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Everything posted by Kaepora_Gaebora

  1. @Julius Tech Radar have a bit of a financial breakdown Here that outlines what the deals are, and the penalties; looks like two missed payments and your APR goes from 0% to about 25% and you start getting fined etc. Let's be honest, they're absolutely banking (lulz) on looking like the cheaper option, I bet the Klarna credit checks are simple as anything...and then they'll be an element of hoping people don't make the payments so they get that extra money from them!
  2. Well if you're clearly like me and just see the words FIFA then you'll be easily swept in to it, too πŸ˜› (To be fair the last football game I bought and still play is PES 2016, but the power of FIFA is still an eye catcher I guess)
  3. Yeah, absolutely is I reckon. I mused when Halo Infinite was delayed that they would somehow use Game Pass as the big selling point as there was no "tent pole". Now they've announced that EA Play is being integrated into Game Pass at no extra cost, that's another 60 and some big one's like the FIFA's etc, as someone who uses Game Pass that Series X price on All Access is amazing, I'll be tempted to go for that finances allowing.
  4. I would tell anyone that listened that my main criticism of BOTW was that the more interesting story was the one set 100 years ago...I'm absolutely thrilled with this, looks amazing! Really keen to play it, the more I've thought about 3D All Stars the less I'm interested in it...so colour me up for this!
  5. Still baffles me why they try to keep these things secret, or indeed how leaks get out (talking about the Lockhart rumour that'd been about for months, this 'reveal' was clearly controlled) If the only/main difference is the disc drive then count me in for this version. Still interested to see how all these different options are going to work for MS...
  6. I was thinking about pre ordering the physical copy, but that box and package look absolutely abysmal for a Mario collection, not a chance! I'll probably go digital, finally cash my two games for Β£84 voucher in on this and 3D World, as nothing else has tickled me for awhile on Switch. Or I blow the budget on the new Mario Kart which does look really cool!
  7. Developer Diary is coming tomorrow, described as the "Final" one, so perhaps the last of the free content updates and big event Monsters, if the rumours are to be believed it'll be a big one to go out on...
  8. @Julius @Cube I'm pretty sure they've said this is based in its own world, while the Suicide Squad game is based in the existing Arkham Universe, might be wrong on that though. Either way, this game appeals to me a lot more than the mentioned SS title, the trailer for that one just didn't really do much for me. I'm sure closer to the time and when we learn more about it I'll get excited but at the moment, this is the one I'm really looking forward to playing and getting back to the Batman Universe with!
  9. I hope there might be some sort of link between this and the Suicide Squad game, I mean it makes sense in my head but perhaps it's too much wishful thinking. Either way I'm looking forward to a new Batman game, I've loved all the Arkham Games, even Origins and Knight, so I'll be interested to see if this game is just a continuation of that style from WB Montreal or something new and different...only a few days til we know!
  10. I just wish they'd show us something, to be honest! I've put my Switch on a handful of times since losing interest in Animal Crossing after about a month, and it's frustrating having nothing to look forward to properly. The only remake I'm particularly interested in is a Star Fox Zero one (yes I know, but I love a bit of Star Fox and I really enjoyed Zero personally) apart from that, I would love to see some new reasons to get hyped for my Switch and dusting it off. I'm thankful Nintendo are riding high again after the murky Wii U times, even though I really enjoyed the games that were being put out on that and personally had a great experience with it, but in the last year I've had very little reason to play my Switch and feel that Nintendo magic!
  11. If they don't have a specific game to push the new console they need to do something...I can smell another Game Pass deal coming on, get 6 months free with a Series X or something daft like but if they don't have Halo they can't launch the console with nothing to promote it. Brave decision to not enforce a crunch and the right decision as well from a human POV, still playing the consumer friendly angle at MS!
  12. @Julius the Wii U comparison is a great one, one I hadn't pieced together myself; - plays all your previous console games -can use the controllers/peripherals that you had for your last game - unless your really clued up on your games, that name is as confusing as hell While I really love the consumer friendly approach MS seem to be going for with the Series X and Game Pass etc, I'll be interested to see if there's any similarities to how the Wii U's poor messaging impacted it's sales!
  13. 343 probably feel abit mugged off I imagine; they've slaved away for MS to make this game work on three different console specs, coming up to the end of production during the Corona crisis...and they've been slated for how the game looks and people have called their capabilities in to question. Personally I'm not fussed about graphics, I much prefer game play to keep me interested as opposed to things just looking nice. I'm intrigued by the idea of the Halo ring being open world, lots of potential for it whether it's still a 'traditional' campaign or more of a Destiny style game. I imagine this game will be like MCC in that it'll be continually updated, although hopefully not because it starts out broken. Speaking of I've re downloaded the MCC as I've never played Reach (and it wasn't on there when I originally owned MCC) to get me ready for Infinite. Being someone who isn't great at FPS multiplayer games, I'm definitely in this for the campaign.
  14. Battletoads has finally been confirmed for release in late August Kind of understand why this wasn't any where near the Xbox presentation, however stylistically I like the look of it and seems to have a sense of humour...not sure I would have bought it but as it's day and date in Game Pass I'll definitely be giving it a go.
  15. Rumours floating around that Halo Infinite's multiplayer may not be available at launch and will be added down the line... Not sure I can see that being true myself but if it is, Microsoft will probably just point you in the direction of Master Chief Collection's offering or, indeed, 5's, both on Game Pass. Just to throw and idea in to what @Julius and @Sheikah mentioned earlier, I wonder if rather than the games, perhaps Game Pass itself is becoming the live service, adding things into games as and when. I don't know, maybe just rambling thinking. More I think about it the more I feel like I'll just stick with my One S for awhile, until the first price drop happens for the Series X or if it starts at a decent price/good per month offering.
  16. Just watched the Halo Infinite video, looks like a return to classic Halo which I'll play through Game Pass regardless but doesn't completely grab me. EverWild looks like Breath of The Wild meets Destiny perhaps? Looks lovely but I'll be damned if I know what it's all about Not the most amazing of events however another great advert for Game Pass, all of them will be available on it! Starting to feel like when my free subscription is up, Β£10 a month will be well worth it. Looking forward to 'Grounded' on preview next week πŸ’ͺ
  17. Only just back in from work and haven't seen it yet, but have seen a list of all the games shown/announced... I'll still get a Series X for my next gen fix but doesn't sound like much excitement for me, EverWild I'll be keen to look at but without a release date who knows!
  18. Nintendo Direct Mini airing today at 3pm BST, a partner showcase so I presume third party, perhaps we'll hear more on FIFA 21 Legacy edition...
  19. xCloud (still hope they change that name) will become an official part of Game Pass come September. If it stays the same price that's another great selling point for the service. I've actually been playing around with Stadia abit more as my free pro subscription runs out at the end of July. Gylt is a Luigi's Mansion lite experience, Destiny 2 and The Division 2 actually run fairly well on it when next to the router...the more I've played it the more impressed I've become with it, and the tech overall. However, the service just isn't appealing enough to warrant Β£10 a month to that, as well as Game Pass (when I eventually have to start paying for that) which gets me so much more. As long as Google stick with Stadia and actually get all the features out that they advertised it could be a success, but in the mean time the official xCloud integration into Game Pass is another reason to stick with Xbox for me.
  20. Thanks @S.C.G ❀️ Yeah I'm Xbox only when it comes to MH, my girlfriend actually has it on her PS4 and I half started a new go buuuut...I'd already put enough time in to the Xbox version so just carried on with that instead! Such a shame it doesn't have cross play, would be ideal for that, to be fair it still has a good community on Xbox, probably thanks to it being on game pass, but MR still well populated too 😎 Haven't played SoT for a little bit, love dipping in and out of it so be good to try and set sail together!
  21. You wut? A weapon couldn't GET more technical than the Lance, you clearly weren't thrusting it properly... No I get what you mean, love the Lance though, tried the Switch Axe on MHG but never found it as satisfying as the Lance, being in the thick of the action!
  22. Looks like the Alatreon is coming next week, 9th July! Also some sort of streaming/announcement thing on Friday as well talking about what else is coming in the update πŸ’ͺ
  23. From Phil Spencer's quote they aren't actually "partnering" with Facebook, more helping Mixer users to transition across to Facebook Gaming. They probably blew the budget on Ninja and it still made little to no impact. It's a shame as it's great you can stream directly from the console with little to no fuss, but I guess people have to use it for it to make business sense!
  24. And now I have finally played it and completed both games this afternoon... Bloody hell, how did we ever complete these games back in the day?! There's a rewind button you can use at any point in this and, because I wanted to keep the momentum going, I used it at any given opportunity. Too many times. Far, far to many πŸ˜‚ the patience I must have had as a kid! And the final battle with Scar is still just as difficult to get the right timing on the "throw" in! Still, a great nostalgia trip and brought back some amazing child hood memories, which I had wanted to avoid while it felt like a raw nerve due to my situation. I reckon I'll try and get all the achievements, a shame they don't have one for a "no rewind button" run as that would add a bit of spice to it. And due to my girlfriend getting an Xbox One AND Switch version for me at Christmas and not returning the Xbox version, I've played on that and we'll give my eldest the Switch version as a 4th Birthday present next week, he'll probably never get past the first level but he loves the film's ☺️
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