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OMG... Just got the game, and my hands are shaking... Wish me luck, guys.


And to all of you, enjoy your Zelda Twilight Princess games!


May Zelda live on in our hearts forever...



Yet another Zelda tin! Where is this one from? Now there are three different tins to get and a set of postcards....Oh the trouble of being a zelda collector :nono: (If anyone has any zelda tins/postcards they are interested in selling for a reasonable price please pm me)

Yet another Zelda tin! Where is this one from? Now there are three different tins to get and a set of postcards....Oh the trouble of being a zelda collector :nono: (If anyone has any zelda tins/postcards they are interested in selling for a reasonable price please pm me)


That's A Wii tin, hmmm, I wish we'd had known about these beautiful items. Nintendo should've released a special edition like Rare did with PD0, I would happily have paid an extra £10/£15 for a nice tin!

Yet another Zelda tin! Where is this one from? Now there are three different tins to get and a set of postcards....Oh the trouble of being a zelda collector :nono: (If anyone has any zelda tins/postcards they are interested in selling for a reasonable price please pm me)




You see i would sell the tin to you, but thats photoshopped.

Thus proving that the cube tin is a fake. There is only one tin. And it has an embossed logo.


Thank god it has finally arrived.


I only just booted the thing up and a shiver went down my spine , such is the joy that is new Zelda.


Just got to clear the rest of todays schedule then I can get time to absorb myself into this undoubted thing of beauty - oh yes.


(1)Gamecube Tin:-


(2)Wii Tin:-


(3)Limited Wii tin - was only given to the first 200 people buying Zelda from the HMV launch in London:-



So which ones are fake? and why would anyone bother to photoshop one :indeed:

and why would anyone bother to photoshop one :indeed:


Because they have nothing else better to do?


Anyway guys, whichever console you play Twilight Princess on, be it the ol' cube or Wii, you're all in for a treat. :)

Because they have nothing else better to do?


Anyway guys, whichever console you play Twilight Princess on, be it the ol' cube or Wii, you're all in for a treat. :)


I beat it on the Wii last night and sat in empty awe. Awe because it was awesome and empty because it's going to be at least two years before I get my hands on another Zelda adventure.


I'm gonna replay it on GameCube over Christmas, so hopefully they'll be different enough to warrent the purchase. I couldn't wait until Christmas for Twilight Princess, but getting a slightly different version on the GameCube is just as good.

I beat it on the Wii last night and sat in empty awe. Awe because it was awesome and empty because it's going to be at least two years before I get my hands on another Zelda adventure.


I'm gonna replay it on GameCube over Christmas, so hopefully they'll be different enough to warrent the purchase. I couldn't wait until Christmas for Twilight Princess, but getting a slightly different version on the GameCube is just as good.


I know how you feel mate, I have found myself going back on the Wii version just for quick spells of galloping around Hyrule Field. Although I did go back on it today and do all 50 levels of the Cave of Ordeal or whatever its called.

Because they have nothing else better to do?


Anyway guys, whichever console you play Twilight Princess on, be it the ol' cube or Wii, you're all in for a treat. :)


Plus, when people do things like this, they get talked about, and people like playing pranks on others.


At the moment, i've just started the second dungeon and i'm loving every moment. It's true about Hyrule Field being that big, didn't think it was true though.


This game so far has been worth the 3 year wait and the £30 spent on aquiring the game.


Just had a look on ebay, and i saw the GC version of Twilight Princess going for this much

At the moment, i've just started the second dungeon and i'm loving every moment. It's true about Hyrule Field being that big, didn't think it was true though.


2nd Dungeon? Hyrule Field big? Wait till you get further in the game, then you will actually see what "big" means.

How far has this dude played the game through?


If he finished it and still gave it that score, I'd like to see his example of what a higher scoring game is. I've only just done the second dungeon, and I think he's being a bit harsh with the score there.


Well I watched the 1UP show in which they all chatted about Zelda for 20 mins, and they all said they don't know where any negative reaction has come from, and what they were expecting from it if they don't think this game is amazing. I used to love Gamespot but since listening to 1up instead it all seems so amatuer.


A bit more than 8 hours in and still haven't reached the second dungeon...

Is that normal?

Anyways, what an amazing game. :)

I absolutely LOVE Midna... :D so cute and I just love her voice.

Well I watched the 1UP show in which they all chatted about Zelda for 20 mins, and they all said they don't know where any negative reaction has come from, and what they were expecting from it if they don't think this game is amazing. I used to love Gamespot but since listening to 1up instead it all seems so amatuer.


Thta's because Gamespot are anti-Nintendo and are total wankers. They wouldn't dare do anything like that with a big name 360 release. They're arseholes, especially the fat retard.

Thta's because Gamespot are anti-Nintendo and are total wankers. They wouldn't dare do anything like that with a big name 360 release. They're arseholes, especially the fat retard.
Jeff the legend who gave THPS3 a 10/10.


I'd be crawling in a hole if I ever did that.

2nd Dungeon? Hyrule Field big? Wait till you get further in the game, then you will actually see what "big" means.


OK, i thought the first bit of the field was big. Once i had lifted the Twilight from Hyrule, i couldn't believe how big the field really is. Once i've opened all entrances/exits in the field, i will enjoy this very much.


Tears in my eyes!

I've been waiting for this longer than I actually own a GameCube I think :D.


And damn, this game is big.. It took me over 30 hours before I visited every main area I think.. I'm almost at 40 hours in the game, and I just finished the ehh snowpeak ruins temple (what's it called?).


I can't believe the stuff the put in.. It borrows mostly from OoT of course, but I've seen elements from most Zelda games.. It's also so cool to see which enemies they've put in, and discover their new updated "realistic" look.. I believe they're called helmasaurs, I couldn't believe they managed to sneak those in with this artstyle!


Simply.. Amazed. Thanks Nintendo!!

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