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Everything posted by Kaepora_Gaebora

  1. The end of a Monster Hunter game? What's that? 😛
  2. Almost certain I'm picking this up now, got next Monday pencilled in as a whole day playing with my brother (35 and 38, what's your point?! 🙈) Not sure I'll be on much over the weekend but will try... To other N-E'ers joining the Switch launch, anyone fancy a discord/WhatsApp group to voice chat in if we can organise some games? I'm not adverse to working out quests etc both on here or through text chat in game, but if there's a desire for it I'm happy to set it up no problems 👍
  3. I finally had a bash, got one shoted on arrival, so as much as I'd like to...I'm not sure it's worth your time! 😂🙈
  4. Might be able to jump on this evening, dust down the Lance for a bit of N-E action! Will let you know on here if I can 👍
  5. Yeah around that age Theo used to love watching me do Mario Kart time trials around Bowser's Castle, "Dragon race" he used to call it...now a year later he loves playing it himself and Smash too!
  6. My girlfriend said the same thing before he did it, of course I was like "We don't need to do thaaattt...." 🤦‍♂️
  7. Yeah I can understand that, think I got up to about 150 hours into BoTW, I loved being in that 'world', did all the shrines and side quests, got the DLC...but don't think I've had another game like that on the Switch! Incidentally my (almost) 5 year old played BoTW this weekend with me, had a muck about on my go, enjoyed the exploring a climbing, so when he asked the next morning if he could play it of course he could! Didn't realise he'd select "new game" and delete my game to start from scratch 🤦‍♂️🙈
  8. Yeah SoT is simultaneously the most relaxed and chilled game I've played (sunsets rippling on the seas etc etc) and the most stressful, you're always looking over your shoulder that someone might nab everything you've worked so hard for, ultimate risk and reward! Made me think actually literally since this time last year I've played The Division 2 solid, then Monster Hunter World, and now SoT, so I'm definitely in that category of liking to stick with a game for longer now (and by necessity it tends to be these open ended games you can keep ploughing time into), certainly until I feel 'done' with it, whatever that state might be. Save for tackling Halo 5 and Quantum Break during the first lockdown, I can't remember playing much else 🤷‍♂️ I just don't see any Nintendo games I want to spend £50 on at the moment that will keep me as engaged!
  9. Actually landed 🙈 specifically when Koopa has ordered the pizza and then near the end he gets a phone call he thinks is from someone important, only for it to be the pizza delivery guy telling him it was ready 😂🤷‍♂️ reminded me of Hot Fuzz when you over hear the Fire man's walkie talkie describing things as "like a scene out of Backdraft", I was a lone voice howling in the cinema at that 😎
  10. I thought I'd at least go fully grey before losing my mind, but I think you might be right, I was howling with laughter at some points, what's wrong with me?! 😂🙈
  11. I know! When we went to that Switch launch event together he was...7 months old, I think? Mental to think he now plays Mario Kart and Smash Bros... Also mental to think we genuinely all watched the Super Mario Bros film with our dinner last night and we all enjoyed it, and I mean ALL enjoyed, clearly my tastes are changing as I grow older 🤷‍♂️😂
  12. I was thinking about buying my eldest his own Switch for his 5th birthday this year...then I realised there wasn't much point as mine is pretty much his now anyway, only one who plays it 🤷‍♂️ I did forget to mention in my previous post about Mario Golf being on my radar, I'm now in two minds about MH Rise but I think I'll still get it, so that'll give me a reason to play it, but yeah I certainly haven't felt I've missed much. Saying that, I've never really done this before but I'm pretty much exclusively playing one game at the moment, Sea of Thieves, and very little else, to the point where I'm thinking of even cancelling game pass and just buying SoT outright and a year's Gold, which would be about half price than a year of £10.99 a month. Maybe once I'm past my desire to play that I'll find I've missed something on the Switch? At the moment, certainly doesn't feel like, I always think of myself as a "Nintendo Gamer" but at the moment that's abit of a lie 😢
  13. I just felt that entire thing was not for me at all, don't know if it's me or Nintendo but we just don't seem a good fit for each other any more 🤷‍♂️ I watched it live while playing a bit of Sea of Thieves, I was fairly meh about the whole thing and then when Aounuma popped up I stopped sailing and picked my phone up anticipation that'd I'd really need to watch what was coming next...no, no I didn't 🤦‍♂️ couldn't care less and that remake did not look HD at all. Ah well. Can't fathom the decision to make Splatoon 3 at the moment, why not keep supporting 2 instead of making that an irrelevance! Surely they could be putting time into either a classic franchise or a new IP instead of overdoing Splatoon 🤷‍♂️ I dunno, maybe it's because I didn't really see anything for me but didn't find that Direct enjoyable at all!
  14. As @Hero-of-Time suggested, the Ori games are well worth a look, wonderful titles! And as he also suggested, if you fancy sailing the Sea of Thieves I'd recommend doing the maiden voyage tutorial to see what you think of the mechanics and world and if you like it we could try and arrange another night@RedShelland @cube?
  15. I should say @RedShell and @cube if you ever see me online and I'm joinable, you're more than welcome to just join my ship and see what I'm up to ☠️ If I'm sailing with my girlfriend or friend I'll be in a maxed out party, but other than that I only ever do closed solo sailing, never join up with a random, so there will always be a space on my boat 👍
  16. Haha, thanks for capturing my impressive lunge off the ship and gliding through the water! 😎 Was good fun, enjoyed that last night, even if you did try to blow us to hell 😂 I've played this game for more hours than I care to admit and I'm learning new things all the time, I love how it doesn't hold your hand and you can learn from doing, or from other pirates, then pass the knowledge along! I'd be up for carrying on our Tall Tales or trying something different, let me know if you guys fancy another voyage across the seas ☠️
  17. @Cube @RedShell I'll be on after 9, if you want to start earlier/if you're on already then if you set up in a Brig in a closed group I'll join you when I'm on! ☠️
  18. Haha sadly they don't, purely cosmetic only those animals, cute though 😎 Oh yeah the Tome's, they are an RNG collectible, you get an achievement for each "new" one you get, and then an extra one for all 5, and there's...4 sets in total? Not sure what they do apart from achievements, though, think there's some pedestals you can put them on 🤷‍♂️
  19. Oh, haha! 😂 If you've been a Galleon sailor a Brig will be a doddle for you I imagine, pretty similar just smaller and slightly more nimble!
  20. It's all the same stuff, just in different positions, so just about getting your bearings and also the extra set of sails too ☠️ I tend to use party chat when playing with my friend, the downside of that is you can't chat to other pirates on the seas, either to make friends, plead for mercy, or give them some talk of a ...swasbuckling nature...
  21. Be lovely to have Sam involved tomorrow night, if not, and no other N-E'ers are able too, my real life friend might be about to make it up to a 4, although based on my limited experience in a Galleon a Brig would definitely be easier...🙈☠️ Just had a 'perfect' Athena run where I did the quests and traded everything in and got my emmisary flag up to 5 stars, then did the 5 star quests and got all that traded in as well, very satisfying feeling 💪 I'd agree with you @RedShell, I find it incredible still that what is a completely different set of people have managed to retain a "Rare" quality to the game, whilst still making it feel fresh. Some of the technical bugs do annoy me and pull me out of the experience somewhat, but it when it works it's a phenomenal achievement of a game, the world they've created and the lore that's now hidden in there, it's such a wonderful and rich environment, easy to get completely lost in it all! (As I have done for the past...7 months?! 🙈🤷‍♂️)
  22. That'd be great! My Xbox ID is "Stankind" and the avatar is an animated Banjo pic 👍 Yeah, now I've reached level 75 on Gold, Merchant and Souls grinding on Hunters, Reapers and trying to do the emissary levels is tough so it's nice to feel like you're getting something even if its not quite what you want. Think I'm up to level 40 already, seems fairly easy to level up with a few decent sessions. Yeah I think they have, apparently the Flameheart battle has been souped up too, made it rock hard compared to before! Trying to solo Athena voyages yesterday with the amount of skeletons they spawn (and gunpowder ones to boot) was not fun 😡
  23. How much have you played so far of it? We could do some tall tales, but it might be more fun to do some more "traditional" voyages like the X marks the spot or even the Gold Hoarders Vault quest if you're still getting used to the game? I'm happy to do whatever and pass on any knowledge I can! ☠️
  24. Tonight I can't, so probably Friday for me? I reckon it'll be about 9pm ish or so if that's ok? @RedShell @S.C.G any interest in getting involved too?
  25. I'd say potentially tomorrow night (my usual SoT team mate has first dibs on that but waiting to hear) or perhaps Friday night? Had a good couple of play sessions on this last few days (including starting my 4 days off work today with a...6 hour session 🙈) and now that things are working, I really like the Seasons/ Renown system. Feels like you get rewarded for taking the game on, you literally do get rewarded! And it also encourages you to perhaps think outside the box, do things differently or, like today where I befriended a group of three Portuguese players; drink grog in the tavern til your sick, play sea shanties for 10 minutes just because, help each other out and share all your spoils too! When you come up against toxic players it can really put a dampner on things, but sometimes, just sometimes, your faith in humanity (or perhaps the Seas, at least) is restored somewhat! I'd be up for doing Tall Tales as there's Renown and achievement objectives I need still for those, or whatever any one else fancies if we can get together ☠️
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