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Everything posted by Kaepora_Gaebora

  1. Agreed, if it would be the same game. If however there were benefits to having both (unlocking new courses/modes/characters etc) and being able to use 3DS as controller (am I just describing Monster Hunter 3 here?!) then I would be all 'fore' (apologies) it! ...But then I am a Mario Golf whore.
  2. Roses are Red, Violets are Glorious, Don't sneak up, On Oscar Pistorious! A heart warming Valentine's Day limerick for everyone (that I may have stolen from a friend!). Sorry...
  3. Yeah I agree to an extent, just happy to be getting more Mario Golf but a Wii U version would have been nice, very nice actually, Toadstool Tour is still a staple of drunken nights in (and out) with my mates, so an update is due! Perhaps a Wii U version is in the works too, with connectivity with this one...what dreams may come! My only concern is that it doesn't follow the formula of Mario Tennis 3DS, which as much as I enjoyed it was a very shallow experience, I found I traded it in far too early than I would have liked, so I hope there is some sort of RPG mode to lengthen the experience. But who am I kidding, I would buy it for £39.99 if it was just one course and Mario the only playable character...
  4. Oh yes! At work so unable to put any videos up etc, but the N64 game ranks amongst my favourite games ever, still play it to this day! More excited for this than a 27 year old man should be, roll on summer 2013!
  5. I believe it is Feb 21st on both platforms, read that in ONM this morning. If I have that wrong will update it but sure it's that date!
  6. Love that this has just casually come out, where's the trailer? Where's the synopsis?! WHERE'S THE HYPE?!?!? and is it coming to Wii U...
  7. Same as ZombiU! If this game is supposed to be as broken and guff as is being made out, I hope Gamespot offer an apology to Wii U owners and ammend their score for ZombiU to a more suitable mark. Won't happen, but just goes to show how disappointing Gamespot have become. And how disappointing this game has turned out to be across the board
  8. Me and you both, I spent Friday at work looking into things like illuminati, Freemasons and links with entertainment and religion ( purely for knowledge, love a good conspiracy or mystery), then he resigns today!i may leave the country...:p A girl at work who was going on about all this stuff to me, when I told her the news, said straight away "he will be dead in a few months" if that happens I'm changing my name and having facial reconstructive surgery!
  9. Not to show off...oh alright maybe a little...but I have all the pieces to date ( I believe ) so if anyone in the London or Oxfordshire area is desperate for pieces am happy to sort something out like sitting down and continually street passing for an hour, cheat the system! Or alternatively you will find me on the central line most days
  10. If the N64 taught me anything it's that patience is well rewarded as far as Nintendo is concerned. The wait for some of those games, specifically Rare games, was excruciating at times but always worth it. However back in those days there was no opportunity to download patches for games with bugs etc, so you had to get it right first time or not at all (unless you faced the shame of recalling stock to replace like wwf no mercy!) Ultimately I would much rather wait for a product to be finished and ready to play rather than a broken shambles that sours the experience and you have to wait for downloads etc to compliment the game. Which makes me slightly worried about Nintendo, it didn't bother me at all as I knew in advance through this site, but an hour long download just to start using the advertised features on the Wii U seemed unlike them, I understand why, but why didn't they push the launch back instead of courting potentially bad press, which did turn out to be the case. Also in the cube era me and my mates had a ritual, every Friday morning at 6th form we would head to our local GAME and pick up the latest release, religiously and regardless of reviews etc, a game a week! The glory days, which have long gone, less disposable income means I would rather have more space in between games to make the most out of each one, I bought eternal darkness and star fox adventures on the same day, so both suffered as a result! Which is why for example (just an example) I personally would be happy to see Lego city delayed IF needed, because I will be picking up Monster Hunter 3 on both platforms and want to invest as much time in that as possible before moving to my next game, which will be Lego city. However I understand people would want vice versa or cry uproar at that notion, but I hope you know what I mean. Christ what was the topic?! Ah yes happy for delays for quality reasons, not happy for delays like Rayman reasons, which I believe will see sales suffer. Perfect dark was delayed from a November to the following June and was well worth the wait because of the extra polish. Jury is out on Ubisoft's big call
  11. I feel like I was conditioned to wait for games by the N64 era too. Getting so close to Jet Force Gemini, only for it to be pushed back to make them grown up, Perfect Dark for god knows what reason (framerate maybe, which still didn't get sorted ) Nintendo don't seem to go by the 'WE ARE RELEASING THIS BLOCKBUSTER ON THE XX OF XXXX 200X', more 'you'll get it when we are bloody ready'. Which can be a good or bad thing!
  12. nice editorial from ONM http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/46617/why-delaying-rayman-legends-is-the-wrong-decision/
  13. For me yeah, just because I commute alot, so being able to play it on the go then transfer that data on to the Wii U is a big deal to me, and something I hope to see more of from other games!
  14. Guessing I am in the minority here, but am more than happy with my Wii U launch so far. Clocked up 10 hours play on the first day, 80+ in December, just under 80 in January too, and still have the COD single player campaign to play. I think maybe they made a mistake on launch with so many games being released, though having not touched my xbox since Arkham City still thinking ME3 is a good shout to pick up something, and the whole Rayman debacle just means I can pick up MH3 on Wii U and 3DS without sacrificng a wedding gift for my brother!
  15. Exactly! Was really looking forward to picking this up, guess I will save money for the monster hunter double header, but still! Also Epic Mickey sold over a million for Wii didn't it? And then Epic Mickey 2 went multiplatform and shifted 250,000 didn't it? Oh Ubisoft, please don't make the same mistake!
  16. I can't find an actual source for it, but just seen someone blurt out on ign that Rayman legends is coming to 360 and ps3 in sept, can anyone validate that? I guess it would be classed as 'interesting'... Edit: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/02/07/rayman-legends-delayed-no-longer-wii-u-exclusive?abthid=5113d76f692769cd4d00003d Nuts it is true! Must be what that chap was tweeting about!
  17. staying on this topic,do you know if there is anyway to get back into the cube-europe website and search for stories? When Miyamoto came and did that signing in London in 2003 there was a picture of me on the site effectively photo bombing a nice picture of two other lads which I have been desperately searching for! Proper long time visitor but ages to sign up type of guy, lurker in the shadows me... anyway...
  18. Following this on bbc but also on American Miiverse, seems like such a cool thing to have, missed the power cut so couldn't work out what was going on, first thing I did was check Miiverse for answers! But now I really know who did it. It was the Batman
  19. I do a heck load of travelling to and from work and am uber excited about Monster Hunter 3 because of this ability, so I really hope it's something Nintendo are looking to intergrate into their next products (if not more Wii U/3DS offerings), for me this is the future, let's hope Nintendo agree, or that MH3 does well enough to make them notice!
  20. I know he presided over the first financial loss in the companies history, but I hope that having the DS and Wii's (3DS to a lesser extent at the moment) huge success under his leadership count for something, in his own mind mainly. YOU ARE A SUCCESS SATORU!
  21. @Mokong X\-C Yeah that exact thing happened to me
  22. Haha whoops! Bit of a cock up from Renault, still be interesting to see what the specs are like and what everyone else is likely to be including too, dash of red is nice on the car actually, looks like it's a sponsor thing but works well, especially like you say with the names on the car. Still suprised Grosjean is back though, everyone deserves another chance but he was almost comical last season, I hope for his,and the others drivers, sake he is much improved as he has the ability to be a race winner in my opinion.
  23. Be good to see Jenson step up and mount a serious challenge, always frustrates me when he gets a good start to the season/puts together a few good races, and then something goes horribly wrong which neither he or the team seem able to explain. fingers crossed for plenty of wet weather races, then! ( self confessed McLaren fan would love to see him and Sergio at the top, really hope he has a good first season too!) Also on a related but Wii U note, I really thought we would have had F1 2012 on the console, surely the gamepad is PERFECT for an F1 game! (and I am sure this has been discussed many times before... ) lets hope for F1 2013.
  24. Cool, would like to say I will delete the friend request @Hero\-of\-Time, but the 3DS doesn't let me do that, so they will sit idly and untouched on my friend request list forever more...I will only add and @ people who have posted in the last few months or so, should make it easier to get people who are still using them or want to be added
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