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I knew I'd forgotten someone. I've only read that collection of robot stories though. I think it might have been called I, Robot. It wasn't like the film though.


From what i remember, the I, Robot film is based around the book, but quite loosely. Was there more than one I, Robot book?

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I love almost anything that's Sci-Fi:


I like everything about Star Trek: TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT (Season 4 is great) but I never saw TAS :(


Star Wars is also truly great and the new Battlestar Galactica even surpasses everything except TNG Star Trek wise.


I also love the book Do Androids dream of electric sheep - Blade Runner and read the book Starship Troopers as well as watching the film (there's only one!!!11 I refuse to accept anything else) and enjoyed both to bits even though they are quite different.


Stargate SG1 and Atlantis are also very entertaining although I enjoy Atlantis more because it feels fresh. SG1 kind of runs out of ideas.


I even watch Andromeda, it has a certain awesome crapness to it.

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Isaac Asimov. Any fans?

I haven't read anything by him, but if you're a fan should read Ghostwritten by David Mitchell, for the Asimov parodies at the end. (I'm also pushing it because it's one of my favourite books) Okay, so it isn't all sci-fi, but some parts have that feel.

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The book name you are looking for is Robot Dreams. I Robot is the culmination of a lot of these stories into a narrative + tocken Will-Smith-playing-himself black guy. Dr. Calvin is in most if not all of the stories too.


I am a big Sci-Fi fan because it has allowed people to enter an area of philosophy with some amount of ease. Admittedly, there is a lot of crap that gets flung around but dramatically it is very versatile. Essentially it is the literature/tv/movie equivalent of modern art as it sheds the rules of reality and so many different scenarios can exist. I'm not saying that dramatic abstraction hasn't happened before, it is frequent in plays (The Room byt Harold Pinter anyone?) but Sci-Fi allows this to be much more accessible as it doesn't feel abstract because you have characters that represent things. You can build up situations, themes and atmospheres with characters talking and interacting together that are hard to do in often confusing and surreal dialogue withing plays.


I like the more philosophical Sci-Fi. I think that Doctor Who has been fantastic and I am really glad that it has come back but it's films like the Matrix sequels that get me angry. The first film set a beautiful premise: packed with philosophy which lead you to ask yourself questions; beautifully shot; awesome soundtrack; an open ending that felt complete but left you wanting. So much from this one film has been ripped off by other movie maker, which is just an indication of how good it really was. But why did the next 2 not work? Fairly easily answered really. Instead of going through the artistic and creative process again, they simply copied their pattern from the 1st one. They didn't not ask themselves all of the questions again but just rehashed the formula. Do you think someone just said, "yeah lets stick a RATM tack at the end, that'll rock"? No they said that that kind of track will work well dramatically here and picked it out especially. Did they do the same for the next ones? No, they said "we did it in the last film and that worked, so lets do it again". And this is reflected in every pixel of movie 2 and 3. They weren't Sci-Fi, they were action sequels of the kind that should have been banned after the 80s.




On the other hand I thought that the Animatrix was almost better than the original film.

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On the other hand I thought that the Animatrix was almost better than the original film.

Out of those, I watched The Second Renaissance, which was really cool in how it showed all the harvesting and the initial battles between the humans and machines.

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No Cowboy Bebop love from anyone here? Also Blade Runner and Alien. Ridley Scott is a bitching director. Also Xfiles.

ALSO: The Last Starfighter and Batteries Not Included. Gawd, I adore those films.


PS. Does Back to the Future count?

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No Cowboy Bebop love from anyone here? Also Blade Runner and Alien. Ridley Scott is a bitching director. Also Xfiles.

ALSO: The Last Starfighter and Batteries Not Included. Gawd, I adore those films.


PS. Does Back to the Future count?

Cowboy Bebop's alright, but I prefer Samurai Champloo.

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No Cowboy Bebop love from anyone here? Also Blade Runner and Alien. Ridley Scott is a bitching director. Also Xfiles.

ALSO: The Last Starfighter and Batteries Not Included. Gawd, I adore those films.


PS. Does Back to the Future count?



Beebop is a very cool sci fi. the style is so much fun with the cool ass jazzy soundtrack and all that. unfortunatly, the movie has an utterly terrible plot; the badguy just makes no sense whatsoever. If he ever did it was lost in translation.


BTTF however. that's one of the greatest achievements of human civilisation.

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The last two season of Enterprise were great, especially the fourth one but I was really disappointed by the last episode - a holodeck, come on that's like saying Enterprise is all history and entertainment for the next generation.


I see your point definantly, but the way I look at it is that it wasn't just the end of Enterprise it was the culmination of the past 18 years of Trek being controlled by Berman and Braga. I've know doubt it will return to TV, but not for a while.


At the end of the day Enterprise was lucky to get a fourth season, even then it was allowed to finish it, remeber quantam leap being cancelled immediately?


It was a vitim of the network changing, the guys that loved the franchise left and they started buying crap. They even canceled smackdown. The fact that enterprise had over 90% syndication showed it was a popular show.

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