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Everything posted by Kaepora_Gaebora

  1. Yeah, unless the end game is going to turn the game on its head, it looks like the rinse and repeat formula with an ocean setting is about as good as it'll get. I've found something quite relaxing about sailing around, but when you then have to chase after chickens in a frustrating manner...well, I won't give up on the game just yet; I did dip back in yesterday not to do any quests but just to sail around and saw a Kraken fight happening. I beached my ship watching it, tried to patch up and unwittingly crashed into another island, patched up again and by the time I'd done that...the Kraken had been bested! Not that my one man vessel would have been much use, but I'd have liked to see it up close. Game Pass will be the best and worst thing for this game; best as so many people have tried it, worst as not many will continue like they might have after paying £50 or so. The whole lack of content thing... I worry for Rare now
  2. Genuinely astounded that the HEAD OF RARE and the creative director have taken the time to make this video to go through all the issues currently effecting the game. Not sure I've seen such transparency from a developer, especially as I'm used to them burying their heads in the sand when issues like what we've seen arise. Fair play to Rare, you've won me back over! The choice headlines from it are; - At one point about 5000 people per minute were trying to get into a game - approx 1 million unique users have played the game in the first 48 hours. Wow!
  3. Please don't stop with the puns, Sam Well the book just arrived... Looks bloody beautiful and the design is really well put together too. At least that's turned out well!
  4. Yeah, if they haven't sorted it out by the weekend it could be a disaster all round for MS and more worryingly Rare. The amount of stories of people losing hundreds of chests worth of treasure and XP...it's difficult to know how they are going to fix it if it isn't all "backed up" and just waiting to be unlocked in people's games, if it's disappeared completely that'll be a nightmare. I was reading last night that apparently the roll out got sabotaged when loads of people from the West used VPN's to gain access to the New Zealand and Australia launch, so they've been playing catch up ever since. Still, surely you'd be ready for this? As you say all that beta testing and, not to be facetious, but this is the first big first party game for a long time, it's hard to know how they've buckled under the strain!
  5. Tried playing for abit this morning, my shovel disappeared from my inventory when my object was to dig up treasure chests...I'm going to let the dust settles before I play it again, maybe wait til the weekend see if any issues have been ironed out by then! Still, I'll have my book soon...
  6. Haha I know, I was in bed by the time you were on, I think! Not quite, you lose the loot that was on board but you just respawn at the ship again, same pirate you chose at the start too and you keep any XP or coins you'd already earned! Speaking of which... Worried about how Rare will come back from the start the games had. I signed up to the official forums there and the last two days it's just been negative post after negative post about how people aren't getting the xp and coins they are earning in game. It's happened to me now too; yesterday it did but I'd end up getting everything I'd earned in the next play session. However last night I did alot of gold hoarder missions, handed in a captains treasure chest too which is worth a lot, and even this morning nothing has been added. If I'd paid £50 for this I'd be livid, as it is I'm just thinking of not playing it again until its sorted out properly; personally I can deal with a few graphical glitches or things of that nature, but when I'm putting my free time into the game and I'm not getting the rewards or progression I should, that really turns me off. Ah the book, I actually tried to cancel it yesterday as it still hasn't shipped by midday; when I pressed the button to cancel I was told I couldn't as it was being prepped, and apparently it's on it way today, so we'll see! And yes got the Amazon discount
  7. Right barring the odd toilet break or tea top up I'm on from now, so message me when you're ready! And yeah if you WhatsApp then send me your number so we can do our best to communicate, see how we get on
  8. Depends what time my lad goes to sleep but potentially, any time from 8 and usually before 9 should be fine! Remember I can't chat over mic, though I can listen to you barking out orders Do you have WhatsApp or anything like that to form some Comms over? @S.C.G I'm actually popping on now but will need to stop at some point before coming back on for the rest of the evening, if you don't have WhatsApp it might be easier to message me on the Xbox as I'll see that come through
  9. Ah, I'm not sure on the invites! I get the feeling we have to start a crew at the beginning of it, or else you can't? Not sure as I've been flying solo all day, sorry I missed you earlier I'll definitely be on tonight though, what sort of time will you likely be on?
  10. Right child dropped off, kettle on, going on with voice and face and hopefully @S.C.G if you're still about, let's win the waves!
  11. No tutorial, you're literally just chucked in and off you go, so if you want to get to grips with everything please do! My boy is still fast asleep so might be on a little later than planned but I'll let you know when
  12. Also @S.C.G I can play this evening yes but without voice chat, if that's ok with you then keen to, maybe see if we can get an N-E team together! As for the first few hours... interesting. It plays like the scale test did; you're just dropped straight in with little explanation and off you go, which I do like. However the worries about little to do and repetition are definitely there already, I'll be interested to put more time into it to see. Also had some griefer do a good job of ruining it; he followed me to an island and killed me, fair enough. But when I would regenerate on my ship from the Ferry of the damned, he was waiting there to just continually kill me. I had no chests and as far as I know you don't get rewarded for just killing other pirates, so he was doing it purely to be a dick. And I told him as much before I scuttled my ship.
  13. Yeah that would probably suit me quite well...provided you can get updated and installed by then
  14. If any one did watch and it was just silence, apologies, my lad fell asleep about 40 mins into it so had to shut up quick sharp! @S.C.G I've got the afternoon to myself, hopefully a few hours at least if you're about before the nindie show case?
  15. Right, I'm going to go live with microphone now (so you'll hear the occasional calls of "THEO WHAT ARE YOU UP TO NOW?") here: I'm broadcasting on Mixer now! Check it out: https://mixer.com/Jonsense
  16. I don't know why but I still persist with Podcast Unlocked on IGN; the whole thing is a mess! I like Ryan but he can't keep a handle on anything, it always turns into rambling about a random topic from all of them. And when they do find something interesting to talk about they get mid sentence before Allanah has to make a joke, de rails it and the momentum has gone. She then clearly gets annoyed when someone either interrupts her or doesn't let her speak mid someone else sentence. They all speak over each other and clearly all think they are funnier and more important than they are. The best recent episode was when they had Craig Duncan on from Rare because Ryan and Brad actually shut up and listened to him!
  17. If anyone wants to see what the game is like and all about, I'll hopefully be streaming this today on Mixer; this morning should be with a bit of chat potentially, and then this afternoon with video as well so you can see every facial reaction to every bloody moment. Anyway, I'll post the link in here when I'm going live if anyone does
  18. No copies left in my local GAME, sell out! (To be fair they only got 4 copies of Bayonetta 2 in at launch...)
  19. Yeah I thought that when playing the demo. I know @dazzybee has been enjoying the repetition of playing it over and over and over and over and over again with his little one
  20. After enjoying @Hero-of-Time review, and telling him so but that it convinced me this game is probably not for me (not the biggest Kirby fan going) I suddenly thought just how much I'd enjoyed Super Lucky's Tale on Xbox because of many of the points Hero made... Really very tempted to pick this up now as another game I can play through quickish and still get alot out of it!
  21. Ah, fair enough; if for whatever reason you do end up splitting it into items I'd be interested in LA, if not good luck!
  22. £15 for LA Noire? Or are you looking to sell it all as a package?
  23. Surprised MS haven't tried to tie this down again; saying that I'm not sure just how well Rise did for them numbers wise, so may be it wasn't worth it. Either way, it's better for the series if it's multiplatform, hopefully do some good business in spite of the mediocre film reviews coming in...
  24. I don't know if the system is borked or not, but 35% have the collect 99,000 (or whatever amount it is)coins...so more people have done that than bothered to get past the 2nd world?! Bizzare, anyway had some time this morning, thought about ReCore...but decided to finish this off instead! Picked up all the clovers in the game and all the achievements bar the 30,000 and aforementioned 99,000 coin one, incredibly easy but pleasantly enjoyable! I am now tempted to get the DLC, tropical setting looks like it could beat the Veggie Patch world for my favourite!
  25. After 5 hours, Super Lucky is complete! Well, to the final boss, still bits and bobs to do... If I'd paid £20 for it at launch, I think I would have been miffed; what looks like the hardest achievement is just pure grinding which doesn't suit this game, so can't imagine I would have gone for that or will do. Probably would have been the perfect game to launch Game Pass with as I feel like I've got a deal out of it for a day's worth of play. Not sure I'll get the DLC, might let the dust settles first. Think next game I'll tackle is ReCore.
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