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Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


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Fire Emblem are one of those games that hold there value because they are highly rated but they don't sell massively in the West.


If you really want it so bad buy it for £30 before you can't find it anymore. I think even second hand you can expect to pay over £20, so why wait? it's not going to be put on sale.

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I hear the gameboy versions are better than the gc though? or are they just different a la batallion wars?


Id say the game is slightly more enjoyable on the GBA. Fire Emblem has very repetetive battle sequences. The GBA will get you through them quicker and with no load times

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Ahh! I didnt even realize that option existed. Do the battles play out on the map then? This compels me to give the game another go


Thats precisely how it happens. I turned them off after a few chapters and only re-activated them from time to time if there was a new character I wanted to see in action or a boss on the go... ie Black Knight the scum.


Give the game another go Pit, you cant turn away from it :shakehead

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  • 2 months later...

At last, news and screenies of this are showing up.


Ill be getting it on launch unless theres some cataclysmic imbalance in the Force come release. As much as I'd like it to be Game o' The Year '07, Twilight Princess will overlap into the 2007 timeframe for me and well, Mario Galaxy.


I sure hope that this game sells like it should over here. I cannae wait! :bouncy:

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