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Everything posted by Kaepora_Gaebora

  1. Phil Spencer has also gone on record as saying Project xcloud will be a part of game pass by the end of the year. I've mentioned this before but the Xbox All Access package (which I believe they have committed to Series X as well) could be an absolute winner; console, Game Pass, ability to stream to your mobile device for, say, £25/£30 a month over two years? Feels like Microsoft are pushing in a different direction to what the traditional model has been, for better or worse.
  2. Had a good few days on this; I've farmed Xeno'jiiva and claimed all of his armour set and upgraded it max too, I've got the power and armour charms upgraded with the bazelguese talon and while I was at it I've gone for the bazelguese Lance which has decent attack and 410 blast as well, which is something I was always fond of with the Brachy weapons. I'll tell you what this game is lacking, a proper single player experience. I don't mean this in an arrogant way (more the fact I've probably got over 1000 hours in previous game experience) but the amount of people who clearly have continually done what I initially did when I got back in to it, which is just fire the SOS flare and let others do the work is astounding. The amount of failed quests that happen, even at 8*, because people literally have no clue what the monsters patterns are etc is crazy. Fancy spending 30 minutes on a quest and not knowing that when the Teostra is about to blow up either get a shield up or get the hell out of there! Still, it may take longer but I'm having fun solo'ing monsters, deviljho has been great fun to see on the big screen in HD! Do wish I could take it portable as well, I'm hoping they add it to the Xbox Game Streaming Preview.
  3. I can see myself wanting to get one on launch...whether I will is a different story. Money plays a big part obviously, and I like to feel like I'll get a good deal; I went for the One finally after the first price drop and when it bundled with Titanfall. The fact I can continue to play all the games I am now on it is a massive plus...but also means I'm not in a massive rush to upgrade if there isn't a killer game I NEED to play on it. Having said all that, after the year I've had so far (not including Corona virus!) It'd be nice to have something to treat myself with and look forward to!
  4. Are you going to sprouts or still want to come to mine?
  5. Someone turned up to my island I think... Anyway that price is too good to ignore, can't make it myself but I'll close my island up now!
  6. I think someone else is; my girlfriend is on to get a spike tomorrow morning so I'm holding out for that/someone here perhaps instead of my own!
  7. @Goron_3 @Aneres11 And anyone else! Dodo code is 4PH7H I won't really be at my Switch but I'll keep an eye on any disconnects etc, make as many trips as you need!
  8. Might be abit after 4:30 now but when I'm on I'll @ you both, and anyone else is welcome to sell as well, as many trips as needed. Island still a dump, and no need to donate anything either, bells if you make a whopping amount but the price isn't huge so don't worry if you want to keep those pennies!
  9. Yep that's no problems, unless anyone else is desperate for them before I'll open up with a dodo code about 4:30 and anyone can jump on who wants to then 😊
  10. Ugh, 370 per turnip is my spike this week! I'm not even going to bother selling them at that price myself, if anyone wants to @ me and I'll open up this afternoon 👍
  11. Everyone who behaved in the correct manner last week is more than welcome back...😉
  12. Up to 186 this morning, once again turnip prophet suggesting I will have a large spike up to 642 this afternoon; hope it's 500 plus, will post in here if it's worth shouting about!
  13. 96 this morning, 146 this afternoon; according to Turnip Prophet I should be on for another large spike tomorrow afternoon like last week, fingers crossed!
  14. Sometimes these games just...🤦‍♂️ After beating the Xeno'jiiva, I couldn't find it on "respond to SOS" so I've been patiently waiting for it to appear on my game, wondering how people were able to respond to my SOS calls...turns out I hadn't spoken to the right person in the trade yard to update my monster list OF COURSE! Anyway, spent the last two mornings farming the beasty, all I need now are two more horns and shed load of zenny and I'll be able to make the set; gone for the B set as that seems to make gem'ing and decorating easier according to Google. I love that feeling when you feel like you start to "get" a monster, you go from being completely overwhelmed by it to knowing when to dodge, block, strike etc, wonderful!
  15. @Tales @drahkon Island open, dodo code is 9T996. Might not be "on" with Switch on the side, Able Sisters is to the left as you come in to the island, keep the wall and you can't miss it!
  16. I'll @ you when I'm opening up!
  17. I've got the million bell gold crown in my Able Sisters shop this morning; if anyone wants to grab it, let me know 😊
  18. Yeah my gut instinct was just farm Xeno'jiiva, in between doing the optional quests to build my HR rank up. Tempted by Iceborne, and a friend who is up for starting it together too...but I want to get back into the game properly before splashing that cash on it 👍
  19. Credits are rolling as we speak, I'd love to say I solo'd Xeno'jivva...but let's just say my slinger shot aim was always true from a safe distance (after getting one shotted twice 🤦‍♂️) while two other hunters went to town on it! I behaved like I remember I used to appreciate on 3 and 4 playing with randoms who clearly were under prepared; don't keep thinking you can be the hero, keep a safe distance, heal other team members and take your shots when you can, and thankfully my cowardice paid off! Against Val Hazaak I had a weird experience where I got hit by a gust of something and my life just plummeted, by the time I'd had a potion I soon ran out of life and fainted, and it all happened so quick I had no idea what had happened! @Hero-of-Time as I know you're still playing this, could you recommend a decent high rank set to see me through for awhile, anything worth going after? I'm currently using the high rank Zorah Magdaros set, with my trusty Lance by my side too!
  20. Forgot that this is on Xbox Game Pass (still seems crazy it is) so I've been chipping away again the last few days in the hopes I might actually "complete" the base game. I had a fight against Nergigante (final 7* quest I think) already lined up from last play a good few months ago, so I fired my SOS flare and allowed a couple of higher rank hunters to decimate it while I tried to remember how to run and block with my shield 🤦‍♂️ After that embarrassment I've held my own against Teostra and Kushula (?) All in multiplayer, found I'm appreciating it's differences to the 3DS/Switch game styles I've been used to 😊
  21. No problems at all! Happy to help 👍
  22. @Zell @nekunando @LazyBoy Just set up now Code is: 823G0 Don't worry about bringing anything, if you get a decent haul and can donate some bells I'll have some, but if not no worries! I'll leave it open for awhile if you need to make a few trips!
  23. I'll be on in about an hour, I'll @ you when I've set the code up!
  24. Oof, I knew I wasn't just looking at a handsome face! 😍
  25. Whoever paid off my Stone Bridge (or contributed if a few of you) too kind, thank you! Think that's you three done, going to close again now, anyone else @ me if you want to come and sell later on!
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