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Self explanitory.


For Me the game that angers me incomparibly is Street Fighter 2 turbo. When I'm doing badly It makes me want to kill, when im doing well, it's my fave game.


Others would be GTA for it's mind numbing boringness.


Oh and super mario bros 2. I don't know what it is about that game, but I hate it, and boy do I hate it good.


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Ninja gaiden (xbox) every time I try playing it I end up turing it off in fustration.

The camera is one thing but the overall dificulty of this game is crazy.


Fire Emblem, Trauma centre, Ninja Gaiden, Viewtiful Joe and F-Zero GX are the main ones. I'm sure anyone who has played these games will have similar feelings aboout them.


Fucking Ninja Gaiden, it's just so brutal.


And Shadow of the Colossus, I get caught in the moment and start yelling at the game, taunting it, e.g.:


"You're taller than a hundred feet and you can't even take down one puny little kid. Ha! I owned you!"


RPGs as well because sometimes i get stuck for weeks and lose my temper.


And finally Counter Strike, I hate it when I do really badly.


Aye, I agree with Viewtiful J and Ninja Gaiden, those were some brutally annoying games, although very fun most of the time. I don't get why people find F-Zero GX hard though, I always thought it was a very balanced game.


Edit: Metroid Prime: Hunters. Holy shit, I've never come across a shooter that makes me this furious. Can anyone actually beat the level 3 bots? Another thing that annoyed me was that there were no satisfying weapons. Wheres the machine gun? the shotgun??! Surely you cannot have an FPS without a shotgun??!!


Well CSS is an obvious one. I don't get mad at it if I'm doing bad. Only if someone snipes me with an awp or autosniper...


megaman games on the NES made me angry.

  Bogbas said:
Well CSS is an obvious one. I don't get mad at it if I'm doing bad. Only if someone snipes me with an awp or autosniper...


megaman games on the NES made me angry.


CSS makes me more angry than any other game. I can just sit there and get frustrated over something stupid, like a n00b with the bomb, a team wound or kill. Frustrating when you're getting killed by someone you should easily beat.


Metroid Prime.

Been playing for ages, progressed really far and everything, just about to go to a save station and then BLAGHHHHHHHHHHHH I die. "mission failed"


Generally fighting games make me very angry or when a game feels unbalanced. Incredibly easy and then all of a sudden extremely hard and bad or fixed camera perspectives annoy the hell out of me, especially in PC ports of console games.

I also got totally angry fighting the bosses in Tomb Raider Legend. I mean except for the last boss I didn't need more than two or three tries to kill them but they made me angry because of their character or... I don't know.

And why did they have to shoot such stupid lightbeams, I'd prefer them using guns too.


Mario Sunshine and Metroid prime made me angry enough to sell the games quickly. But I think I get even more angry seeing sucky games based on rappers or other celebrities.


From what I have experienced the frustration in CSS comes from the fact that you don't respawn. In Quake or ET that doesn't matter show much as you will get back into the game in max 30 secs. In CSS you might have to wait for few minutes. And get killed in the first 20s of the next round. And again you're waiting for a minute or so...


I always hated/sucked at SMB3. Yeah. I'm probably retarded.

Also, rythm games. Donkey Konga in particular. When I do a song anything but 100% perfect I get an urge to stab someone with my bongos.

Quick edit: Doesn't apply to Guitar Hero for some reason, I love that. I detest DDR like the plague though.


Trauma centre: i should never become a surgeon, if i end up acting like i do when i play the game, which is get pissed of when something goes wrong, and stab the patient to death.


Gah, when games get ridiculously hard, like Resident Evil 4 on Professional when the cage comes down and you're stuck with the massive iron claw in there.

Now this wouldn't be so bad but you also those bastard archers on the outside who snipe you right in the head if you stay still for more than a few seconds.

This coupled with about 4 regular grunts in the cage who swarm around and strangle you at every oppurtunity results in mass death and mass anger.


However, I think this frustation and anger is someway a good thing as when you finally do the task then the elation and satisfaction is almost tangible.


Amplitude on PS2 annoys me. I'm currently doing it on Insane (Hardest) and I know I can do it. But somehow something just happens and I don't complete the song.


Also, LMA Manager 2006. In the European Cup I beat Real Madrid 3-0 at Bernabeu. One week later I play to bottom-of-the-table Blackburn Rovers with exactly the same players and tactics at home. And I lose 2-0. I wasn't having it, the bastards injured Lukas Podolski and John Terry and they were both sidelined for 2 months. I reset it, I wasn't having that.

Guest Stefkov

Pro Evo, Going against some 2 star team, they're so amazingly shit, i underestimate them, and i get stressed cos they do some shitty arse tacke and get it, I can beat them by loads but they anooyed the hell out of me.

Also Brain Traiing when ive memorised 7x8 befor ei do it, then i come up to it and get it wrong, which makes me really mad.

Pac-pix really annoyed me, when i played it. not sure what but it did.


oh don't get me startede... Brain age.. when I have to draw.. almost everyone of my drawings is just a dot og a slash.. jaysus.. and my favorite hate thing in any game ever.. trying to kill those dual wielding chainsaw things with Leon in the mercenaries.. I have done it.. but just needed 1000 more points or so to get 5 stars.. the game now rests peacefully behind a large piece of furniture that im not going to move any day soon.. if I had failed just one more time I think my gamecube would have sailed out the window


CSS, because the only way to be good at it is to be lucky, because the bullets don't go where the crosshairs show, and the hitboxes are fubar.

Give me CoD2 any day...


One game has made me so angry I threw my chair at the door. That game was Midnight Club 2 on the Xbox. It was the last Paris race and god it's so annoying, so frustrating! I still have the hole in the door from the damage from it.


I used to hate the orginal Tomb raider -the one level that really made me mad was "St Francis Folly" It required you to open a door with 4 locks on it. But the level design was evil-one false step and lara fell to her death.


Ninja Gaiden. In the beggining it was a good kind of hard. The it just got cheap and ridiculous. FU Itakagi! Also VJ in the hardest mode and some F-Zero GX races and missions.


Can I ask what CSS is?


Annoying games, Metroid Hunters... Ive not played this in ages. Ive not had any anger from the one player game - but Ive barely played it at all. What it was was one night I actually had the chance to play online, no one that Ive added in Animal Crossing were on so I played Hunters. Some random totally murdered me relentlessly, I couldnt see him. He took me out in one shot. I was rippin and didnt know what to do to rectify the situation and win.

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