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I've Got Too Much To Talk About


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So here's the new challenge. Answer these questions three as honestly as you like. I was going to do some more questions but I kinda couldn't be botehred.


instead... The next poster adds a further question and answers it as well as teh previous ones. If you've already posted and want to answer a new question then DO, so long as you post another question.


What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

I passed out twice last night. MAYBE THREE TIMES.

When was the last time you were embarassed?

Wait.. Should the above have gone in here? Last time I was embarassed was.. two days ago. Unfortunately I am too scared to share it. Feel free to share yours though.

Do you have an ambition in life?

To have at least two kids, a border collie dog, a ford escort. Also to watch as many movies as I can.


OK! I hope this works and doesn't become too much work. Get groovy.

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Passed my English Textual Analysis NAB today :D

When was the last time you were embarassed?

Can't remember, most likely due to someone saying, "Look, Charlie, there's Iona!" when she's right next to me.

Do you have an ambition in life?

Not yet, will do someday though.


New question...


What are you listening to right now? (no changing song quickly if it's an embarrassing one please :heh: )

Oasis - Lyla

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Narrowly avoided a pretty major incident on one of the rides at work due to having a keen eye.

When was the last time you were embarassed?

Last Saturday night at a party, i'd really rather not relive it.

Do you have an ambition in life?

To raise my own family and to have my own kickass theme park.

What are you listening to right now?

Franz Ferdinand - Do You Want To


New question:


What was the last DVD you bought?

Gladiator - Special Edition

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

A drawing in art, only a small head but it looked great

When was the last time you were embarassed?

Yesterday or Wednesday, whenever we had Graphics. Our teacher was showing us ceramic fruit and I though I broke the leaf off but he was like "nah it comes off see" and just felt silly

Do you have an ambition in life?

Write/make something that gets onto TV

What are you listening to right now?

Drive Shaft - You All Everybody

What was the last DVD you bought?

Veroncia Mars


New Question:


Quote of the day?

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

learning my parents never to give up


When was the last time you were embarassed?

In some meeting everyone suddenly started talking about a night in brussles i apparently got drunk and was 'da pig'. Tomatoes fear my redness


Do you have an ambition in life?

World domination. Seriously. Or more realistically, be leader of my own huge mulinational, or whatever big company. Or become a director. And sleep with 1000 beatiful women.


What are you listening to right now?

AniMix (60 minutes of '90s dancehits with anime footage slapped on it)


What was the last DVD you bought?

Jacky Brown and From dusk till dawn (bought them together)


EDIT damn you ashley!


Quote of the day

Annelore there's coming saps out of your vagina

Might sound childish, but you just had to be there in good 'ol chemistry. Especially when we pointed out the teacher was standing in a puddle of vaginal saps...


New question


What do you want people to remember you for?

Either the fact i tried to kill millions of people in some insane world dominating conquest or inventer of eternal life.

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Outsmarted one of my tutors to the point where the other members of my group started a mutiny.

When was the last time you were embarassed?

I'm shameless.

Do you have an ambition in life?

To open a fish restaurant and be able to provide the people I care about with whatever they need.

What are you listening to right now?

My sister moaning over my shoulder.

What was the last DVD you bought?

Monty Python's Life of Brian.

What do you want people to remember you for?

DOn't know, but when they do, I want them to shudder, and anyone who mentioned me will get scornful looks.

What's your favourite sport?



New Question...


What's your poison?





Edit: woops, didn't read the first post, bare with me.

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Passed my purple belt in kickboxing


When was the last time you were embarassed?

Can't remember, I tend to laugh at myself rather than get embarassed


Do you have an ambition in life?

Get a decent job designing clothes.


What are you listening to right now?

The sounds of Fifa 06, which is what my boyfriends playing.


What was the last DVD you bought?

Frasier series 3


What do you want people to remember you for?

eing remembered in general would be nice.


What's your favourite sport?


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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

i painted a self-portrait this week that i'm incredibly proud of.


When was the last time you were embarassed?

when i was out this week i told one of my friends that i wasn't turned on by lesbians, turned out two lesbians were next to us at the bar, and for about ten minutes i was digging myself out of a hole convincing them that i'm not homophobic.


Do you have an ambition in life?

to own 100 acres of land.


What are you listening to right now?

Kate Bush - The Big Sky


What was the last DVD you bought?

Family Guy season 3


Quote of the day

wotchoo talkin bout willis?


What do you want people to remember you for?

being a great artist.


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

i'd try and make people more tolerant of each other.

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?


When was the last time you were embarassed?



Do you have an ambition in life?



What are you listening to right now?

Brand New - Okay, I Believe you But My Tommy Gun Don't


What was the last DVD you bought?

Humm... Unforgiven?


Quote of the day

"Think about it, a bird has a head the size of.. of my nose. If I picked my nose and flicked it, the bogey would probably carry twice as much intelligence and half the disease as a pigeon."


What do you want people to remember you for?

For being myself?


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thign about the world, what would it be?

iMake Brighton beaches that little bit more comfy.


What's your poison

My friend Jeddah.. Grrz2ha!


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

Waiting. WHICH I am!


(hope there's no new posts...)

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Sending my UCAS form off today.

When was the last time you were embarassed?

Not too sure, not recently.


Do you have an ambition in life?

Have a wife and kids and a comfortable job.


What are you listening to right now?

Lamar Vannoy - The Bouncing Souls.


What was the last DVD you bought?

Napoleon Dynamite.


Quote of the day

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction."

- Blaise Pascal (thanks Google)


What do you want people to remember you for?

A alright guy.


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thign about the world, what would it be?

Destroy corporate greed.


What's your poison



What SHOULD you be doing right now?

Nothing, im bored, as usual




What do you want to do as a job eventually?

A doctor.

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

passing my national diploma in IT practitioners woot


When was the last time you were embarassed?

when am i ever not embarrased lol


Do you have an ambition in life?

better job


What are you listening to right now?

wow - snow patrol


What was the last DVD you bought?



Quote of the day

why women are better than men......We'll never discover we've been duped by a wonderbra


What do you want people to remember you for?

clever hopefully


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thign about the world, what would it be?

get rid of all firearms


What's your poison

malibu on the rocks


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

bugger all :P




What do you want to do as a job eventually?

meh dunno :P






where do you see yourself in 10 years?

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Probably doing better than most of the class at some peice of English homework


When was the last time you were embarassed?

Oh, I'm too ashamed to say


Do you have an ambition in life?

Go to university and get a decent job


What are you listening to right now?

REM- Leaving New York


What was the last DVD you bought?

The Italian Job


Quote of the day

"Ayyyyyyyy" (The Fonz)


What do you want people to remember you for?

For being really intelligent


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thign about the world, what would it be?

No Top-up fees for students


What's your poison?

Beer, or scrumpy


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

Nowt, really



What do you want to do as a job eventually?

Psycologist, or forensic scientist. I don't know, to be honest



where do you see yourself in 10 years?

The future?




Favourite Bob Marley song?


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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Updated Woosel all on my own.


When was the last time you were embarassed?

I really don't know.


Do you have an ambition in life?

Not really. Just to find contentment and the "thing" I'm supposed to do. I'd also like to beat Moria at Halo 2.


What are you listening to right now?

The Green Green Grass in the background.


What was the last DVD you bought?

Seed of Chucky


Quote of the day



What do you want people to remember you for?

For being me.


Favourite Sport?

Football. International Football.


If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

Less misery.


What's your poison

Korean children TALKING, in Korean no less.


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

Playing Halo 2.



What do you want to do as a job eventually?

Something that doesn't suck.



where do you see yourself in 10 years?

The future. It isn't too good.


Favourite Bob Marley song?

No idea.


and of course...

Favourite Movie?


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edit - only unanswered questions in this post, it's clogging up too much page space


What's your poison

white wine


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

cleaning my house



What do you want to do as a job eventually?




where do you see yourself in 10 years?



Favourite Bob Marley song?

redemption song


Favourite Movie?

y tu mama tambien


favourite food?

dairy milk chocolate

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Made someone who i really hate at school cry, without hitting him!


When was the last time you were embarassed?

Yesterday, for reasons unmetionable.


Do you have an ambition in life?

To see Nintendo become no. 1 again.(I know it's sad)


What are you listening to right now?

The Killers: Hot Fuss


What was the last DVD you bought?

Sin City


Quote of the day?

"I fell down the stairs, so that's why i stayed at home yesterday." From my friend Jack.


What do you want people to remember you for?

Being Funny.


Favourite Sport?

Foxy Boxing


If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

If someone is called Max they can face the death penalty.


What's your poison?

I'm 13 for God's sake, so SCOTCH!


What SHOULD you be doing right now?



What do you want to do as a job eventually?

Something that pays a lot.



where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Rich and Famous.


Favourite Bob Marley song?

I don't know who that is...


Favourite Movie?

Care Bears


Favourite Food?

Kinder Beuna


Favourite game?

Ocarina of Time

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Favourite Sport?

hard to pick one, none interests me. I'll go for basketball, only one I'm good at.


If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

humanity's dependance on materialistic and shiny things


What's your poison?

Crisps, pc, b00ze, mayonaise


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

Laying in the gutter, completely wasted and naked all for the sake of proving i'm ALIVE AND KICKING ASS


What do you want to do as a job eventually?

the dreamer in me says: director, the realist says: dunno



where do you see yourself in 10 years?

dead or in some mental home.


Favourite Bob Marley song?

don't listen to him


Favourite Movie?

I'll name one: American Beauty


Favourite Food?



Favourite game?

pfffff, hard one. I'll go for OOT



person you'd like to kill?

Jack thompson, just to prove how ironic a death can be


What where you doing before you checked this thread?


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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

found my way to my first lecture at uni :P

When was the last time you were embarassed?

i dont do embarresed i just laugh it off :) lifes too short to be embarresed


Do you have an ambition in life?

to make decent money by not doing a lot


What are you listening to right now?

Do it again - nada Surf


What was the last DVD you bought?

BASEketball! effing rocks


Quote of the day?

yea i like cheese too :)

What do you want people to remember you for?

Not being an idiot


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

My A level grades


What's your poison?

John Smiths


What SHOULD you be doing right now?



What do you want to do as a job eventually?



where do you see yourself in 10 years?

with a wife and maybe a child just being a family


Favourite Bob Marley song?

I shot the sheriff - same :)


Favourite Movie?

Shawshank Redemption


Favourite Food?

i like all food


Favourite game?

Command and Conquer Renegade


Person you'd like to kill?

My brother

What where you doing before you checked this thread?

shotties :)


Your Ideal Weekend

Carling Weekend =) leeds fest ruled!

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

got paid today and i earned every penny, im very proud of that


When was the last time you were embarassed?

i dont know or im just not gonna tell you


Do you have an ambition in life?

to earn loads of moolah, get a wife, have kids and carry on the family name


What are you listening to right now?

Bloc Party - Like Eating Glass


What was the last DVD you bought?

Sin City


Quote of the day?

thank you please


What do you want people to remember you for?

being me!


Favourite Sport?

Football of course! there are other sports ?


If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

evil women who break my heart to like not break my heart....


What's your poison?

any beer!!


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

i should be in bed or like still out...


What do you want to do as a job eventually?

probably the same as i do now or to be queen....whatever


where do you see yourself in 10 years?

still here posting at the forums


Favourite Bob Marley song?

no woman no cry if he sang that


Favourite Movie?

no other than all of the star wars saga


Favourite Food?

teh Chicken!


Favourite game?

Zelda OOT


Person you'd like to kill?

Osama bin bag man laiden


What where you doing before you checked this thread?

banning a member


Your Ideal Weekend

going away with mates getting wasted all weekend


new question:


Whats your house number/name ?

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Getting a First in one of my units last year at uni


When was the last time you were embarassed?

Tuesday night, many things; getting pareletic, running round calling everyone Pedro, nearly starting a fight for reasons i cant remember, spending far to much money during the night, coming home and passing out on my bed only to wake up in order to throw up all over my bed and then later on to throw up in my towel. All in all a good night Wednesday was horrible however.


Do you have an ambition in life?

At the moment im focused on salvaging my degree so I end up with a semi decent one.


What are you listening to right now?

Nothing right at this minute.


What was the last DVD you bought?

bought Casino and Bubba Ho-Tep in HMV earlier today


Quote of the day?

Oh, no. We squashed a beetle.


What do you want people to remember you for?

Erm I dont care if im remembered or not so long as I had fun


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

peace and love man


What's your poison?

Carlsberg is my beer of choice and Jack Daniels is my spirit of choice


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

Probably sleeping


What do you want to do as a job eventually?

something that I can get lots of money by doing nothing


where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Being awesome somewere


Favourite Bob Marley song?



Favourite Movie?



Favourite Food?

Cant beat a nice steak


Favourite game?

Championship Manager 1-4 (5 can foad)


Person you'd like to kill?

nobody pacifist fo lyfe


What where you doing before you checked this thread?

watching Buffalo soldiers


Your Ideal Weekend

One were I do as little as possible


Whats your house number/name ?



New question:


favourite album

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Fixed my car all by my self! had to fit a brand ne alternator


When was the last time you were embarassed?

cant really remember this! must be ages ago!


Do you have an ambition in life?

To live for as long as possible, see as much as the world as i can!


What are you listening to right now?

Kanye west - Gold digger


What was the last DVD you bought?



Quote of the day?

Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!


What do you want people to remember you for?

being a a good friend


Favourite Sport?

Motor sports


If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

Have to agree with platty : "evil women who break my heart to like not break my heart...."


What's your poison?

anything that tastes good!


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

sleeping as i have alot todo 2morrow


What do you want to do as a job eventually?

Like to continue in my current job but will would like to get into AV installs.


where do you see yourself in 10 years?

living in the same place and still meetingmy mates at the pub on a sunday.


Favourite Bob Marley song?

Get up, Stand up F


Favourite Movie?

The Matrix


Favourite Food?



Favourite game?

Zelda Wind waker


Person you'd like to kill?



What where you doing before you checked this thread?

Chatting to platty on msn


Your Ideal Weekend

going away with mates, and having a good time!


Whats your house number/name ?




Favourite album:

Standing on the Shoulders of Gaints


New one:


Best classic cartoon show?

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Getting a job


When was the last time you were embarassed?

Ermm im not sure :hmm:


Do you have an ambition in life?

To stay alive


What are you listening to right now?

Foo Fighters - Live In Skin


What was the last DVD you bought?

Blame It On The Bell Boy


Quote of the day?

wooooof wooooof whhhhhyyyyyy booooorrrreeeeddd dddiiiiieeee heeelllpppppp nooooooo ahhhhhhhh woof


What do you want people to remember you for?

Mass muder involving a tin of coke


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

Get rid of goverments and live in forests, dressed only in daisy petals


What's your poison?

whiskey :D


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

sleeping but meh its for the weak


What do you want to do as a job eventually?

be so rich i dont have to work


where do you see yourself in 10 years?

6 feet under :p


Favourite Bob Marley song?

no woman no cry or something like that


Favourite Movie?

Empire Strikes Back


Favourite Food?



Favourite game?



Person you'd like to kill?



What where you doing before you checked this thread?

Burning cds


Your Ideal Weekend

spending it somewhere nice with Karen


Whats your house number/name ?



Favourite album:

Nirvana - Bleach


Best classic cartoon show?

Top Cat


New one:


Whats your shoe size?

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

No idea.


When was the last time you were embarassed?

Not sure.


Do you have an ambition in life?

Settle down with my girlfriend.


What are you listening to right now?

A3 - "Woke Up This Morning" (Theme from The Sopranos).


What was the last DVD you bought?

Meet Joe Dirt.


Quote of the day?

"Some people poke fun and that's all right but when I start poking back they get all uptight" - Kid Rock.


What do you want people to remember you for?

Dressing like an American.


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

I'd have put forward the release date of Tiger Woods 2006 on the Xbox to this weekend.


What's your poison?



What SHOULD you be doing right now?

Sleeping. It's my b'day, I had a late night Hot Tub Ranking last night yet I got up at half eight on a Saturday morning.


What do you want to do as a job eventually?

Still don't really know. But running a gaming café would probably be fun. There'd be a huge plasma screen TV on the wall which would just loop TMNT - The Movie all day.


where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Working a steady job somewhere, married, with my lady friend working from home writing.



Favourite Bob Marley song?

Not really a fan of his.


Favourite Movie?

TMNT, The Goonies.


Favourite Food?

Pepperoni pizza, or banana split.


Favourite game?

TMNT the arcade game, Halo 2 or SMB 3.


Person you'd like to kill?

There's no one I'd "like to kill".


What where you doing before you checked this thread?

Taking a leak.


Your Ideal Weekend

Just hanging out with the little lady really.


Whats your house number/name ?




Favourite album:

Hmm... too many. Currently though it's probably DJ Format's "Music For The Mature B-Boy".


Best classic cartoon show?

Again, a lot of possibles.. The Transformers, Ulysses 31, Jayce And The Wheeled Warriors were all excellent. But there's many more I love.


What's your shoe size? 14


New question...


What's your first name?

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Passing all my AS exams


When was the last time you were embarassed?

Yesterday, when I flicked a bit of bread down some random girls trousers.


Do you have an ambition in life?

I dunno really. I just want to go to uni and be successful really. Kind of lame.


What are you listening to right now?

Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off - Panic! At the Disco


What was the last DVD you bought?

Short Circuit 2


Quote of the day?

"Do you believe in love at first site? If not, do you want me to walk past again" - Quagmire from Family Guy


What do you want people to remember you for?

My failed attempts of humour


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

My jobless situation.


What's your poison?

Fish and seafood.. lame. Can't stand it.


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

I have no plans. So I should be doing something.


What do you want to do as a job eventually?

Something in the games industry.


where do you see yourself in 10 years?

10 years older, probably just as poor and lonely.. Humour aside, I hope to be well off, and be in a good relationship.



Favourite Bob Marley song?

No clue. Don't really like Bob Marley


Favourite Movie?

Short Circuit 2, that films rocks.


Favourite Food?

Fried English breakfast, yum!


Favourite game?

Probably Wind Waker.


Person you'd like to kill?

Probably wouldn't have the guts to kill someone, but for pure humour, I'd kill Chris Evans.


What where you doing before you checked this thread?

Trying to find my AS grade slip so I can start filling in my UCAS thingies.


Your Ideal Weekend

Going to an Arsenal match, then buying loads of cool stuff. I dunno, randomness is always good.


Whats your house number/name ?




Favourite album:

Edward the Great - Iron Maiden


Best classic cartoon show?

Toughie, Thundercats, The Real Ghostbusters, Ducktales, Tale Spin and Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers are all too good.


What's your shoe size?



What's your first name?



New question


Who is better out of Chesney Hawkes, Pat Sharp and David Hasselhoff?

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

Not really much recently. The last thing I was really really proud of was my GCSE results.


When was the last time you were embarassed?

I don't really know.


Do you have an ambition in life?

Be rich, very rich.


What are you listening to right now?

John Legend - Used To Love U


What was the last DVD you bought?



Quote of the day?

"I'm a brick" Raplh from the Simpsons


What do you want people to remember you for?

Being funny.


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

I would stop girls being so damn hard to understand.


What's your poison?

Haha nothing.


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

Anything I want.


What do you want to do as a job eventually?



where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Finished uni, having a good job and to have moved out of my parents' house.



Favourite Bob Marley song?



Favourite Movie?



Favourite Food?



Favourite game?

Resident Evil 4.


Person you'd like to kill?

I'd like to go back in time and kill the god damn people who invented cricket.


What where you doing before you checked this thread?

Eating breakfast.


Your Ideal Weekend

Chilling out, watch a movie and play a game of football.


Whats your house number/name ?



Favourite album:

Nas - Illmatic


Best classic cartoon show?

Fairly Odd Parents


What's your shoe size?



What's your first name?



Who is better out of Chesney Hawkes, Pat Sharp and David Hasselhoff?

Do you even have to ask? Hasselhoff of course!


New Question

What's your favourite program on TV at the moment?

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What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

A little cartoon self-portrait that I thought was on the whole both representative and amusing.


When was the last time you were embarassed?

I quipped to a particularly loathsome teacher (clad in what can only be described as a sheathe of blue tinsel): "I didn't know it was Christmas". I realised soon afterward that she was a figure of authority and thus I am a bad and damnable person.


Do you have an ambition in life?



What are you listening to right now?

The err and hum of a portly computer tower.


What was the last DVD you bought?



Quote of the day?

"URRRRRR" - CVD through his Xbox Live headset. When questioned, it was revealed that he was watching wrestling, nothing more.


What do you want people to remember you for?

Art and laughter.


Favourite Sport?



If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

I would get rid of all the meanies like Guy Hodge.


What's your poison?

Southern Comfort and Lemonade.


What SHOULD you be doing right now?

Either, one, living up to the gamer stereotype I portray, or two, something to do with university or essays (a mere irrelevance!)


What do you want to do as a job eventually?

Marvel, or perhaps Dreamworks. I'm not fussy.


where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Atop the great pyramids.


Favourite Bob Marley song?

Electric Avenue?


Favourite Movie?

Independence Day!


Favourite Food?

Egg fried rice.


Favourite game?

I would say Ocarina of Time, but that would be a little cliched, so I'll go with Ocarina of Time.


Person you'd like to kill?

A few miscreants who would desecrate my Shark & George backpack in years gone by.


What where you doing before you checked this thread?

I was reading a feature in BBC Focus about the lost city of Atlantis.


Your Ideal Weekend

Good food, good company and good times.


Whats your house number/name ?



Favourite album:

Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway


Best classic cartoon show?

Those pesky Turtles, or that pesky Bananaman, or Spiderman, or Bucky O' Hare, or the Street Sharks, or the Biker Mice from Mars.


What's your shoe size?



What's your first name?



Who is better out of Chesney Hawkes, Pat Sharp and David Hasselhoff?



What's your favourite program on TV at the moment?



New Question:


Readers, what's your word of the day?

un·pro·pi·tious Audio pronunciation of "unpropitious" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (npr-pshs)



Unfavorable; inauspicious: arrived at an unpropitious moment.

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