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You've got your Wii home, What's the first thing you do?


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so no one is gonna invite their parents to play a round of Wii tennis? Interesting...


After dancing around for 5 minutes squealing "It's here, it's here!", I'll probably poke around in the menus, make a Mii, play a couple of games of tennis, and then my dad will come in, say "ooh...it's that Wii thing. Let's have go". So I'll probably let him make a Mii (it'll be a laugh-he's bald, so the Mii will look funny), then play a couple of rounds of tennis and maybe some bowling or boxing with him. If i get Excite Truck at launch, he'll probably want to play that as I showed him the latest montage, and he was like "oh, that looks kinda fun, a bit like an over-the-top version of Burnout (which he likes)". I then told him how you play it, using the TV remote as an example, and went all enthusiastic about it, and saying how it'll be really fun to play.


If I, by some miricale, get the Wii off play.com on launch day, I'll probably stick with Wii sports and, if I get it, Excite Truck.

I'll save Zelda for the weekend.

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please don't say that! I've preordered from there! abit of positivty!


Well we'll probably get it the day after, or a couple of days after.

From the launch to once I've got it, I wont be on the forums.

In fact, once I've got it, I probably wont be on the forums:santa:.

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For me i'm going to have to start before I leave for the midnight launch:

1)Get food and drink in my room so I never have to go to kitchen.

2)Have a shower and sleep for a few hours.

3)Go to the toliet.

4)Go to midnight launch with my friend.

5)Stare at the box and games for 10 minutes.

6)Open up Wii and give it a hug.

7)Take out Wii-mote and Nun-chuck,then open up TP and read manual once i'va calmed down

8)Set up Wii and play TP for a few hours then play RS or TC

9)Laugh at sister going to school since I get to stay off.

10)Have a little toilet break

11)More Zelda then switch games about till chinese arrives then play till my eyes bleed.

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I'll put the box in a big hole in the ground, get a can of gasoline, and pour it all over it. Then I'll light it and chant Final Fantasy songs until the fire stops and nothing's left but toxic plastic fumes and a pile of ash.


I'm gonna play it until I collapse on the ground of course :bouncy:

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I'll probably unpack it really quickly, with no respect for the manuals plug it in, slap on the av. And just sit there staring, reading every pathetic word that comes onto the screen (eg health warnings). When I get something new every little detail amazes me, so dear god I feel sorry for anyone who watches me plug this thing in.


I'll probably browse all the menus and settings before deciding to play Zelda, if I go to a midnight launch, Zelda will be the obvious game to play as it might be too late in the night to start playing crazy multiplayer games.

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I'm hoping to duplicate my gamecube experience as closely as possible. I went to Chester, persuaded my mate to buy one too, a load of us went round to mine and we set one of them up, pissed about and played multiplayer for a bit. But I didn't buy it at launch, I got it in the summer. I will be working on the 8th December, which is a bit rubbish. Can't really just take the day off either.

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- me and my housemates (4 of us) along with another friend and a mates girlfriend will all get 2 at midnight along with every half decent game and 4 controllers


- get home create mii's and play wii sports 'til we're bored and then monkey ball multiplayer likely.


People will start dropping off till a hardcore 4 of us, likely to play Marvel Alliance 4 player until we all need sleep


- Next day play around with channels, connect 24 etc Try out Zelda and more one players - Red Steel etc.


- That night same as before, loads of Wii mutliplayer craziness

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Savour the moment, then take my time setting up the Wii, checking out each and every part (well, except for the power and AV cords which will be pretty regular).


Brew a coffee, then start up the Wii. :) I'd just set up the wireless connection then make my Mii, maybe even set up the VC account. After making my Mii, I'd play Wii Sports. Then Excite Truck (if it's at launch and I buy it) and any other game(s) (a quick session of Zelda last) until my family come home.


Get them to try the Wii and hopefully have some multiplayer fun!


Then I'd play Zelda "for a couple of hours". Next thing I know, it'll be the next morning and I'll face the prospect of going to work without any sleep.

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