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I'm surprised it's filler in Naruto already, was expecting it to start after the nextarc since it's quite a big one.


I still hate the pacing of it though. Watched the Sasuke/Itachi fight to see how things were, don't really wanna go back to watching it. Manga all the way :heh:

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I thought the pacing was fine, in fact I thought it had been great ever since Jiraiya arrived at the Hidden Rain village. You can't expect it to fly by at the speed of the manga, not only because speech takes longer than reading, but because the fights would be anti-climatically short. Five or six chapters would be covered in every 20 minute slot and we'd be caught up. Anime has the edge over manga for me because it's longer each week, because of the animation quality behind the fights but most importantly the voice acting bringing it to life.


I think a lot of people only prefer the manga because it's further ahead - you want to know more so you read ahead to catch up, of course you like it more because the story has progressed further - and of course you like the anime less because you've seen it all before. But once you've caught up it doesn't matter where you're up to, it's the same weekly wait for everyone.

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I'm surprised it's filler in Naruto already, was expecting it to start after the nextarc since it's quite a big one.


I still hate the pacing of it though. Watched the Sasuke/Itachi fight to see how things were, don't really wanna go back to watching it. Manga all the way :heh:


Shadow! Were have you been? Good to "see" you again!


You're wrong though, I used to think the same, but I forced myself to stop reading the manga and the anime got loads better now. Everything seems slow when you already know hats going to happen.

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In Japan, a poll conducted by the otaku matchmaking service Otakuma reveals that four out of five of the top shows watched by female anime fans are about giant robots, while four out of five of the top shows watched by male anime fans are about little girls.


Japan sure has change it anime shows in 00's :hmm:

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I was expecting for the 8 tails to be able to fight them and eventually escape, but he completely dominated! It was such a good episode to put Sasuke in his place, but Kishimoto had to fucking ruin it at the end. Still, I believe it isn't over, we can count on the Kage to fix it.


Also, fillers.







Edited by Shino
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Isn't that the milk one?


The otaku are running the industry to the ground.


Yeah, that one.


Surprisingly, there was a lack of breast milk drinking.

Which was why I watched one episode and it still managed to be horribly bad for other things.


For example: There is a female character who is a nun and she uses her cloths to fight (pantyshots ahoy) and has cat ears.

Her name?


Edited by Mundi
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That fight was over pretty fast. I like how Sasuke got extra strength from protecting those that protected him, and that it made him think of Team 7. Pretty cheesy but cool anyway, Naruto shouldn't be the only one able to go super saiyan to protect his friends.


It got me thinking though, 143 episodes in and Naruto hasn't really had a single proper fight. He flipped out on Orochimaru and Deidera, but they barely count. He beat a fake Itachi and Kazoku with one hit each (and a miss). Sasuke on the other hand has had 4 cool, full fights. It's Naruto's turn ffs.


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That fight was over pretty fast. I like how Sasuke got extra strength from protecting those that protected him, and that it made him think of Team 7. Pretty cheesy but cool anyway, Naruto shouldn't be the only one able to go super saiyan to protect his friends.


It got me thinking though, 143 episodes in and Naruto hasn't really had a single proper fight. He flipped out on Orochimaru and Deidera, but they barely count. He beat a fake Itachi and Kazoku with one hit each (and a miss). Sasuke on the other hand has had 4 cool, full fights. It's Naruto's turn ffs.


If only the filler didn't get in the way. Which is why I was expecting the filler to begin again after the next arc since it's a big one. Nuff' said.


I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

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I haven't read Naruto for ages. Missed a couple weeks a few months back and never caught up. Maybe one day I will.


Anyways, anyone watching Durarara!!? (the exclamation marks are, I believe, part of the title, no just me being a prat.) Tis very good, or at least from the first episode it appears to be anyway.






Youths and biker gangs in Tokyo from the brains behind Baccano. S'good.

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