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The Hoff Alert - Get Hoff To Number 1!


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Don't know if you guys remember but a while ago there was a topic about getting The Hoff to number one, you entered your email and they would tell when his single was avaliable to buy, well people, that time has now come!


I just got sent an email telling me that "Jump In My Car" is now avaliable for download at iTunes and I am urging all of you to buy it, it may be a cheesy song but it's The Hoff!


I know quite a lot of you signed up for the site, so please keep your promise and buy it, it's only 79p for the one song or you can buy the EP with two just as cheesy, but quality mixes for £1.49!


Go now!

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He's a washed up creepy loser who has become a parody of himself for the sake of remaining in the public eye. Please, everyone moans about the state of music, this is no different to Bob the Builder or Mr Blobby releasing a song.

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