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Everything posted by Kaepora_Gaebora

  1. Had a quick look through the forum, so sorry if this has been addressed, but when playing cod I can't use the home button at all, always comes up with the home symbol with a cross through it, and to go back to the main Wii u menu have to switch it off then on again! Anyone else having this problem, or know how to fix it? Thanks!
  2. Guilty as charged on this, in my defence have been trying to get to grips with COD again and the controls etc, however apart from that time you joined me H-o-T I haven't with anyone else. So apologies about that, however feeling confident with my load out and weapons, and clan tags enabled too so going to [N-E] myself tonight, any one likely to be on around 10pm or later for a session this eve? Tho I still don't have a headset
  3. I work for virgin media, just put a cheeky call in, no issues with the Wii U regarding connectivity yet, so it may be down to individual connections rather than a company problem...but then I'm not sure they knew what a Wii U was, so any more problems with Virgin put them in here and can do some investigating.
  4. More importantly, is that the Sky Sports News channel number on your Virgin Media tv box? Would love to see a Jim White deadline day style coverage of everyone waiting for/getting their Wii U...
  5. Well without wishing to fan flames, and this is a kinda educated guess more than anything, but having worked for similar companies rather than see it as good will that you paid up front and delivering yours first, it can be seen as guaranteed money in the bank, so they will focus on getting deliveries out to those who they haven't taken payment from to get more money in. Of course there could be plenty of people who paid upfront and got there's, and they may have taken money at beginning of week from people so may not be relevant, but from the little experience I have you could have a point!
  6. Does anyone know what went on with the IGN review of this? It was put up, then taken down due to 'editorial content', then they said had nothing to do with EA sports or EA Canada, and now I can't find that page at all. Bizzare behaviour! Edit: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/11/27/fifa-13-wii-u-review There is the page, but last night they had a bit that said 'DISCLOSURE: This decision is purely for editorial reasons and with no influence from EA sports, EA Canada or any sponsors' or something like that. Saying that makes me more inclined to think there is some foul play at work.
  7. Hoping good ol blockbusters will do a midnight launch like they did for Wii, nothing like being able to wake up and see your shiny new console already there and raring to go! If not a morning shambling about picking up the console then games from various different places! Can't wait! Also has any one else developed an irrational fear of power cuts? I have absolutely convinced myself there will be one during my system update which will ruin my day/month/year/life. I live in a house share with random'ers, all it takes is the toaster to trip the switch and I'm done for!
  8. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/11/21/call-of-duty-black-ops-2-wii-u-review God bless Treyarch
  9. Has anyone, like me for my sins, pre ordered Wii U through a GAME store? If so has any one heard about their orders yet? I would never wish anyone out of a job but the idiots that work in my local one don't even know if NSMBU is being released on the 30th yet so I can't pre order that, and no clue about my console...
  10. http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/43988/why-zombiu-has-got-mixed-reviews/?page=2 If any one is interested, or enjoys ONM opinion pieces Should probably have given this a brief description, ONM talking about why they think ZombieU review scores have been so across the board, specifically between US and UK reviewers.
  11. Couldn't agree more, outrage at a lack of pillows on a sofa which, since, the chap who put that on the net admitted they were there next time he played through. Who gives a hoot, I wouldn't have cared about that 30th November and frankly I wont, just looking forward to playing it! Maybe I am naive but just looking forward to this and Wii U and no one will drag me down!
  12. Woo-hoo! Thank you so mucha for a playing my game or something like that...
  13. I didn't really have any intention of picking this up launch day, but now...but now the more I read and after the little hands on I had, the more I think it may have to be 4 games on day one :-D reading through all the previews and watching videos etc this really could be the big launch game, very interested to see what reviews start coming out! Also love the caption from the comic book series that Wii posted - "the BLIGHT"; a blight in Blighty no less!
  14. Thank you for the visual aid to my conscience vomit sir! Seeing the hub made get Rare nostalgia if I am honest, sort of thing they would have bossed. 'Would' being the key word I guess...
  15. Have done my best to sift through all the posts on here to see if this point has been made, couldn't see it, so I apologise if it has but, frankly, I just need to go ahead and say this before I burst...THE NINTENDOLAND HUB AREA LOOKS LIKE BANJO KAZOOIE NUTS AND BOLTS, SPECIFICALLY NUTTY ACRES!! Feel much better for saying that, thank you all for your time, I will let myself out.
  16. I should think recommending something that hasn't been released yet is quite difficult, you make a good point sir! Will keep an ear to the ground and throw some ideas in to the ring if I see any good reviews for headsets myself
  17. I believe you are, what they call, a scholar and a gent! Thank you sir, will have a look as really like the Sigs you have made for everyone, and would be very keen to get involved in a clan/group of COD players, always think it makes the experience that much more fun! Can you recommend any headsets at all, do you have one yet or ordered one? Having a look and on amazon is one called NLa licensed headset for Wii U which I am not allowed to link as not enough posts, so thinking that may be a good shout. Although personally would like to be able to use the pro controller to play and save the gamepad for official hand signs (closed fist/eye point etc), but i guess shouting "TANGO ON YOUR SIX" for the 5th year running will still be fun!
  18. Being a relative new comer to this site (posts wise at least) have noticed a few Black Ops 2 sigs up and going, have been a keen COD player on 360 since Modern Warfare, and will def be picking this up on launch day as one of my 3 games, can't bloody wait! But just wondering, could I be so bold as to include myself in any discussions on setting up BOps groups come launch day and beyond. Hell, there is probably a thread for this already, if so be grateful to be pointed in that direction, but very keen to get involved in this, especially with good reviews (and as much as it pains me to say it, the fact it is still 'similar' to past iterations means I know I will enjoy playing it...) and the promise of getting knee deep in Wii U fun from day one. I just hope foul language is allowed on Miiverse when I get my arse whipped every game...
  19. Any one know if the 'Seasons' mode is going to be on Wii U? Can't find specific game mode details for toffee (well, not seasons mode anyway...) Not a fan of playing against the computer unless a cup run with my mates, but online seasons on Fifa 12 on the 360 made me pick up the '50 hour' achievement. Whether that is something to be proud of is up for debate...
  20. I remember Wave Race being a last minute purchase because they brought the price of the cube down just before launch, and I ended up playing it more than rogue leader and luigi's mansion! Love to see a HD wave race with Wii U at some point. 1080 was quite over looked if I remember, or maybe it was trying to convince my mates with ps2's and xbox's to pick it up with no success, and spending a lonely Christmas in the ski lodge...
  21. Just recently re bought a Wii, however I remember picking one up launch day all those moons ago and getting Twilight Princess and then downloading Super Mario 64. Although I played it to death on my N64, it still felt new and exciting and was practically a second launch title for me, at a dirt cheap price. Would love something similar to happen on Wii U, maybe with a Cube title, Wave Race Blue Storm would would be an instant purchase for me...
  22. Thanks Wii have kind of flitted in and out of using a friends Wii in the past and completed both the galaxy games, heard great things about Xenoblade though so looking in to getting that, have you played The Last Story? Heard positive things about that game too, although I happily admit I have never been the most patient RPG player, Skies Of Arcadia being my one and only attempt and completion!
  23. Been checking out this site since the C-E days, finally decided to sign up having got rid of my 360 and buying my girlfriend's Wii (don't ask) off her for £30 (an absolute steal, she played Wii Fit twice) in prep for the Wii U! Anway to join in the actual topic and simply stop boasting, now able to pick up quite frankly some brilliant games at dirt cheap prices (ok a little bit of boasting...), so have picked up Metroid Other M, Pikmin 2, completed DKCR already, and Resident Evil 4 and Majora's Mask to play through again having been an N64 and Cube veteran. Thinking I may save Skyward Sword for when the Wii U is released, think the launch line up looks quite good without any titles that really get me giddy, but I figure with it being backwards compatible a really good opportunity to keep on plowing through some genuine classics!
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