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Your current "I need to get back to" List

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Eternal Darkness as i never got ANYWHERE with it. Metroid Prime 2 for the same reason, Metroid Prime 1 due to uberl33tness, and F-Zero GX because i got stuck on the story mode :| and Starfox adventures because i only completed it twice, and by law i must complete all Rare games that i own at least twice (which means playing Kameo again :D yay)

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Guest Stefkov

my list

metroid dont know i played it then as i was playing it said sdata file corrupted and i hadnt saved it for ages because there are onyl a few save points, so i couldnt be bothered going back.

Harvest moon a wonderful life. ive loved harvest moon for ages, but this went to slow and didnt ffeel like the harvest moon i loved.

still havnt collected all the trophies on smash bros but that will be unlikely to do

bad boys 2. will never go back to that, thank god it was my mums money that bought it..

mario sunshine... i rented it got 70+ stars then had to give t back, tok me anothe 2/3 years to buy it, but then i just sstopped playing it, i think i might go back to it sometime.

thats it

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I have a few games that need playing, but not that many that i play for a while, and then just toss tot eh side when a new one comes out, because i just end up buying games and not playing them as i just get them when they are at good prices weather i need them or not. Having said that, i do have a few titles i need to go back and complete:




Halo 2 (if i can be bothered, 1 player doesn't exactly captivate me)

COD2 (been playing on veteran, stopped playing it because of oblivion, and now i can't even do it on veteran now!)

Majora's Mask (i keep playing through it, and then losing interest - probably will never get completed as i have to many games to play!)

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Did anyone ever complete pikmin 2? Some of those later underground caves (in the Wistful wild level) were insanely hard. I remember losing 70 pikmin in 1 cave and only came out with half the treasure.

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Did anyone ever complete pikmin 2? Some of those later underground caves (in the Wistful wild level) were insanely hard. I remember losing 70 pikmin in 1 cave and only came out with half the treasure.


*Raises Hand*


Took me a while but I beat it getting all the parts and getting a pink flower on all the challenges.

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Did anyone ever complete pikmin 2? Some of those later underground caves (in the Wistful wild level) were insanely hard. I remember losing 70 pikmin in 1 cave and only came out with half the treasure.


I finished the debt, but the last couple of caves are insane. I stormed through it until I tried the last couple of caves and the difficulty shoots up suddenly. Once I got the debt paid off I couldn't be bothered to carry on. Having played both I now actually think the original is a better game. Pikmin 2 has many plus points over the first but i think that the first was a nicer game to play.

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Having played both I now actually think the original is a better game. Pikmin 2 has many plus points over the first but i think that the first was a nicer game to play.


Finally someone else prefers the first one :smile:


I actually found Pikmin 2 really easy, the caves were difficult at times but you just go back up and grow some more pikmin. There was no need to get it right first time.

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I've got a lot of games to go back too, but the first one in the list now is Baten Kaitos 2 I guess; I stopped with 22 hours or so of game a little into second disc, the thing is... I'm stuck because I can't level up without going to a church and I don't have strenght to beat that boss (Giacomo) I have to start over... I plan on finishing this one before Baten Kaitos Origins comes out though.


other games I started but never finished... Luigi's Mansion (close to the end I guess), metroid prime 2... and there's a whole load of other games waiting... I hardly played some of them.

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I've got a lot of games to go back too, but the first one in the list now is Baten Kaitos 2 I guess; I stopped with 22 hours or so of game a little into second disc, the thing is... I'm stuck because I can't level up without going to a church and I don't have strenght to beat that boss (Giacomo) I have to start over... I plan on finishing this one before Baten Kaitos Origins comes out though.


You talking about the bit on his ship, because if so i'm stuck on exactly the same part as well.

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I have 66 Gamecube games, most of which i have completed but some im like meh cant be arsed or have just simply got stuck. Plus there are others like FIFA which you cant really complete unless you play it for years and are more for multiplayer fun.


These are the ones i havent finished and probably wont:


Beyond Good & Evil (found it tedious)

Call of Duty 2: Big red one (currently playing this so prob will finish it)

Eternal Darkness (got stuck)

Goldeneye: Rogue Agent (never got into it)

Hitman 2 (got stuck)

Resident Evil (hate it, controls are rubbish, saving is rubbish, meh)

R:racing (rubbish game)

Star Wars jedi knight II: Jedi Outcast (got stuck)

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (hate it)

Tony Hawks 4 (never really bothered with it)

True Crime: Streets of LA (started playing but for some reason never went back)

XIII (havent really played much at all for some reason)

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I keep trying to play Resident Evil. I really hate it, yet I really want to love it. I just get nowhere with the puzzles and stuff, wandering around not knowing what to do, and it's not exactly a game where you want to wander around for too long. Trying it with a walkthrough, which is pointless really since it completely ruins the atmosphere. I love Resi 4 though, just got stuck on 3-1 and have only recently rebought it.


Also with Viewtiful Joe, does anyone else find it really repetitive? I do like it, but i can't play it for too long as I get really bored, of just going along, dodge attack, slow down, then attack 3-4 enemies, time after time.


I've finished my other 5 Gamecube games :-( Need to play Grandia II on Dreamcast though. And Ocarina of Time.

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I need to go back to Pokémon Colosseum so I can complete it and get those missing Pokémon to R/S/FR/LG. The game is fun until you find that having to catch several shadow Pokémon in a row is completely crap and drags out, not to mention that catch rates seems to be very low in this game. You can't seem to catch anything without Noctowl around.

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It's lucky Dabookerman hasn't found this thread, you'd all be accused of being casual gamers for not completing your games :heh:


There are several I haven't got around to completing for various reasons:


Metroid Prime

Metroid Echoes

Battalion Wars

Resident Evil 4

Eternal Darkness

Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes


Paper Mario 2

Viewtiful Joe


Maybe i'll go through them again one day, but I doubt it.

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Is anyone like me where you hear from someone that a particular game is good which makes you want to complete it, but it just seems like a chore, rather than being fun?


I'm like that with loads and loads of games. Metroid Prime and Resident Evil are the worst ones. I'm not a big fan of sitting there all tense for long periods of time when I'm meant to be having a laugh playing a game. That's why enjoy Super Monkey Ball, Zelda, Shenmue etc.


I find so many games really boring but because someone has said it's a great game I think, ahhh I should get into this.

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Completed Viewtiful Joe 2 yesterday so there's one off of my list.

Great game, difficult ending...but Viewtiful Joe wouldn't be Viewtiful Joe without bloody hard final bosses eh?

Still, it wasn't as hard as Fire Leo :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me think.


F-Zero [i want to complete all the difficulties in GP mode - NOT easy.]

Pokemon Colluseum [Actually, I don't think this game will ever touch my Gamecube's disc drive again. Shame it's such an appauling game really.]

RE4 [i'm on the island I think. It's just one of those things I never got back in to.]

Paper Mario [i'm on the very last boss, but I only have two items, and I can't seem to get out of the fooking castle, arrrrgh!!]

Tales of Symphonia [i want to complete it again, that's how awesome it is.]

MP and MP2.


And probably some other games, too, that I've forgotten. However, today I bought 4 games for £20 from Gamestation:


Viewtiful Joe

Starfox Adventures

Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow



So I have more to add to my list :P

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These are the ones i havent finished and probably wont:


Beyond Good & Evil (found it tedious)

Hitman 2 (got stuck)

Resident Evil (hate it, controls are rubbish, saving is rubbish, meh)

Tony Hawks 4 (never really bothered with it)

XIII (havent really played much at all for some reason)


No way, really? Those were some of the games that have given me the most enjoyment from my Cube. Although, I have to agree with you on Hitman 2 and XIII, I got very stuck on those two, and then just sat down and said, right, I'm finishing this game, and it wasn't that hard from then on, Developers generally tend to panic and put in an insanely difficult part about 80% of the way through to prevent you from completing the game too quickly.

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