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Everything posted by Kaepora_Gaebora

  1. I've loved going back in; I'm getting Rocket League tomorrow but I was also thinking of getting La Noire or Skyrim this week too...may well put that on the back burner until I've finished with this play through! Such a wonderful game
  2. So I've started a master mode play through on this with another limit I've imposed on myself as well; no fast travel at all. I don't want to sound preachy but already its created an almost completely different experience to my original, 150+ quest. In terms of master mode every battle requires thought, ingenuity or luck to get through, certainly when you come across a bokoblin base or such. And I'm selling alot of gems and jewels to fund food, armour and other vital supplies. The real revelation has been no fast travelling though, every single part of the journey requires thought, consideration and actually following navigational signs around Hyrule or on the map and galloping around on my horse is something I hadn't paid much attention to on my first play through. It has made it feel like a much more epic adventure than it initially did, and that's saying something as I love BOTW. I'd recommend trying it if you're itching to get back into Hyrule but don't just want to play the same way again. Also in taking a lot more screen captures as I'm finding I'm admiring the back drops and constant works of art even more. My game of the year just got even better!
  3. Looking forward to catching up on this direct later, though I've seen a few bits like the DLC and Zelda crossover as well. Not sure there is enough time for both this and Skyrim and I'm very much in the mood for a story driven game; decisions decisions!
  4. Yeah three of my friends pre ordered Switch's (still in short supply when they did) when XX was announced in Japan anticipating a release over here; they cancelled them as soon as we found out it wasn't coming this way
  5. True, I think you need a change of platform/technical specs to evolve a series, even revolutionise it! From a selfish POV I wish I would be able to play it (I'll probably be looking for deals on it after a few months, when it's £30 I might try and snap it up) and be able to plough the time into it on Switch that I know I could. On the flip side, in my heart of hearts after 400+ hours on 3U and 300+ on 4U, Generations wasn't quite what I hoped and felt like quests for quests sake, so a shake up is definitely needed which this looks like it will deliver.
  6. True, but then it has become a portable lead series; in the West, it's mainly about getting together with your friends in the same room, Capcom holding monthly events etc, so it will lose a certain social side to it. But then perhaps the series can evolve once again and the enhanced online capabilities will be just as big a benefit to it. I certainly hope so, if there was some sort of PS4/Vita option like the Switch I'd be all over it!
  7. Every part of me wants to buy this, but I know it's a waste of time and money as I'll never get to play it as much as I want and need to. I'd love it or a MH game to come to switch so I can enjoy it, but I hope this sells great guns and the lack of portability doesn't hinder it.
  8. Batman TellTale series season one is up on the eShop for release on the 17th of November. Played this on the One, I would recommend it...however £40 seems a bit steep for it, maybe if it hits a sale in the New Year I might double dip!
  9. Fair points, still from a business point of view a big mistake which I'm sure will stop them following a similar model in the future!
  10. Imagine this a year ago, EA would have seemed very much in the right. Now they sound like fools with the Switch going great guns. Something like Unravel or that couch co op title they showed off at e3 (forget the name, breaking out of Prison was the jist I think) would be perfect on the Switch! Just seems like money left on the table with how well indie Devs are doing. As well as FIFA sales I guess they'll see how Skyrim etc get on too.
  11. I remember Miyamoto proudly saying how the reason he didn't do micro transactions for it was because "everyone said he should do, so he wanted to do the opposite" to paraphrase him. I bet he isn't so proud about it now!
  12. It's been a great end to the year for Switch owners software wise, genuinely too much to play!
  13. We can spam our what's app thread with game invites because I'll be day one for this!
  14. Confirmed release date of November the 14th...that's two weeks away! November shaping up to be a huge month; this, Doom, Skyrim and LA Noire, and no first party games in sight Ok, they may all be ports, but I haven't played any of them myself even owning a 360 and One, so colour me excited
  15. Great to see ARMS has sold over a million, hopefully they continue to support and, more importantly, we get more new IP as well
  16. Great topic! It's certainly a strong argument, overall for Nintendo they've done an absolute number this year, everything they've touched has turned to gold and every mistake they've made or idiotic decision they've come up with has been quickly forgotten; that's always a sign things are going your way! Switch has landed at the perfect time for me in my life, so much so I'll never go back to just a TV set up console ever, if I can't play a game anywhere I want in any fashion I want, then it's not for me
  17. Not just ANYONE... It definitely has some stand out moments, like that one
  18. Amen to that!
  19. Missing the N-EUROPE 8/10, unless I can't see it... @Blade I'm glad you're enjoying it so much! In fact I'm glad most who have started it already are enjoying it so much too I think it'd be great to collate as many forum members thoughts on the game as possible and maybe have a roundtable type review on the site, see how many people thought different to me, either better or worse!
  20. Thank you Seeing the other reviews I thought I might be on my own a little; still, I stand by what I said, it is a great game! (Or brilliant as an 8/10 technically is on N-E...)
  21. I can remember being on holiday and reading and re reading a feature on this in N64 magazine, when the characters were still more 'childlike' (Juno was in red, I think) and going from being on the fence to becoming obsessed with this game! I worked out that if I saved up all my paper round and pocket money from holiday until release I could make the £50 it would cost, and I managed to stay disciplined enough to do just that. I can remember feeling slightly underwhelmed at first, mainly due to the controls which I found to be very 'loose' compared to something like Goldeneye or Banjo, but after that initial first evening with a game when it feels like your crap at it, the next day I was firing on all cylinders. I loved the setting, the level/world's, the secret parts, the fact that once you thought it was complete you were actually opening up a whole new part of it ala Ocarina of Time; talk about monies worth, I certainly got mine. And funnily enough, when I bought Rare Replay for my Xbox One I fired this up in trepidation wondering if I would ruin my great memories of this game. If anything I would say it enhanced them, and reminded me that it was one of the better full price games I bought for my N64. I never got around to filling out my N-E top 10 of all time, but if this was indeed eligible (pesky rules ) then this would have definitely been in there.
  22. SNES mini sold 360,000 odd in four days in Japan...and that's why we may never see VC on the Switch!
  23. What a fantastic promo video! Captures the atmosphere of everything I've seen about the game so far, pure fun
  24. Switched to android earlier this year and lost my iPhone version, had some play store credit so got it in the sale; it's saved all my details like coins, toad rally bits etc, very impressed, and it looks great on Pixel XL too 😀
  25. Who are we blaming for stock shortages, EA or Nintendo? 😝 Seriously though to sell out...I'd love to know how many copies they shipped and some sort of statement from EA clarifying whether this is good news as they've sold how many they projected...or if they've done a whoopsie.
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