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Mario Strikers Charged Football


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It seems the friend codes are back... for now.



Nintendo has shed more light on the online options available in Mario Strikers: Charged Football for Wii, which is due to launch here on 25th May.


Most excitingly, it will be possible for two players on a single Wii to play on the same team against two players on another Wii connected to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection network. "So [we] could team up on our office Wii and play you and Kristan on your Eurogamer Wii," a Nintendo UK spokesperson explained.


The game will use the usual Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection "Friend code" system, and will also offer random matches. These will be region-locked though, so you won't ever be randomly paired with an opponent in Australia, for example.


However, you will be able to play against gamers in other regions if you have their friend code, meaning that there won't be anything to stop you smacking the Aussies around when the game arrives on 25th May if you already know them. The game launches in PAL regions first though, so don't get your hopes up about the Yanks just yet.


For more on Mario Strikers: Charged Football, be sure to flick through our detailed PAL release date announcement story from earlier in the week. And Nintendo? We'll see you online on the 25th.



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Guest Jordan

The situation with this game reminds me of the Another Code/Kirby Canvas Curse (power paintbrush) thing all over again.


A game is put into one territory, see how well it sells then give it to the other.

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Guest Jordan


Anyone know how well the Cube version did in terms of sales?


Not great apparently...

Back end of the 'Cube's life. Not to mention how shallow it apparently was.

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Loving the cover, although the retitling is a bit annoying, I mean isn't it something to do with them making sure people knew what it was? I mean Strikers and a football/soccer ball on the cover is surely enough of a signal?!


Loving the art style of the cover...

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Don't turn this into thread into "Oh my god, I must input few numbers and can't shout obscenities into mic" bitching. There is far more suitable threads for that.


Erm I wasn't bitching about any of that. I was just stating the fact that Nintendo aren't providing a service which is up to todays standards. That's the truth is it not. PC gaming is free and look what you can get with that. I related it to this thread in particular as it's the launch for the service as far as I can see.


Don't talk about the online mode of a game in it's official thread? :confused:


Thank you.

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I agree with teppo, that comment was a bitch about Nintendos online plans and not a comment on the games online plans. How is this not an online experience? It is for me. but then I'm part oif the old guard that actually likes playing against friends ion the same room, where the banter means something! I'm not saying I wouldnt want Nintendo to make a much better online service, but to say it has no online experience is just pure bitching!


PS The game will be awesome I'm sure, can't wait!

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I'll probably get this just to play against people on here. Hopefully the online system will be ok.


EEEEDDDDDIIIITTTT: Just realised that there is a post at the top of the screen saying we're back (well, still at...) friend codes. Friend codes as in my Wii number? Or yet another one? If it's another one then I'm not getting it, since I don't play Mario Kart online because of it being annoyed to start matches.

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I don't see why people won't buy it because they don't like online. There's also single player and offline multiplayer like there was with the GC version and it was a very fun game. In fact, it's pretty obvious Nintendo isn't focusing on the online.

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