PlayStation 3 – 40 (44) Xbox One X – 32 (132) Absolute insanity! Also Okami HD got lost in the Switch hubbub, on the one hand you can't blame alot of companies after the Wii U, on the other it was clear fairly quickly the Switch was taking off so they should have reacted sooner.
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