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Sonic And The Secret Rings


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I expect it will be a solid 6/10 game that will actually be quite entertaining. Automatically will be one of the best 3D sonic games of all time.


While you're at it want to predict this weeks lotto numbers, I'm a bit short on cash.

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hehe then you'll argue that its helping to kill off the Wii


Nah it will be good actually, Wii needs more variety from OTHER publishers. But this will probably not perform as well as Sonic The Hedgehog sales wise despite it being a terrible game which is a real shame. Societies standards have lowered in general, they lap up inferior games, music and movies and this current gen Sonic battle will be no different. A ratio of 3 to 1 i'm predicting in favor of Sonic The Hedgehog sales wise that is, not review score wise.

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I bet Raging Nintendo Fanboys would go beserk, especially the ones who think Smash Bros is now un-pure because Brawl has 3rd party characters in it.


If the game was developed by Nintendo though I'd be all for it, I love cross-over games.

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I bet Raging Nintendo Fanboys would go beserk, especially the ones who think Smash Bros is now un-pure because Brawl has 3rd party characters in it.


If the game was developed by Nintendo though I'd be all for it, I love cross-over games.


I'm glad third party characters are in Super Smash Bros Brawl and i'd like to see more. Currently BARE minimum I expect the game to feature Sonic and Megaman as well as Snake, but I wouldn't mind having 50 characters in the game, 10 of them being from third party franchises.

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Looks to me like this game is up in the air. Might prove to be the 3d sonic that should have come out years ago. Then again, if it's made by sonic team chances are it will be a pile of crap. Looks to much like an "on rails" game to me, but, given the fact that all other methods of 3d sonic games have failed this does have a chance.

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I bet Raging Nintendo Fanboys would go beserk, especially the ones who think Smash Bros is now un-pure because Brawl has 3rd party characters in it.


If the game was developed by Nintendo though I'd be all for it, I love cross-over games.


Yeah I'm glad its happening to, you'll get hardcore megaman fans etc.. who simply have to buy the game just to see him in action and as result Nintendo sell another console so all good!

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Yeah I'm glad its happening to, you'll get hardcore megaman fans etc.. who simply have to buy the game just to see him in action and as result Nintendo sell another console so all good!


Sonic deserves to be in Smash Bros. His presence on Nintendo machines since Sega became a third party has been top notch. Such support should be rewarded.


Fuck anyone who doesn't want to keep it pure. More the merrier.

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I'm really looking forward to this game, but like a few others am I bit worried also - it doesn't 'look' like you have much control over sonic and with the camera angles being so wild (but pretty) then how accurate is that control?! It could be ana amazing proper Sonic 3D, or it could be a game you watch more than play - here's hoping for the former!

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To me, it seems like they're truely trying to make the first 'traditional' Sonic title, but in 3D.


What I mean is, they're not trying to adapt the series to make it playable through 3D. Think about the old Super Mario games. 2D platform game. Not that much different to Sonic games at all.


However, when it came to 3D, the series itself changed. Instead of making your way from one side of the level to the other, in one direction, you could change which way you walked, etc. I believe they tried to achieve this with the Sonic series, but one thing held it back.


The Speed. Sonic has always been about the speed. Compare the old Sonic and Mario games together, and Sonic runs like lightning. It isn't easy to try and recreate that 2D feeling in 3D. Camera troubles come into play.


I think we were given too much control over Sonic. Lets face it, in the classic Sonic games, we didn't give a crap about exploring, we just wanted to get from point A to point B as fast as we could. Multiple routes were also possible, however, but the pace of the game is slowed down the moment sonic stops to look around at his whereabouts.


With this game, its sorta like you're watching the old 2D games but through a 3D perspective. Difference is, you can now move left or right. IMO, THIS is the way to get the perfect Sonic experience. We don't need to explore, we don't really need weapons, or even a story. It's about the speed. Pure adreneline.

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To me, it seems like they're truely trying to make the first 'traditional' Sonic title, but in 3D.


What I mean is, they're not trying to adapt the series to make it playable through 3D. Think about the old Super Mario games. 2D platform game. Not that much different to Sonic games at all.


However, when it came to 3D, the series itself changed. Instead of making your way from one side of the level to the other, in one direction, you could change which way you walked, etc. I believe they tried to achieve this with the Sonic series, but one thing held it back.


The Speed. Sonic has always been about the speed. Compare the old Sonic and Mario games together, and Sonic runs like lightning. It isn't easy to try and recreate that 2D feeling in 3D. Camera troubles come into play.


I think we were given too much control over Sonic. Lets face it, in the classic Sonic games, we didn't give a crap about exploring, we just wanted to get from point A to point B as fast as we could. Multiple routes were also possible, however, but the pace of the game is slowed down the moment sonic stops to look around at his whereabouts.


With this game, its sorta like you're watching the old 2D games but through a 3D perspective. Difference is, you can now move left or right. IMO, THIS is the way to get the perfect Sonic experience. We don't need to explore, we don't really need weapons, or even a story. It's about the speed. Pure adreneline.


Bang on, good man.

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To me, it seems like they're truely trying to make the first 'traditional' Sonic title, but in 3D.


What I mean is, they're not trying to adapt the series to make it playable through 3D. Think about the old Super Mario games. 2D platform game. Not that much different to Sonic games at all.


However, when it came to 3D, the series itself changed. Instead of making your way from one side of the level to the other, in one direction, you could change which way you walked, etc. I believe they tried to achieve this with the Sonic series, but one thing held it back.


The Speed. Sonic has always been about the speed. Compare the old Sonic and Mario games together, and Sonic runs like lightning. It isn't easy to try and recreate that 2D feeling in 3D. Camera troubles come into play.


I think we were given too much control over Sonic. Lets face it, in the classic Sonic games, we didn't give a crap about exploring, we just wanted to get from point A to point B as fast as we could. Multiple routes were also possible, however, but the pace of the game is slowed down the moment sonic stops to look around at his whereabouts.


With this game, its sorta like you're watching the old 2D games but through a 3D perspective. Difference is, you can now move left or right. IMO, THIS is the way to get the perfect Sonic experience. We don't need to explore, we don't really need weapons, or even a story. It's about the speed. Pure adreneline.


Spot on!


Trailer looks good, fingers crossed the game will be.


I'm also worried about how much control we'll actually have over Sonic but should be fine.


Having said that does anyone feel the levels look a bit dead? Like no bad guys around? The 2D Sonics were all about enemies all over the place.

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