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You've got your Wii home, What's the first thing you do?


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I thought I'd start a nice friendly discussion (i.e. not graphics arguments!!)


So you've got back from the shops (or it's just been delivered) you've plugged it in, and now you've turned it on...


What is the first thing you're going to do?


Personally, and you can call me sad I won't cry, I'm going to create my very own Mii. Two reasons:

1) It just looks sooo cool and fun to do...

2) Also I believe its the perfect thing to help you get used to using the Wii-mote.


Your turn.

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`Rub my penis over it.

Break out Wii Play and Wii Sports with a few mates I reckon.

Sleep at 6am, then maybe play some Super Monkey Ball mini games the next night.


Might check out those Wii channels and see how much of a gimick they are and fiddle with any downloadable content available.. DS demos, Wii demos for instance.

This is all under the assumption that NintendoConnect24 will launch with the system.. I have a suspicion that Smash Bros has been delayed because Connect24 has.


It's not a wildly superior game.. new graphics, same controller.. new characters so some tweaking perhaps.

I see no god damned reason why it's being delayed besides that.

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I'm suprised how much love Wii Sports is getting.. I would have thought most people would consider them as inferior as they're a freebie.


I'm not sure how long Wii Play/Sport will last for me.. but I think it would be great fun for at least a few weeks. I imagine it will be easy to master to an extent where you get a home run every time in Baseball.. 10 pins every roll in Bowling etc..


Golf and Pool are good games for me, can't afford to do either in real life.

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After it's all set up and running (it will probably make you calibrate the controller when you first turn it on) I'm going to explore all the menus and get used to the controller then depending if my brothers home we'll either play Red Steel on co-op (if it has it) or a game of tennis.

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