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I was just thinking- having been here for a few years (on and off) since I did work experience (long shit days, internet access = post deluge.) I've certainly got alot older, changed a fair bit over the years and generally got more and more awesome.


but here comes the important bit: Has the forum aged with me? certainly we have a few older members (see the uni thread etc) but we've also lost a fair few old C-E members and such.



I recently turned 20 but how old is the forum on average?

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21, to be 22 in February.

Thing is, I go to school with 18-19 year olds and unless I tell them, people think I'm just 18 too. I guess that's sorta a good thing, maybe. X3


Of course it is, doesn't everyone want to look younger then the actually are? (other then 16 year olds trying to get a drink in a pub). Well I'm 20, which sucks as I can no longer use the excuse of being a teenager. Interesting theory about the forum growing up as the members grow up, however as soon as someone brings up the topic of masturbation that theory soon goes to hell.

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Of course it is, doesn't everyone want to look younger then the actually are? (other then 16 year olds trying to get a drink in a pub). Well I'm 20, which sucks as I can no longer use the excuse of being a teenager. Interesting theory about the forum growing up as the members grow up, however as soon as someone brings up the topic of masturbation that theory soon goes to hell.



lol wanking.

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