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so.... What are you taking home on the 8th?


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I made the mistake of buying too many launch games for both N64 and Gamecube, so i will be staggering my purchases.


On the 8th (or earlier if my online retailer is on the ball or later if my online retailer wishes a knife in the back) I will be taking home:


One spangly Wii.

One copy of Twilight Princess

One WiiPlay (extra remote and a collection of mini games)


I may also get either Super Monkey Ball or Red Steel. And several Virtual Console titles. And already, i've too many games! Must be ruthless...

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I plan on waking up nice an early, getting ready for uni, going to GAME, buying my wii, then bringing it home and going off to uni, spending the whole day wishing I was at home instead to play it. I'm gonna be getting the Wii, TP Wii, an extra nunchuck&wiimote, and probably a classic controller too. I'm also gonna pop next door to argos and get some rechargeable batteries :D. For my VC titles there aren't many that appeal to me, only really considering Golden Axe and Gunstar Heroes at first, both great games which I played on my mates Mega Drive.

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Having read a review of Marvel Ultimate Alliance over at 4colorrebellion, I'm also considering getting that on launch too, if GAME still do their 10 day returns thing, I'll probably try it out then take it back, then buy it cheaper from play if I like it. Given what I've read about the amount of playtime in Zelda though, I don't feel like I really need more than 1 or 2 games until the new year.

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well just got a mail from the shop where i preordered my Wii. They got a message from Nintendo that they could not promise them wii's for everybody on launch day... hmmm.. seeing that im the only one that preordered at that store it would be a laugh if they didnt get any at all... and if that turns out to be the matter... you better be warned already.. I will badmouth Nintendo fo ever and ever on these forums

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Hi guys, long time lurker first time poster. Thought this thread would be a nice easy start.


Anyhow, almost straight after Play.com started taking orders, I placed my order for:


- Wii + Wii Sports

- Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess

- Super Monkey Ball : Banana Blitz

- 1 Wiimote

- 1 Nunchuck


Then, having visited the site later, I found the price of the Wiimotes had gone up from £24.99 to £28.99. When I realised I'd have to buy another Wiimote and Nunchuck for a friend, I thought I might as well spend the extra £3 and get Wii Play too.


It better all turn up on the 8th! I recieved one of the "Despite a shortage, we should fulfil your order" emails from them, so here's to hoping!

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Whoa, another new poster. Welcome. :) We've had about 10 signing up in the last 2 days. Crazy.


I'm going to be very humble on launch day. I don't really know what i will get. I've pre-ordered the Wii, but no games.


Here is what i'd like to get:


Wii (with WiiSports)



and possibly Red Steal, Monkey Ball or WiiPlay. I'm so damn confused.

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- Wii pack

- Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

- Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz

- Red Steel

- WiiPlay + Wiimote

- Madden 07

- Racing game (don't know witch one jet)

- Farcry, Call of Duty 3 or another


- 1 Classic controller

- 1 Wiimote

- 2 Nunchuckss

- Some WiiPoints

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