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Everything posted by Kaepora_Gaebora

  1. I saw someone describe it as Sea of Thieves 2 and I think that's probably a fair assessment, but instead of Destiny and The Division making new games, they've just integrated it into the base game so as not to split the player base. I'm miffed that all of the new milestones for pirates and ships aren't retroactive...but I've got some friends who are new to the game which will make going back through less of a schlep. Really enjoying the war scars of battle still being on Debbie when I get back into a play session, and the sovereigns are great too I agree, makes cashing in alot easier! Overall after a few months break I'm really enjoying being back on the seas, lots to catch up on and plenty to do! As always if you ever fancy doing a duo sloop let me know ☠️
  2. What have you made of the new update so far?
  3. @Hero-of-Time I don't play it as much as I did but I tend to keep dipping in and out now and then, although with this new update its reinvigorated me! Managed to get the gold hoarder course and solo to Athena Level 20 (the pirate legend rank) which was a hell of a grind, almost sucked the life out of it but worth doing (I guess 😂) I was mainly achievement hunting so when they said they were closing down arena not long after I got into that game mode and then didn't make it clear what was happening to the achievements, it left a really bad taste in my mouth (the achievements are now locked/unattainable but still count towards the gamer score, therefore you can't complete the game achievement wise now!) Still, the good ship "Debbie McGee" has taken its first voyage on the seas this weekend so will see where the wind takes her!
  4. Alright negative nelly 😛 To be fair it's mainly used as a voice chat option or to organise a quick fire online game At the moment, it's just Glen and Mokong keeping it afloat talking Sunbreak builds and organising games etc 👍 Anyone is welcome to join, @WackerJr, but the main conversations about games etc always tend to be here, still!
  5. Very meh showing for me, most of it was "I guess I'll play it anyway if it's on Gamepass". I will say this about most Xbox showcases; they just don't understand the concept of a megaton announcement in the way Nintendo do 🤷‍♂️
  6. Started it last night...it's brilliant so far 😍 so simple yet so effective game design, and already finding it bloody difficult in places!
  7. Did you get the message from Phil in yours? I cancelled mine in the end, what with Christmas coming up and kids presents to buy, and I also thought that as I'll eventually get a Series X, I'll have a new controller with that. That's what I'm telling myself anyway despite only wanting it for collectors purposes 😢 I know it was never going to happen in a million years with licensing issues, but the one 360 game that I managed to keep after my console was stolen all those moons ago has still managed to avoid backwards compatibility. 007 Bloodstone, the true 3rd Daniel Craig Bond film 😎
  8. I mean, if they could make some weird app based system to swap saves between Wii U and 3DS on 3 Ultimate, surely this can't have been beyond them 🤷‍♂️ This game continues to be possibly my greatest disappointment in my long and storied gaming life 😂💔
  9. Pre ordered mine on Thursday...quite possibly to sit in its box on my shelf for years to come 😎😂
  10. There just has to be...HAS to be something Monster Hunter Rise related in here, G rank DLC or whatever, my NSO subscription for another year depends on it! (And at the moment the auto renew is off) Hopes are not high, but yet we can only dream
  11. Is it just me, or have 343 Industries been terrible custodians of the Halo franchise? I feel like every one since 4 has either been a let down or some catastrophic bungling has happened (here's looking at you MCC's launch and first year or so). Every time Bonnie Ross walks out on stage at a MS conference, you might as well disregard what she's about to say 😂🤦‍♂️
  12. in case anyone missed it who might be interested, or wants to watch it again like I had to 😂 I enjoy the original lore they've created themselves in SoT so my initial reaction was one of trepidation, but the more I've read up on it the more it sounds like this isn't just tagging it on, more like a proper integration. Either way new locales, enemies and Tall Tales makes this actually quite exciting. I'm sure I'll be playing it next week so you don't have to, anyway 😂☠️
  13. Most of that was generic "look we have games and sequels for me", especially RedFall...can we not end on a game that is just a cutscene that has no gameplay at all? 🤷‍♂️ Having said that, it does make me happy to be in the Xbox ecosystem to see so many "day 1 Gamepass" games, which means I'll likely try some I wouldn't have before. Being a big Sea of Thieves fan, I was abit taken aback by the Pirates stuff, wasn't sure I liked it at first! Re watched that trailer though, and it's tall tales mainly (their take on a story mode) so I'll be really intrigued to see what they do with it. By the looks of the trailer, they've been testing different elements in the "Insider" version of the game individually as new enemies or weapons, without giving the game away as to what it was all coming together for! Overall I mean it's a good showing in generic gaming terms with a few touches here and there, should at least keep existing Xbox gamers happy. And my 75 year old dad who's been asking me about Flight Simulator for the last year, at this rate he'll be getting a Series X before me 😂
  14. Aero the Acrobat on the Megadrive! I can remember pouring over the pictures of it in some old gaming magazines, I'd go to bed dreaming about playing it...and then for some unknown reason by the time my birthday came around, I didn't ask for it 🤷‍♂️ still a big regret of mine 😢
  15. A choice presented itself in front of me last night, to play either Rise or World...and I went with World 🤷‍♂️ I definitely feel that Rise has the better game play, I love the zipping around and how fluid fights feel, but the lack of substantial content (I've taken personal offence to this drop feeding of a few quests every month 😂) now I've reached a certain level has really disappointed me. Think I'm about HR80 with no desire to get to 100 to face the Valstrax or Apex Zinogre because I know at the moment after that is simply the abyss again until the end of the month. I'm lucky enough to have both options and at the moment I feel like World will better scratch my MH itch. I realise that when I properly came to World Iceborne had been released, imagine if I'd started properly at the beginning I might have had the same feelings as monsters like Deviljho and Zinogre were only added later from what I remember. I prefer the 'world' of World as well, I mean story has never been MH's strongest point but World feels abit more lived in and breathable than Rise at this point. I'm sure they'll announce something massive at E3 now that'll make me eat my words, but I want to try and the Alatreon and Fatalis bested at least before I come back to Rise 😎
  16. "And so, yet again, @nekunando has fulfilled the prophecy; destined to be cursed to a lifetime of desire, impulse, indecision and then immediate regret, only to repeat the same cycle, sometimes with the same console, months later" (KG 3:16) Madness. I mean we all knew it was coming, but still, absolute madness 🤦‍♂️😂
  17. Talked myself out of it on my dog walk, come back home and open this thread back up and will power is leaving my body 😂 My new plan is to put aside some money over the next few months ready to buy it out right, not convinced being "locked in" to it is the best idea at the moment, at least with just Game Pass I can just drop it any time... Christ I've got myself in a right pickle with this 😂 maybe I just buy Mario Golf on the 25th and be done with it 😛
  18. I know, right! 😛 Not usually like me at all either. I'll give myself a talking to tonight and try and get on with it without dithering about it 🤦‍♂️
  19. I've got pre buyers guilt; finally some All Access Series X's in stock, and now I'm talking myself out of it, convincing myself I don't need it after all...🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  20. Cheeky thread bump... With this being on Game Pass and having been watching through the Alien films (lot of love for Prometheus 🤷‍♂️) I was going to come in here and ask what people's thoughts were on it being abit, well, slow...turns out the last few posts summarise that for me I think 😂 I'm only a few hours into it, seen the Xeno once, but goodness me I'm bored. And not in a "ooh this is building up" kinda way, just bored. Crafting isn't my bag either and seems I'll need to collect blue prints to keep my head above water, plus alot of hiding already, I'm just not feeling it! Anyone who has bashed through it think it's worth sticking with? I'm sure more exciting set pieces will happen, but do the fundamentals change? I'm thinking of packing it in for Outlast 2 that's on Game Pass as well; been in a horror mood recently and had a blast going through the Resident Evil Remake with Jill and Chris, until they put the 2 remake on GP I'll see what else can satisfy my blood lust 😛
  21. If it's another drip feed again I'll feel quite let down 😢
  22. A plus side of MH making want to just dip in and out of it, is I'm very tempted to pick this up on launch! Since MG64 I've always loved these games, despite the Rush element it looks (or perhaps being advertised as) less gimmicky, so hopefully it'll be a fairly pure game of golf with the option to muck about, rush mode does look quite fun, too! It releases on my eldest son's birthday, I've got the day off and am picking him up after school so I'll have a free morning...🤷‍♂️ He's asked for 3D World and a Mario cake for his birthday, so perhaps I can justify this as another present for him 😎😛
  23. Save for the solo Advanced Quest they've added, parking this for a bit until we get a big content drop with some bigger monsters and tougher quests. I prefer to rank up and build up better sets organically, absolutely admire you lot who are farming and testing your time skills, but I've red ticked all the High Rank HR quests and my sets are so far holding up, so 🤷‍♂️ Absolutely love the game and it's great to play, just want that normal MH build up of hunts and bigger and badder monsters to go after. Hopefully May's update will be a big content drop 🤞
  24. What will you regret more; the divorce or buying the console...😛
  25. Just got online to have a look, it's a 3* low rank event quest FYI...
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