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This and Dante's baby poster were hilarious. That beatings thing is so spot on(i took a fair old beating as a kid).


Anyway! I do believe I have a devlopment on the TABLE TENNIS VIDEO FRONT!



I HAVE FOUND IT!!!! It's from like, one minute in this vid, though you might as well watch the whole minute before cos it's quite amusing. I've spent all morning scouring tinternets, and I finally found it from finding their names. I KNEW i remember moustaches as well lol.

I swear it's had a tiny chunk cut out of it though :(

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LOL! OMG, I'm on only the second page, and we've already had such classics as ;


BRB, throwing up


Goddamn, your girlfriend is ugly as shit, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.


Looks like she was sodomized by the ugly stick.



And after the stick was done, he smoked a cigarette while he called over his friends, borderline disfigured stick and Jesus WTF is that stick. Then borderline disfigured stick and Jesus WTF is that stick double penetrated her anally while ugly stick throat fcked her.

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The table tennis really is awesome, those guys are pretty talented but I always love it when talented people use their talents for comedy - like those old tennis players who used to make wimbledon awesome with their doubles matches - can't remember their names but distinctly remember as a kid watching one guy (he was italian I think, had a grey moustache) hit the ball high, run and jump over the net, return his own shot high, then jump over again and have an entire rally with himself while the other players just stood back in awe. Immense.


Found him, too! Mansour Barami is his name, he's incredible.

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Room 11, huh? Well, you just gotta do the right thing.

And about room 8, well, you just gotta be persistent.


well I'm on 19 now! Arg! I think 14 was the trickiest - 8 was easy, I jsut gave up too soon too many times :P


EDIT: Got the key so far! arg! Lol got the door too, woot. Each time I post on here I get a step farther...


EDIT AGAINNN: Just did 20. Credits are fun :)

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