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Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts


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That's bullshit. By the generalised response this got, its pretty clear they did something wrong. They liked the hype it had with "Banjo-Threeie" and didn't have the guts to tell us it was nothing like it, or even worse, this IS Banjo-Threeie!


Who told you it was Banjo 3? Im pretty sure Rare haven't said it is, just the fans. You hyped yourselves up, so if you're disappointed then it's your own fault.

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Guest Jordan

Holy shit. Some people.


Games change! Thats just what happens! All impressions so far have been very positive and i can't see any reason for this to be a "bad" game.


Besides... Mario 64 kicked the crap out of Banjo-Kazooie on the N64...

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Holy shit. Some people.


Games change! Thats just what happens! All impressions so far have been very positive and i can't see any reason for this to be a "bad" game.


Besides... Mario 64 kicked the crap out of Banjo-Kazooie on the N64...

It's because you think M64>BK that you can't be as passionate about this change :heh:


To emphasise a point: people are not saying this game will be bad. What they (we) have a problem with is that we were all hoping for a new generation outing of the old game, whereas this doesn't seem to have any connection to Banjo-Kazooie whatsover, except their graphical shell placed over the main character.


Let's face it, if the next Mario platforming game (emphasis on platforming, I'm not talking about Kart here or any spinoff) was more about Mario driving around in vehicles than it was about jumping and finding coins and stars, people would be pissed. Am I wrong?

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So really you're all complaining at yourselves. You're annoyed at yourselves for assuming that this game would be Banjo Kazooie 3, when in fact it probably isn't (afaik BK3 hasn't been mentioned at all).


The moral of the story? Stop speculating. You lot have built yourselves up for a fall and are now blaming it on a game that, in all honesty, looks fantastic!


Hold yourselves safe in the knowledge that BK3 probably will happen one day, and just enjoy this game for what it is!




Neither was Star Fox Adventures, but that game gets slagged off constantly. Odd really, Sunshine wasn't any better than it, yet that game gets excused constantly...


I suppose in a way it is, but RARE made no attempts to downplay the Banjo Threeie tag, especially in their "Scribes" feature where questions made regular reference to Banjo Threeie, Banjo 3, BK3 etc etc.


Also, in this interview, it is said;


Donkey Kong Universe: Gruntilda said to wait until Banjo-Threeie at the end of Tooie. Assuming Nuts & Bolts is "Banjo-Threeie", will there be an in-game explanation as to why it's not called that anymore? Furthermore, in screens and artwork we've seen Grunty "fused" to a character. Is that Dingpot?

Gregg Mayles: That is Grunty's seat. She stands in this to control her vehicles. It is Dingpot though. I'm sure we will make a comment that the name of the game is 'wrong'. Just like Kazooie bitches throughout the game that it would have been better with her old moves.


Suggesting to me that RARE do consider this to be Banjo 3, even though I would have thought most people would consider it the very definition of "spin off."


Also of interest;


Gregg Mayles: Yes, it's more like DKR than the other Banjo games


Roysten's Fishbowl: What do Banjo and Kazooie lend to the vehicle building process, considering that it was originally a separate concept?

Gregg Mayles: Good question. Not a lot.


Donkey Kong Universe: What would you say the traditional platforming/vehicle usage ratio is in the overall scope of the game?

Gregg Mayles: I knew someone would ask that! Mmm...I would say around 80% vehicles, but just a rough guess. Banjo gets in and out of the vehicles all the time, but the travelling is done in the vehicles. A lot of the tasks require Banjo to get out and either do something to the vehicles, put something in the vehicles and so on


I know it is going to be tough for people to accept that vehicles, especially the old fans, but I believe they make the old games look limited and very outdated. People are always afraid of change. But change for the better is great, which is what I believe this game to be. It's going to take time for people to get it, I know!
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Oh for fucks sake... I just don't care anymore, so it's mostly vehicles, great! at least it's something different, granted Kazooie and Tooie were decent games of their time IMO but this has the potential to be a great game of it's time too.


Rare have pissed around and been a bit hit and miss in recent years but I have faith that they will make this a decent and memorable title that many fans both old and new will enjoy when it's finally released. :heh:

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Theres no point in fighting over this game

1. we have seen very little

2. we have seen very little

3. we have seen very litte


No one should judge a game when next to nothing has been shown.. none of us know how much of the game is gonna be spent making cars/boats/planes so why speculate.


Reserve your judgement for now

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Funniest quote ever.


Roysten's Fishbowl: What do Banjo and Kazooie lend to the vehicle building process, considering that it was originally a separate concept?

Gregg Mayles: Good question. Not a lot.

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Roysten's Fishbowl: What do Banjo and Kazooie lend to the vehicle building process, considering that it was originally a separate concept?

Gregg Mayles: Good question. Not a lot. Originally we had Banjo and Kazooie placing the parts together. But it was soooooooooooooooo slow. We had to sacrifice their involvement to get the building process as fast and fluid as possible. A shame, but gameplay comes first. The building process is done 'magically' using Mumbo's Magic Wrench. It's a bit like a magic wand


Quoting the whole answer gives it a totally different meaning.

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Its serves perfectly well to prove this shouldn't be a Banjo Kazooie game.


so...by taking a perfectly good answer about the game design process for a game you have no idea about, then cutting out 90% of it, you've changed the meaning of the answer completely to make it fit to your preconceptions about the game, which you've not even seen in motion?


man, you've convinced me! Rare are teh suxxorz!

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My vote is C).


so...by taking a perfectly good answer about the game design process for a game you have no idea about, then cutting out 90% of it, you've changed the meaning of the answer completely to make it fit to your preconceptions about the game, which you've not even seen in motion?


Not to mention that the question is the wrong way round. They should have asked what the vehicle building adds to Banjo-Kazooie, not what Banjo adds to the vehicle building.

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